Top 10 Stupidest Things People are Doing Because of the Coronavirus
Me and my family went to the UK before Christmas time to see our relatives, the Coronavirus was new back then. Now we're stuck in the uk, and it's on lockdown. These are just some silly things people are doing because of the coronavirus. Remember to keep a clear head about this!You should buy some since there isn't much left in the stores, and you use it often. However, that doesn't mean you need to buy a million rolls and keep them in your storage room.
Most people want to buy lots of toilet paper because we need to use it after we go to the bathroom to stay clean. Due to the virus, there isn't much going to the stores. There's not an unlimited amount of toilet paper for everyone. Most people don't want to run out, so they buy tons. Luckily, the virus situation is better now. There's no need to buy so much!
This is really dumb. A bunch of teenagers come into the park nearby our house at night. Hundreds of them drink alcohol and deface property. I know it's wrong to judge all teenagers, but those guys are idiots.
It's called social distancing, people. Go home.
What happened to social distancing anyway?
Getting 30 bottles of hand sanitizer is not going to save you from Coronavirus. Just wash your hands daily. Don't spend the extra money.
My friend literally said, "If Coronavirus gets any worse, the scientists might have to find a way to get us to Mars!" She was not joking. And if she was, she was doing a very good job of it. Now that's overreacting.
The news about the virus makes people overreact even more.
Everyone thinks the world is dying. It's so annoying!
I heard people are stockpiling drugs out of fear of catching the coronavirus.
This can be deadlier than the coronavirus!
Use a mask if it's available, but don't buy too much. It's best for sick people!
Yes, these people are pretty annoying. Keep distance from other people and don't panic, and you will be fine. Also, wash your hands.
This is especially bad considering that the hospitals will be extra busy. You might delay someone who actually needs treatment.
Just go to the general practitioner first.
This is disgusting and really offensive. Assuming that all Asians have COVID just because China caused it is like assuming that all people in Africa are poor because you've heard about a lot of them being poor. Seriously, there's already a crisis at hand. No need to create another.
China did start the whole coronavirus thing, but it doesn't mean we should attack Asian people. You can't blame every Chinese person for this because they can't help it.
This was a problem back in February and March here in Canada, but thanks to that big goof Trump, now it's a stereotype that all Americans have it!
People are doing this? What does this have to do with the coronavirus?
The Newcomers
No, this is a very smart thing to do. It is better to be safe than to get it, show no symptoms, and accidentally give it to someone who can't survive it.
I hate these people with a burning passion. They are nothing more than complete morons who have nothing to do with their lives. They have no respect for other people at all.
The stupid TikTok corona challenge is why I don't have this racist, stupid app even though I'm 15. I really wish teens would stop pressuring me to download it. Is there anyone else in my position?
Nobody likes being quarantined, but we do it to protect the human race. We don't need idiots making fun of a pandemic.
They'll listen to celebrities rather than the authorities, and I find that disrespectful.
Yes, it feels like the government is infringing on our rights and being authoritarian, but it is to protect our nation and ensure we get back to normal life. Every time you disobey, you extend the quarantine time and contribute to the fall of our economy while adding more pointless deaths.
I agree with Frostfeather. If anything, they're supposed to get as much medical supplies as they can!
They need the medical supplies, guys!
You can't really over-buy if you haven't seen a single package of toilet paper or hand sanitizer in almost two months.
Buy only what you need, and no, that does not include enough hand sanitizer to last you three weeks.
I heard that a group of police had to break up a party and arrest the majority of the partygoers. Take it seriously, people. This is not a joke.