Worst American Politicians
Its hard to compare specifics with the technology from 50 years ago, but Hillary Clinton makes Richard Nixon look like a Boy Scout in terms of dishonesty and corruption.
She has had 10 incidents worse than Watergate just by herself, and that is not counting being an enabler for Bill to abuse women.
Clear political mafia leader, who committed treason and espionage, is a narcissistic perpetual liar with zero scruples, and hates all people, especially Americans.
Her supporters surrounded some women and kids who were going home after a Trump event, and attacked them with eggs, what a nice bunch of people.
Who does this pathetic, loathsome, black-hearted dickless little snake think he is. Running for the most powerful office in the world with no experience and no idea what he's doing, appointing totalitarian sociopaths to high positions of power, running on a platform consisting entirely of pure hatred, fear and the glorification of irrationality and bigotry and deliberately trying to soothe his insatiable narcissism by forming a cult of brainless quislings who all talk about him like they want to screw him. The American people will never tolerate Donald Trump's blatant disregard for the benefit of everyone but himself, regardless of his army of rednecks!
He couldn't reduce unemployment one bit towards the end of his presidency! Not to mention he started our war in Iraq! George W. Bush may not have caused 9/11, but he sure did start our war with Iraq on the excuse of WMD's in Iraq, which happened to have never existed in the first place!
He is the reason why millions of people died, he lied to the American people, and his policies caused economic problems and death to many parts of the world, he should be spending the rest of his life in prison.
I see dislikes on criticisms of George W. Bush, yet I see none of the people who like George W. Bush giving reasons why our claims are invalid.
Not as bad as Trump, but still sucks
Great Vice-President
I actually cannot believe I saw some potential out of this guy back then in 2020. This really did age poorly.
Joe Biden isn't any better than Trump when it comes to running his job as president of the United States and his views are really stupid.
I now dislike both Trump and Biden, even though I don't hate Donald Trump as much as I used to.
Please! Anyone but him! Even 6ix9ine with a goldfish as running mate would be better.
He had me then he lost me! It's been that way since!
I think he is a great man.
"He managed to pull us out of the Great Depression." Are you aware that the Depression lasted only two years globally, but ten years in the U.S. due to Roosevelt's socialist policies? Do you approve of his turning over half of Europe to Stalinist terror and tyranny, from which it did not emerge for 44 years?
Why is he on here? I thought he was a good president. Sure, he may have put the United States in a lot of debt after World War II, but he managed to pull us out of the Great Depression. If you're going to use communism as an excuse to hate him, you're wrong.
He was okay until he tried to bail out liberal criminals. What! But his wife is worse...
Really bad president. He should have been impeached.
The Newcomers
He had many great ideas, was nice, and shared my political views (Liberal), but he didn't get much accomplished and also was responsible for the Iran Hostage Crisis...
This "really nice guy" has never met a third-world dictator he wouldn't hug.
President Carter is a nice man, but his policies just didn't work.
Should be #1! Thinks unemployment is low because people have 2 jobs. Doesn't know the branches of government. Proposes a deal that costs US taxpayers $40T which says to rebuild every building in America, reduce cars, planes, trains by 90%, get rid of farting cows. Calls people who want to debate her "catcallers". The fact that she won a seat shows how ignorant and stupid the people of New York are. Vote for Democrats and you get a circus.
So dumb and immature. She adopted African American vernacular so black people will like her, she hates capitalism, she was "traumatized" by the riots. This woman is just like a spoiled girl who exaggerates everything!
She thinks that unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs
This woman is so annoying and a spokeswoman for the Tea Party movement, one of the most cancerous movements to ever plague this country and take over the Republican Party.
Before you go and call me a brainwashed Obamabot, let me tell you some things Barack Obama has done for the economy. Technically, he did deal well with the Bush deficit and managed to decrease unemployment. It's just that he didn't do nothing about the federal debt, which is perhaps the most bad thing about him in all. He's not the best president ever, but you can at least thank him for reducing unemployment, something George W. Bush couldn't do.
He should be put on trial for Treason for what he did the America and the world with the Iran Nuclear Deal.
Worse than Trump or Bush or anybody on this list, I mean he was the grand wizard of the KKK, why isn't he number one?
James Buchanan failed to keep the Union strong and was not correct on the issue of slavery. He is one of America's worst presidents.
He looks like a drunk idiot in that portrait. Oh well, it best represents how incompetent he was when he couldn't stop the Civil War.
"Couldn't stop the Civil War? " What a grossly ignorant statement. Do you have the first clue as to what precipitated the "Civil War? "
The sooner this obstructionist turtle dies of a stroke the better off our country will be.
Coward, flip-flopper, liar, buffoon, and obstructionist.
The famous obstructionist. Get this guy out of office.
A complete numbskull in every sense of the word. Clinton, awful as she is, at least has a kindergarten-level intellect. And Trump should not be anywhere near the top ten.
He will be really great until he runs out of your money to give to people who did not earn it.
He's going to turn America into socialist Venezuela.
Hoover tried his best to handle the depression. He was a humanitarian and saved many lives as Secretary of Commerce.