Top 10 Worst Canadian Prime Ministers

Sure, Canada might be famous for its pristine wilderness, exceptional healthcare, and an uncanny politeness of its citizens, but that doesn't mean it's immune to political blunders. And, boy, do we have a compilation that highlights exactly that.

You’ve been invited to weigh in on a slightly different kind of question: Who are the worst Canadian Prime Ministers? Now, this isn't a rundown of folks who didn't leave their respective offices with sky-high approval ratings or those who just ruffled some feathers. We're going beyond the veneer of politics, peering into the annals of Canadian history, to highlight Prime Ministers whose leadership, decisions, and actions - or lack thereof - left many of their compatriots shaking their heads in despair or frustration. Those leaders who, despite their best intentions, or perhaps because of their worst ones, found themselves in the unfortunate situation of steering the ship of state off course, or into the occasional iceberg.

But hey, before you start rolling your eyes or muttering about the unfairness of it all, let us clarify - this is not about character assassination or scoring cheap political points. This is about genuine historical perspective and public sentiment, about lessons learned, and about shedding light on those moments when Canada's highest office was occupied by someone who, let's just say, didn't quite rise to the occasion.
The Top Ten
Justin Trudeau With Justin Trudeau, the criticisms are multifold. His tenure saw a few ethical breaches that tarnished his reputation, not least among them being the SNC-Lavalin scandal. Additionally, his inability to balance environmental and economic interests was a constant source of public dissatisfaction.

Nearly a decade has now passed with Justin Trudeau as Prime Minister of Canada, and his track record is one of failure and hardship for the working-class civilians who have received no benefit from this incompetent government. Rather, every aspect of civilians' lives has become more difficult, dangerous, and expensive, and these realities are now daily life for citizens.

Canadians must now realize they are governed by an unqualified regime of radical socialist ideologists that have ravaged their standard of living with debt, censorship, loss of freedoms, and the destruction of social services like healthcare. Corruption is unprecedented, as billions and billions of taxpayer dollars are funneled into foreign countries and corporations while elected Liberals, including Justin Trudeau, become millionaires.

This government possesses two particularly telling statistical records: (1) Trudeau's regime has increased the Canadian federal debt by more than all previous governments in Canadian history combined, and (2) Justin Trudeau's government has perpetrated more corruption scandals and schemes than all previous Canadian governments in history combined. These factual realities speak volumes about the agenda and priorities of this unethical and immoral regime of self-serving political elites.

Pierre Elliott Trudeau Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Justin's father, faced significant critiques. His implementation of the War Measures Act during the October Crisis was viewed by many as a severe infringement on civil liberties. Moreover, his handling of economic issues led to high inflation and unemployment rates.

Another Quebec politician that ran up staggering debt, divided the country, abused his power, and shamed Canada on the global stage. He hampered the western provinces while benefiting from their resources and gave multiple preferential treatments to Quebec on regulatory, corruption, and even climate policy issues.

It took over 30 years for subsequent governments to recover from this leader's failures. Sadly, the apathetic Canadian electorate has repeated this mistake by electing another leader who is completely incompetent and proven to be corrupt.

Jean Chrétien Jean Chrétien's tenure was marred by the Sponsorship Scandal, one of the most significant political scandals in Canadian history. He also faced backlash for his refusal to participate in the Iraq War, which led to a diplomatic rift with the United States.

Very corrupt and did well for himself, his riding, and Quebec. Thank goodness he had Paul Martin as his finance minister, or Canada would very likely have suffered more staggering Liberal debt accumulation.

A very slippery and corrupt politician who spent more federal dollars on his own riding of Shawinigan than he spent on the province of Alberta.

Jean Corruptien is a perfect way to address this self-serving Quebec prime minister. He is certainly known for serving himself first, his riding second, and then Quebec. Other than Ontario votes, the rest of Canada was irrelevant, as is typical of Quebec-based prime ministers. Except for the exploitation of other provinces' resources, of course.

He was deeply in bed with the Chinese government and would have sold out Canada for personal profit. Huawei theft of Nortel networks, Sidewinder report, promoting Canada as the uranium waste dumping ground for the world. Canada needs some kind of ethics test candidates for prime minister must pass.

Stephen Harper Stephen Harper's time as PM wasn't without controversy. Accused of muzzling scientists, he was seen as stifling Canada's reputation as a leader in scientific research. Also, his approach to foreign policy, specifically his uncompromising support of Israel, attracted widespread criticism.

Cut support for veterans, impoverished a large number of industries to support corporate takeovers, and sold Canada to the Chinese. Got us in bed with the WEF and gutted the agriculture sector. If you're anti-conservative, you'll hate him for moving his party further on the axis towards racism, extortion, hypocrisy, and outdated economics that only benefit a select few donors.

If you're pro-conservative, you'll hate him for being everything you dislike about Justin Trudeau, but somehow statistically worse in every regard except "total debt generated." Even in that, he still places second and out-costed us more than 36 other prime ministers combined.

