Top 10 Most Evil Leaders in History
I want the worst of the worst. Give me the most evil, heartless, and inhumane leaders in history.He was an absolute menace. He ruled Germany as a dictator so horribly that their whole nation was destroyed because of him. He was one of the root causes of World War II, and he killed about six million Jewish people, even though they did absolutely nothing!
In my time reading about history, I've come up with the term "superdictator." This term implies that the dictator in question committed so many atrocities that they earn a title above dictator. Besides Stalin, Hitler perfectly fits this term. Not only was he responsible for the humiliation and later slaughter of 11 million innocent lives, but he also started a pointless conflict driven by his own anger.
I'm glad Germany has made a clean slate ever since the Third Reich because they deserve it after such a horrific leader.
This man is an absolute nightmare for killing over 40 million people. One may argue that Hitler literally wiped out the entire Jewish state, but Stalin takes the cake for being one of the most brutal leaders to ever exist. His reign of terror didn't only rely on famine to make the USSR great but also on his paranoia and fear that people would murder him. Millions suffered under him. His inhumanity earns him a throne of skulls and an ocean filled with the blood of the innocent, including his own wife and son, because he was unwilling to "negotiate with fascists."
Historians argue about the number of deaths to attribute to Mao, but the number is most likely 70 million. Mao killed people just to solve China's problems. He did not talk badly about them or even care about them. On the other hand, Hitler was all about eliminating the less desirable people from his Germany. The world knew but did not really stop him. Mao just straight killed people through famine, labor, or execution.
He was cunning. I wish more people would learn about him and see that he was just straight-up evil.
He takes my number one spot, simply due to the fact that no one under his control was safe. The life expectancy at one point under his regime was only 18 years old. He ordered the slaughter of anyone he saw as "intellectual." This included people who wore glasses, artists, and others. He forced every citizen to wear black clothes, and you can imagine how he accomplished that.
Not to mention how he oversaw the profoundly violent genocide of the Cham people of Cambodia. He didn't kill as many people as Hitler or other evil leaders, but since he was in charge of far fewer people, he is proportionally far worse.
I wonder why this one is seventh. Surely his level of evilness is equal to, if not more than, Hitler? And why is Obama third? He might not have been a good president, but he's definitely not as evil as Hitler or bin Laden, who were responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent people. A moron such as bin Laden should be in the top three.
He started everything Americans, Middle Easterners, and Europeans see today as terrorism, hate, and disaster. Without him, the likelihood of a random girl in a hijab being called a terrorist would be nearly incomprehensible. ISIS's creation wouldn't have come close to starting. Iconic parts of the U.S. would still be here. And millions of people from around the globe would still be alive.
This man was not a terrible monster in the way most of these crazy, power-hungry people were. He was a sad, sad man bent on revenge for his treatment after witnessing the atrocities of war and valiantly saving his people from slaughter. Coming home crippled his battle-torn mind.
Think of this: we have soldiers today coming back from war scarred for life without physical injury, and we use weapons that either blow people up or tear through them from a distance. Now, imagine having to go into battle with the weapons of that time and the mental damage that would cause after war with no morals. He also had almost no crime during his reign.
Not a leader of a state but a religious leader and a self-proclaimed prophet, and definitely a dangerous one.
It is well archived and known that the people of Mecca were not interested in what Muhammad had to say and banished him from Mecca because they did not want to convert to Islam and did not believe what he had to say.
He would later return with a band of followers that he acquired and forced Islam on Mecca via brute force. Violence would then prevail and Muhammad would succeed in forcing Islam on the Middle East, North Africa, and much of Spain, even attempting to convert Gaul via violence, but the Gauls (French) pushed them back.
The Quran clearly stated, among other things, slay the non-believer wherever he may lay, i.e., kill the non-believer (the infidel). The Quran continually preaches that Allah will not be content until all the world is Muslim and that everyone should be converted. Violence is continually promoted as a viable means to achieve this feat. Then and only then do Muslims want peace (but even then there will be bloodshed between the Sunni and the Shia).
Also, take a look at what Muhammad and consequently Muslims throughout history have to say about the treatment of women. Disgusting.
Way more evil than his son. He had hundreds of innocent people executed to set a warning for those whom he feared might revolt against his Jucheist ideas.
Not to mention, he ruined the economy and did nothing about the Korean famine.
At least his nephew executed him, so now there is one less stupid baby instead of two.
I am from South Korea, and I hate him. I always wondered why he is even trying to fight with the whole world. He is idiotic enough to try to fight one on one million.
Ignoring suffering or being willingly ignorant of things done in your name. It's all the same in the end. Leopold is responsible for so much pain it places him in the realm of evil.
If nothing else, Leopold made the idea of evil plundering imperialism a fact - something that was best left a hyperbolic phrase.
He devastated the people of the Congo by enslaving and exploiting a free people. Easily as evil as Hitler and caused the death of millions. He cut off children's hands and tormented the women so that the men would work harder. King Leopold was brutal.
The Newcomers
Saddam may not have killed as many as Stalin or Hitler did, but when he killed people, he asked his mercenaries to do it in the most brutal ways. Burn, bury them alive, acid pools, throw them off the third floor. Besides, when you commit a "sin" against the great leader, not only will you be executed, but your father and uncles will suffer the same fate.
Actually, Saddam didn't have nukes. Read a newspaper, geez! While he didn't have WMDs, he did use gas attacks, under the guise of testing them, in an attempt to wipe out the Kurdish people who populate northern Iraq. He was a monster, and I'm glad he's dead.
The worst leader of Russia. Unlike Stalin, Ivan actually killed people for no reason other than he was bored.
