Largest Insects in the World

Based on overall length, including extensions like horns, antennae, etc.
The Top Ten
1 Phryganistria Chinensis Zhao (Phryganistria Chinensis)
2 Praying Mantis (Mantodea) The praying mantis is an insect known for its distinctive posture of holding its front legs in a manner that resembles a prayer. It belongs to the Mantidae family and is characterized by its elongated body, triangular head, and large compound eyes. Praying mantises are skilled predators, often waiting patiently for their prey to come within striking distance. They possess specialized front legs that are equipped with spines and sharp hooks to grasp and hold onto their prey securely. Praying mantises primarily feed on insects and occasionally small vertebrates. Their exceptional camouflage helps them blend into their surroundings, making them effective ambush predators.
3 Macrodontia Cervicornis (Macrodontia Cervicornis)
4 Hercules Beetle (Dynastes Hercules)
5 Titan Beetle (Titanus Giganteus)
6 Actaeon Beetle (Megasoma Actaeon)
7 Atlas Beetle (Chalcosoma Atlas)
8 Elephant Beetle (Megasoma Elephas)
9 Giant Water Bug (Belostomatidae)
10 Goliath Beetle (Goliathus)