Brian Mulroney Brian Mulroney had a challenging time during his term. His decision to introduce the Goods and Services Tax (GST) was met with significant public outcry. Mulroney's push for Meech Lake and Charlottetown Accords, both of which failed, were seen as divisive missteps.

The controversial purchase of an 18-foot tall painting with two outer stripes in blue and a center stripe in red for what was then 1 million taxpayer dollars was not a well-thought-out move on his part. Any fool could have painted that. I would be willing to paint him a dozen of those for the same amount of money. Just saying.

Not nearly the most corrupt on this list but likely the most corrupt Conservative.

The great Free Trade! How's that going?

Paul Martin Paul Martin faced condemnation for his handling of fiscal matters. The federal sponsorship scandal, which began under his predecessor, Jean Chrétien, cast a long shadow over his tenure. His failure to deliver on many campaign promises also led to public disillusionment.
Kim Campbell Kim Campbell, Canada's first and only female prime minister, was heavily criticized for her perceived lack of leadership during the 1993 general election. The infamous campaign ad attacking Jean Chrétien's appearance was a major public relations disaster.

Easily. Not really her fault though, she only ran for a few months.

Did not do anything for this country. Lost her seat in a landslide in 1993, so shame on Campbell. We do not think she would be the first woman PM. She disgraced me.

Joe Clark Joe Clark was in office for a relatively short period, but his decision to attempt to increase gasoline taxes during an economic downturn was roundly criticized. His inability to maintain the confidence of the House also led to his downfall.

Served less than one year between 1979-1980.

William Lyon Mackenzie King William Lyon Mackenzie King, despite being the longest-serving prime minister, was criticized for his response to the Great Depression. His reluctance to provide federal assistance during the crisis led to widespread hardship. His indecisiveness and alleged communication with the spiritual world also raised eyebrows.

An anti-Semite whose government did not allow Jews fleeing Hitler into the country. In his Canada, the Magna Carta was trampled on, communists were outlawed, Quebec's Padlock Laws were enforced, he trusted Hitler, did not do anything about Danny Draper, led the nation with "visions" and crystal balls, ignored the Depression, and more.

He should be first but surprisingly he is not in the top ten list. I mean, at least put him in third.

R.B. Bennett R.B. Bennett's response to the Great Depression was widely criticized. His 'Imperial Preference' policy, designed to bolster trade within the British Empire, was seen as a significant failure. Bennett's attempts to censor the press and his harsh treatment of 'On to Ottawa Trek' protestors were other notable criticisms.

The worst. Was not a bad guy or ruthless or tyrannical, just not a good politician and made everything worse during the Great Depression.

Government efforts during the depression just made matters worse.

The Newcomers

? Robert Borden
? Mackenzie Bowell Mackenzie Bowell's tenure was fraught with criticisms. His inability to solve the Manitoba Schools Question led to significant unrest within his own cabinet. His leadership was seen as weak and indecisive, leading to his eventual resignation.
The Contenders
John Turner John Turner's stint as Prime Minister was short, but not without criticisms. His decision to recommend the patronage appointments of several Senators and judges tarnished his image. Plus, his underestimation of Brian Mulroney in the 1984 televised debate cost him dearly.
John Diefenbaker John Diefenbaker faced significant backlash during his term. His handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis and his decision to cancel the Avro Arrow project led to public and political discontent. He was also criticized for his confrontational relationship with the US administration.
Arthur Meighen Arthur Meighen's hardline stance during the Winnipeg General Strike caused considerable controversy. His government's use of the War Measures Act to imprison strike leaders was considered by many to be an excessive use of force. His lack of public charisma also didn't help his popularity.
John A. Macdonald John A. Macdonald, Canada's first prime minister, wasn't immune to criticisms. His government's involvement in the Pacific Scandal hurt his reputation. Moreover, his treatment of Indigenous people and his role in the execution of Louis Riel remain contentious points in Canadian history.
Lester Pearson Lester Pearson, despite his many accomplishments, was not without his detractors. His government's handling of the Flag Debate was considered divisive by some. Moreover, his inability to win a majority government in two attempts reflected public ambivalence about his leadership.
Wilfrid Laurier Wilfrid Laurier had his share of controversies. His handling of the Boer War, where he tried to appease both English and French-speaking Canadians, was seen as a weak compromise. His reciprocity agreement with the United States was also a contentious issue.

Aside from the Trudeaus, Laurier likely was one of the biggest enemies of Western Canada. When the west was being settled he did everything in his power to ensure that they would never be anywhere near equal. He effectively made Western Canada a colony within a colony.

Alexander Mackenzie Alexander Mackenzie's administration was heavily criticized for its perceived lack of vision and progress. The slow growth of the economy and his inability to complete the Pacific Railway were significant points of critique.
Louis St. Laurent Louis St. Laurent was often criticized for his top-down leadership style. His handling of the Korean War, specifically the decision to send troops, was controversial. Additionally, the pipeline debate during his term ignited political tensions.
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