Top Ten Most Important Leaders In World History

He certainly played a large role in history, but in my opinion, he was rather awful (quite ironically). He was a power-hungry tyrant who is suspected to have organized the murder of his father. He put his own selfish desires before his people and was very vain. He died quite young, and there is speculation that he was poisoned by one of his soldiers after making his army travel and conquer for eleven years despite their protests.
Alexander the Great, also known as Alexander Macedon, was very famous and well-known. There is a bittersweet tension between his vision, military deeds, and his somewhat intimidating and less intellectual persona.

Adolf Hitler was undoubtedly a horrible person and probably influenced the world in the worst and most disgraceful way possible, leading to Germany's dismay for over 40 years. Although the word "bad" was invented because of him, he was one of the greatest leaders of all time. He was almost successful in a herculean task, one of the greatest speakers, led a country with pure leadership, and was always determined for success.
Although he was a terrible human being, he is still known as the most important and one of the best dictators/leaders of all time. It takes a genius to run a country like he did. Of course, he was a sadistic dictator, but let's not forget how important he was in our history. We can't change that.

A father, a teacher, a revolutionary, a wiz, and a marshal. The dynasty was corrupted, and the whole country was surrounded by enemies. He shined like a hope upon the people. Today, 19th May, he established the national struggle, started the independence war, and encouraged people to drive the enemies from their lands.
After long war days, the Turkish people met peace again, and the sun rose again in every corner of the region. He didn't confine himself to those accomplishments. He made countless revolutions like recognition of the right to vote for women, opening schools in every corner of Anatolia, the alphabet revolution, the industrial revolution, and many other reforms.
As a writer, he produced various books about science and history. He was a true man of culture. He also performed a traditional dance named "Zeybek" with his friends. I would give you more information about Ataturk, but I recommend you read about his life from a reliable source.

Muhammad SAW is undoubtedly the greatest leader of all time. He effectively united the backward society of Arabia, established peace and unity among people, and won many battles against larger armies. He spread Islam faster and more effectively than other religions. During the time of Islam, the world experienced peace and harmony.
Now, with the decline of Islamic rule, the effects of disunity can be seen today, especially in the Middle East, which has been most affected.

He certainly had his flaws, but he was a wonderful leader who cared about the common people of Rome and not just the upper class. He was a genius military general as well, and his impact on society is massive.
He helped make Western culture what it is today. France would not exist without the founder of the Roman Empire.

Jesus Christ is God, not just the Son of God. He also has the greatest influence on the world. Technically speaking, Jesus is the head of the Catholic Church, which has had a significant impact on world affairs, cultures, wars, and just about everything.
You can't say he didn't exist because, one, who then started Christianity? And two, we have millions of testimonies from people who have seen and touched him. How is Alexander the Great more influential than God, the founder of Christianity and a democratic culture?

Come on, people. This guy spread democracy across Europe!

Even more horrible than Hitler. Mao was history's biggest-ever killer of civilians, which unfortunately does make him important.

The Newcomers

He's here because the Soviet Union was one of the two most important countries in the world, from the time he came to power until it ended. He was a very, very effective leader, no matter how many people he killed.
He established a backward global superpower through will and might, while controlling and holding his power from his enemies.
While he established a totalitarian dictatorship, he was a very good strategist.

A student named Lilly asked Barack Obama which person, living or dead, he would like to have dinner with. He replied, "Mahatma Gandhi."
"Christ gave us the goals, and Mahatma Gandhi the tactics." - Martin Luther King
"I believe that Gandhi's views were the most enlightened of all the political men of our time." - Albert Einstein
Harris Majeke, South Africa's ambassador to India, said, "While Nelson Mandela is the father of South Africa, Mahatma Gandhi is our grandfather."
He was a great leader and led the Indian independence movement. Words are nothing to define him. He led the protest against discrimination against blacks in South Africa. He was a great gift from God to this planet. He gave independence to India with non-violence and truth. He united the whole country. He is a great inspiration for every world leader who defeated the British without even one bullet or any violence.

Although I would like to vote for M.L. King Jr., I have to hand it to Lincoln because, without him, slavery could possibly still be a thing in America and King wouldn't have even gotten the chance to give his speech.
Abraham Lincoln was a great leader who also loved cats!

He was the greatest leader of India, dedicating his whole life to the betterment and equality of people. He was the father of the Indian Constitution. The Reserve Bank of India was established based on his book Problem of the Rupee: Its Origin and Its Solution. He was the first person in modern India to advocate for gender equality and women's rights.
He introduced the 8-hour work shift rule and set minimum wages for laborers. He also established the provision for maternity leave. The Indian constitution is the longest in the world, making India a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic, assuring its citizens of justice, equality, and liberty, and endeavoring to promote fraternity among them.
He also inspired millions of Hindus, especially Dalits, to leave Hinduism, which is based on casteism and inequality, and to embrace Buddhism and the teachings of Buddha.

This dude literally carried the entire Allies for a long time and had to hold the Western Front alone, after the fall of France, against the extremely powerful Third Reich for around a year. If the Brits had an idiot instead of Churchill, you probably wouldn't be reading this list.
Best prime minister ever.
We may never have a British ruler like him again.

He made a country that never existed before and did it single-handedly through constitutional means and the power of the vote. He fought against those who used religious angles in politics, namely Gandhi. What a man was Jinnah!
He was the best leader in the history of the world. He was not only a leader of Muslims but all the people of India. He founded the biggest Islamic state in the world, Pakistan.
Great man. I love him. Supreme leader.

Nelson Mandela succeeded in making the transition from apartheid to democracy a peaceful one. In South Africa, he is highly respected by people of all colors. Outside South Africa, he is an inspiration for everyone who wants to make the world a better place.

He paved the path for Stalin, but he made life better for the people. He created the Soviet Union and showed the world the perceived evils of capitalism.

He looks absolutely wonderful in light of who followed him.

Everyone knows he had the greatest and biggest empire ever. Of course, he is one of the best leaders of all time. He is one of three emperors who never lost any wars or battles in the world, along with Alexander the Great and Genghis Khan. The Cyrus Cylinder shows he was the first man to write about rule and justice in the world.

Another one who slaughtered millions of civilians.

Malcolm X needs more attention for everything he did for the Civil Rights Movement.

A great leader who lived such a simple life. He was an epitome of devotion towards his motherland. He needs to be saluted.