Top Ten Stupidest 2016 U.S. Presidential Candidates
Born and raised in Queens, New York City, Donald J. Trump received an economics degree from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania... read more
Hey America, do you want a candidate who:
1. Believes all Mexicans, people of Mexican descent, or Hispanics in general are drug dealers and rapists.
2. Still believes that women are inferior to men.
3. Talks on social media about how attractive his daughter is.
4. Still insists that Obama is a Muslim from Kenya and that he is responsible for every problem America has ever had.
5. Thinks that Japan is an enemy/rival of the United States.
6. Doesn't believe gay people should be treated like human beings.
7. Essentially started and funded the birther movement.
8. Is a known member of the loathsome Tea Party.
9. Praised two brothers who beat up and urinated on a Hispanic-looking homeless man.
10. Insults other people to their faces and calls them ugly, like some sort of schoolyard bully.
11. Accuses the Mexican government of sending "rapists" across the border on purpose.
12. Wants more guns to stop school shootings and wants to arm teachers and priests.
13. Called John McCain a coward because he was captured in Vietnam and exposed to torture, while he himself was a draft dodger.
14. Can't tell the difference between different terror groups.
15. Ruined the economy of Atlantic City.
Of course not!
Need I say more?
Hillary, if you're going to be the leader of the free world, stop acting like a cardboard establishment cutout, stop hiding your emails, stop trying to humiliate yourself in your failed attempts to appeal to young people, and stop trying to convince people to vote for you just because you are a woman. You could be going up against Donald Trump or Ted Cruz in a matter of months, both of whom are battle-hardened crazies. If you are going to stand up to them, start acting like a human being.
The only reason she isn't failing is because she is running against people who don't know what they are doing. She has shown us time after time that she is a terrible pick for president.
Just look at his supporters. They are:
- Fresh out of college, liberal lambs who will just pick the candidate with the most exciting and liberal views.
- Young women who are trying to make a statement by purposely not supporting Hillary Clinton, a female candidate.
- The rare uneducated, naive Democrat.
That speaks for itself! If free education and healthcare could be done like he says, I think it would already be in place! Bernie Sanders is so stupid. The reason no one attacks him is because he's a Democrat, and some people have become Liberal Lambs, brainwashed by political correctness and whatnot.
Said at the debate that "We're going to kick Obama's butt out of the White House!" Uh...Mr. Christie, Obama's term is up. The Constitution will do that for you. And, just looking at the two men, I'm guessing Obama could probably outrun Christie anyway.
Chris Christie running for president should be the last thing he should run for. Maybe he should run to an anger management center.
He looks like a total moron in that picture.
She is helping Donald Trump and she doesn't even realize it. "Doctor" Stein attended medical school and still accepts pseudoscience and conspiracy theories. How much stupider can you get? #DropOutJill #BlueIsTheNewGreen
From now on, I bet that there will be one Democrat elected for eight years and a Bush elected for another eight before a Democrat wins again. The Bush will invade Iraq every time, crash the economy every time, give tax cuts to the rich every time, raise taxes on the middle class every time, and botch up all the progress the last Democrat made every time. The next Democrat will spend their entire administration cleaning up the mess caused by the previous Bush until he is eventually replaced with a new member of the dynasty of stupidity.
He and Marco Rubio have entered such a petty rivalry. Those two should've learned from Jeb Bush that Trump can't be brought down with insults (Don't get me wrong, I don't like Trump either), but the way the two of them, and Trump as well, is absolutely ridiculous. They're acting like children!
A typical religious fanatic who will rule by the Bible rather than the Constitution does not deserve the nation's highest office, nor any public office in our great republic for that matter.
Maybe he'll be the best mayor of Houston or president of Texas, but certainly not the President of the USA!
What were the three departments he so desperately wanted to get rid of again? Education, Energy, and one called uh uh oops...
What's the third department you wanted to get rid of again? The uhhh department. I don't recall that ever existing.
Why does he bother running? Given his state is racist and he supports the racist Tea Party, he is racist. At least there will be a President Paul. Even Logan would be preferable.
Daddy's biggest disappointment.
The Newcomers
Is this joke even a politician?
What normal person sticks his tongue out during an interview?
I'm glad he dropped out. I'm from SC, and honestly, it would be terrible if he was still in the race.
As he showed at the New Hampshire debate, he should be much higher on this list. Like number one.
Seriously? This guy is below Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Look this guy up. He shouldn't be anywhere near the White House.
With his poll numbers, just calling him a candidate is a compliment...
Has anyone even ever said good things about him?
The only Republican who can honestly claim that he belongs to the party of Lincoln.
Why on earth would you ban the letter "M"? Did he have a burning desire to live in Columbus?
He should be #2 under Trump. He banned khaki pants and the letter M in Ohio for a day.
His candidacy is non-existent. Hillary must be sleeping well.
Not only did he fiscally screw over Louisiana, but he also lied about it and covered it up so that our new governor wouldn't know about it until he was already sworn in. Governor Edwards is doing all the right things to rebound so far, but it will take a long time to clean up the mess that this man has made.
He did so well as governor that Louisiana, one of the reddest states in the nation, recently elected a Democrat as his successor.
Isn't Louisiana now in a debt crisis, as the new governor has found out?
Her shoes looked nice at the debate. That is, until the house fell on her.
Why does she hate Putin so much? She hates him more than anybody else.
"Marriage is a union between a man and a woman and nobody, be it the gays or the people who believe in bestiality, can change that." - Ben Carson.
"I know that homosexuality is a choice because people go into prison straight and come out gay." - Ben Carson.
Most intelligent person to ever hold the office, you say? How high are you right now?
While he may be intelligent in the medical field, he certainly is not in the world of politics. This man has said some of the stupidest things I have ever heard.
Maybe a great surgeon, but a terrible politician.