Top 10 Most Annoying Autism Stereotypes
I'm autistic and I get so annoyed by these types of stereotypes! I'll tell you right now that not all autists are like this, including me. I just hope these stereotypes completely die so that no one believes autists are bad people or anything.My sister and I both have autism, and I think we're both mature for our age - especially her.
I'm very mature for my disorder.
Horror is my favorite movie genre. What was that supposed to mean?
I'm autistic, and sometimes I feel this way too. However, I keep trying to find ways to improve myself.
Saying that is just bullying and makes autistic people feel bad about themselves.
Oh, come on! That is the biggest insult to anyone!

I'm autistic, and I never think that violence is the answer. You can get locked up for inflicting pain on another person, you know.
That stereotype isn't just annoying, it's dangerous. It's what can get us killed and further demonized.
Hey, that's mean. I'm not autistic, but I know someone who is, and he's not violent whatsoever. So this point is an epic fail.

This is such an annoying stereotype. I'm not the smartest person in existence, but I'm not an uneducated, dumb person either. It's been proven that some autistic people are highly intelligent. Look no further than Albert Einstein.
I'm autistic, and I can say I'm kind of offended by some of these stereotypes and very offended by others. These stereotypes really piss me off! I can do anything anyone else can do. I just think, work, and do things differently. I might need a little more help than others, but so what?!
The Newcomers

We have to admit that some of us do, and some non-autistics do as well.
I'm autistic, and I'm fine with swearing! Hell, I even swear myself, dammit!
I'm autistic, and I swear a lot, but at least I'm honest about it!
This describes me as an autistic kid.
There are some autistic people who are verbal as well as nonverbal. It depends on their specific disability!
I'm no longer nonverbal. Actually, I have a nephew, and he isn't autistic, but he's nonverbal.
I'm autistic, and I am completely verbal!

I'm 13, I'm autistic, and I watch Family Guy, South Park, and stuff like that. I know some autists may like Bob the Builder and similar shows, but I know when I'm too old for something. I do only have mild autism though.
This is true for me. As you can tell by my profile picture when you click on my name, I watch and love The Backyardigans.
I only do this to determine whether I want my future children to watch it or not.
While some do need help throughout their lives, most can learn to cook, take public transportation, pay bills, etc.
It's called people with different needs. Understand that!
I have Asperger's, and for a lot of stuff, everyone comes to me for help.
I go walking around the park every day, I do weight lifts, and I'm very good at dancing!
I am more physically fit than a significant portion of my school.
A friend with autism could be a model.
I'm autistic, and I understand people's feelings.
I'm autistic, and I have a weird sense of humor, and I'm proud of it!
I don't take jokes too seriously. I love to laugh.
I can take a joke, but it depends on the joke!

I'm autistic, and I don't see any sex appeal in animals (well, other than humans).
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with being introverted. It's just that sometimes you need to come out of your shell to communicate better with other people because it's much better for society.
Not true. At home, I don't talk a lot because there's no one to really talk to, so it can be boring sometimes. But at family parties and vacations, I go into extrovert mode, and I talk a lot.
Being introverted is not a bad thing. Many non-autistic people are introverted as well.
I stopped wearing diapers at age 9 and started wearing underwear at age 7.

I am not whiny at all, and I'm autistic.
Sure, they have a disorder, but that doesn't mean they have psychological issues like mania, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, etc., that would lead to them eventually going to a mental hospital.
I'm schizophrenic, and I've managed to keep it under control with medicine.
I'm in 6th grade, and I never went to special ed. I went to social work, but that was because I always interrupted class.
Special Ed at school is just one word: HELL!
This one is thankfully not true.
I'll admit I actually do take things too seriously, but I try not to because being too serious about things isn't good for your health.
That is me in some moments. I am an easy-going person, although some situations can get me very emotionally attached.
I'm starting to understand sarcasm better.
How are autistic people pedophiles? That's mean.
Really? Are some people that stupid to think so?
Hell no, are people dumb enough to think that?!
I mean, I like Disney, Tom and Jerry, and SpongeBob, but I also like books, like Alice in Wonderland, Goosebumps, and countless others.
I have Asperger's, and I only like comedy adult cartoons like South Park, Family Guy, Rick and Morty, American Dad, etc.
I hate this stereotype, and it's definitely untrue. I'm autistic, and I am not a cartoon lover.