Top 10 Best 2016 Candidates for US President
It looks like it's going to be Hillary as I'm writing this on 4/27/16. Frankly, if you were a Sanders supporter, you have every reason to get behind Hillary and absolutely none to get behind any of the Republicans.
I took the "I side with" test where you are asked about thirty questions on income equality, climate change, same-sex issues, and other issues of the day. Then you are shown which candidate you agree with most often. I agreed with Bernie on 95 percent of the issues. I agreed with Hillary on 95 percent of the issues, and Jill Stein on 87 percent. After that, it was like I fell off a cliff. Next was Trump with 31 percent. That is the difference we're looking at, folks.
I talked to a friend of mine who is a Bernie supporter, and she said she had the same results. You want Citizens United overturned? Trump isn't going to appoint anyone to the Supreme Court who feels that way. Will Hillary? Well, of the four people who voted against it in the first place, two were appointed by her husband and another by her former boss. That kind of says yes, doesn't it?
It's up to Bernie to stay in the race if he wants, and there is no doubt he has added a lot to the dialogue. I am mostly glad he entered. There have been rough spots, but I think the two camps can coordinate together. Bernie is a proud and committed man, and I respect that. Hillary doesn't need to adopt all his ideas, but she certainly should listen to him and his followers, and I think she already has been.
Trump was railing against Obama on Wednesday morning because ten U.S. sailors were being detained by the Iranian government after accidentally sailing into their waters. He was saying Obama is weak on leadership and no one respects us.
As Trump was speaking, the sailors were on their way back to the United States since Secretary of State Kerry had called the Iranians and secured the sailors' release. So, in this case, Trump not only had weird orange hair but also egg on his face.
The US is building the wall, and Mexico is helping to fund it! He wants to stop illegal immigration!
There will obviously be a gate for legal immigration, but seriously, in all aspects, Donald Trump is at least funny, and he's honest.
Apparently, no one on this website watches the debates, or she would certainly be rated ahead of Biden, who isn't even running, or Trump, who is an utter loose cannon.
I would rate her ahead of Sanders as well because while I hear all the right things from Bernie, what I don't hear are solutions. His solution to the Flint, Michigan, water crisis is for the governor of Michigan to resign. I agree that Governor Snyder should resign, but then your governor is his lieutenant governor who is probably just as conservative and unlikely to help.
Bernie is a very likable and honest man with great ideas, and I would surely vote for him over anyone in the Republican clown car. But Hillary gets things done and is my first choice.
Besides being an actually sane choice for president, he's the only current candidate in the Republican GOP who isn't completely out of his mind.
It doesn't hurt that he has a good sense of humor and doesn't viciously attack the opposition of Republican values. I'd vote for Bernie, but his plans are too expensive, and he hasn't really mentioned any concrete way of fixing the national debt.
If anyone still doesn't know, John Kasich unfortunately dropped out. What a bummer. I'm a liberal and I actually would have thought John Kasich would have been a much better presidential candidate than Donald Trump.
How could anyone want to vote for Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton? Bernie Sanders believes in socialism, which will completely destroy our economy, and Hillary Clinton will literally be the next Barack Obama.
I really like Donald Trump and Marco Rubio, but most of my political views match up with Ted Cruz's policies. People say he's way too extreme, but they probably haven't even met Bernie or Hillary. Ted Cruz 2016!
I would just like to clarify that when I made my comment about the number two candidate having no chance of getting the nomination, Carson was rated second. I think Trump will be the Republican nominee. I don't see how they can avoid it, much as they'd like to.
Here is the best description of a conservative.
Conservatives love their country. They believe in self-responsibility and the philosophy that hard work will benefit you in life. They believe in a strong national defense and will remain loyal to their country whether it is right or wrong. They stick to what the Constitution says, and they support morality and simple traditional American values.
And here is the best description of a liberal.
Liberals, too, love their country, but they believe that a strong central government is beneficial to one's life. They believe that foreigners are good for the economy and they support equality and civil rights. Fairness is one of the most important issues to liberals. They support ethics and they support change, progress, and moving forward.
So, what did you think of my descriptions of a liberal and a conservative?
One of the best neurosurgeons in the world, and by far the most intelligent US President ever.
Of course! Only an intelligent person could be such a successful neurosurgeon.
Libertarian Republican. A guy that cares about Americans' rights. Not like that lying Hillary Clinton.
He will balance the budget, cut taxes for every American, repeal Obamacare 100%, stop NSA spying on Americans, end Common Core, and more! YOU can help America by voting for him here and in real life.
I feel like he might not be the best president, but if you invited him to the party, he'd be the bomb.
He didn't even run for president, but if he did, he'd win by a landslide.
His record as a Senator and VP proves that he was full of accomplishment and great ideas - not malarkey.
He was better than Hillary, but not Bernie. I would've supported him if Bernie didn't run.
I liked him while he was in. I hope we hear from him in the future.
You know somebody is a good choice when the other side tries extra hard to make him look bad.
I live in Louisiana where this guy was governor. Trust me! You do NOT want him in office.
He managed to destroy a very good college plan that we had down here for students to go to school without being hassled by loans, and it worked for a long time. But Jindal screwed it up by poorly managing state money and forcing universities to cut majors, sometimes even entire departments, as a result of his lack of fiscal responsibility.
America, please do not ever let this man become a major player in a presidential race.
His problems don't end with his face. He champions cutting education and busting unions, but such actions do have consequences.
For several years, Wisconsin has ranked second in SAT testing scores. Last year's tests were the first fully affected by the cuts Walker made to education, and Wisconsin's score fell to ninth - from the bottom! That's right, their scores fell all the way from 2nd to 41st! Walker has also been badly outdone by Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton as far as attracting jobs.
It's no wonder that while he was the darling of the Koch brothers and all he had to do was make the lay-up, Walker never caught on and eventually had to drop out of the presidential race.
Jeb only had TWO votes before he was kicked out, I'm not even lying. His only two votes were himself and his wife's. Pretty sad.
Jeb Bush: Hey, Honey.
Jeb's Wife: Yes, Dear?
Jeb Bush: Everyone is apparently smart enough to realize how bad of a candidate I am. Can you vote for me?
Jeb's Wife: Sure, because I have no brain.
He is a good guy. People are only not voting for Jeb because he is part of the Bush family.
If he became president, he'd pass on the tradition of invading the Middle East for no reason.
Thank you for your entry, Mrs. Perry.