As a child, he threw puppies off towers for fun. Now, he is known as a terrible man, even by Russians. This just goes to show how sadistic this monster was.
He was terrible. He beat his pregnant daughter-in-law, causing a miscarriage. When his son heard of this, he confronted Ivan, but Ivan killed him. He also invaded the city called Novgorod and ordered 500 to 1000 people to be tortured to death in front of him each day. This included being skinned, disemboweled, boiled, fried, and beaten to death.
60,000 people were killed, not to mention the thousands of people that were killed on other occasions. He forced hundreds of parents to watch their children be tortured and killed.
At least Stalin had the decency not to pretend to rule with an iron fist. Anybody who knows how economics really work will tell you that he was the worst at actually leading this country. His only claim to fame is being president while Osama bin Laden was killed.
But let me ask you this: what would have happened to his chances of being re-elected if we found out he let bin Laden get away? At least Bush didn't blame Clinton for his failures. Obama can't even go one day without blaming his failures on everybody else. As a typical Democrat, he'll get away with it all and be called great for screwing our country, economy, and freedoms.
Lenin took Marxist ideology and transformed it. Instead of the democracy that the Russian people wanted, he seized total control and killed anyone who opposed him. In 1918, he had at least 10,000 people killed. Many were innocent, and he was essentially establishing a new Tsarist rule through this repression.
In his first two years, he killed more people than Nicholas II did in his entire reign and half as many as Alexander III, who also repressed people. He also used propaganda to excuse the fact that he killed hundreds of thousands of people.
He is another menace. He is the reason many North Koreans are displaced and starving. He should really be charged for his ruthless nature. He is extremely selfish and only cares for himself.
Kim Jong-un destroyed his own economy and spreads propaganda throughout his country as if it were hot news. He executes defectors and people who make the slightest mistakes. He forced people to cry at his father's funeral and assassinated his older brother, fearing that his brother would take the heir instead of him.
He compelled people to believe that he is a god who can control everything based on his moods. He also formed a "pleasure squad" where he forced 2000 attractive women to have sex with him and his top officials. Additionally, he made his people believe that the US is the poorest country in the world, named his country the "Hermit Kingdom," and much more.
This guy would chop up his enemies or people he had punished, keep their remains in his fridge as trophies, and laugh at them. If anything, he should be up there next to Vlad the Impaler.
This man was truly Satanic. He even ate the meat of his victims. Can you just imagine the way those people were tormented by being treated as animals for food?
Executed people and stored their bodies in fridges so he could laugh at them. Not to mention, he was also a cannibal, had no regard for the Ugandan people, and executed at least 500,000 people during his brutal reign.
He was the real leader of Japan. All the blame is put on the emperor, but it was really the prime minister who gave all the orders to the soldiers, such as in the war against China.
He pushed for war with his own agenda and let Bush take the heat for it. He manipulated Bush like a puppet and made millions from selling arms to the US military.
Talk about conflict of interest. He is and always will be an enemy to the freedom of people everywhere, including the Constitution of the US. He manipulated Bush and the military-industrial complex to his own design.
He slaughtered more people than Hitler. When he was attacking the Shah tribe, there was a moat around their castle his horses could not get around, so he made a bridge of his drowned captives.
How is this absolute menace to society ranked less bad than Muhammad, who was literally just a controversial religious figure?
He killed people using the lead sprinkler, which involved pouring molten metal or silver in the victims' eyes or ears.
Castro has to be one of the best liars in history, like Trump, but much more skilled at convincing others to ignore the evidence at hand. He killed some 18 percent of the population to take power (getting rid of another 4 percent by exiling them) and had any book that promoted freedom of thought burned. A true monster, based on his actions.
This guy enslaved Cubans, lied to America in every way possible, and was not a good ally to Nikita Khrushchev either. He managed to fail many of Khrushchev's tasks, and the FBI tried to assassinate him over 600 times. You know Castro's a monster if his assassination attempts number over 100.
This guy was almost as bad as Caligula. He was ruthless and murderous. You must be evil to kick your pregnant wife to death and try to kill your own mother. In fact, he was so evil that he crucified Christians and burned them alive. Now, that's just evil! He would not think twice about killing someone or beating them to a bloody pulp!
He killed innocent people! He was a no-good, dirty bastard that should have been burned at the stake, twice!
Why is he only #30? He's basically Hitler before the existence of the actual Hitler.
Born and raised in Queens, New York City, Donald J. Trump received an economics degree from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania... read more
Menace. He has horrifying opinions, including that abortion should be illegal. He caused havoc at the White House and stole important documents.
This evil man has done everything in his power to undermine almost everything the United States stands for, according to our Constitution. He has encouraged racism and racist behavior. He views immigrants and poor people as non-entities. His concern seems only for the rich and his wealthy friends. This is not what the United States was founded upon.
He aims to dismantle Medicare, Social Security, the Endangered Species Act, and any and all environmental protections. He sold nuclear arms to the Saudis. The Saudis were responsible for the attack on the building in NYC. Trump is a traitor.
Brought utter destruction upon a great nation. One of the worst ever. Worst on the economy, started a war based on lies (murder), brought cronyism to a new level, and gave unprecedented tax breaks for the rich, leading to the middle class starting to fade.
Horrible failure as a communicator, spoke like a dimwitted fool. It will take a generation or more for the USA to recover from Bush. He should be jailed.
When the two towers of New York City were bombed, he blamed the whole religion of Islam instead of just the Al-Qaeda group. Due to this, Christians and Muslims hate each other, and there are lots of wars in Iraq and other foreign countries.
Instead of killing lots of innocent and random people, couldn't he just have targeted the group instead of random people?