Most Traumatizing Things that Can Happen to a Person
What I meant by "traumatised" and "mentally shook" is the things that happened on your life that has rather haunt you and left a burden in your mind. A mental darkness affected by the bad things in life. If some of my items are rather exaggerated, just letting you know that I'm a mentally frail man and I'm rather sensitive when it comes to damn mental pain.It's one of the most horrific and traumatizing things any person could go through. Being violated can cause PTSD, and it's very difficult for the person to cope and get over it. You have to be inhumane to say that it's a temporary phase and that they'll "get over it."
It's simply not that easy to forget about it. Rape is a very serious matter, and it's shameful because nobody deserves to be a victim of this.
I mostly experienced bullying from elementary school all the way to high school. That's one of the main reasons why my mental health is so screwed up, and believe me, it could torment a person for life. More and more bullying prolongs the torment, and I'm afraid my torment has been prolonged.
Bullies are merely sandbags who have no lives but torment others for their sadistic satisfaction. I'm never the same.
I've never been seriously bullied. I'm like that one guy everyone likes. There have been moments, though, where it almost got bad (especially in middle school). Nothing serious though. I can't really complain. I do feel for people that have been bullied before.
Whether it's an adult going through a divorce or a child whose parents are divorcing, it's one of the most painful experiences a person can go through. It shatters the young hopes and dreams of that child, and they will remain broken as they can't be fixed.
For some adults, they aren't much affected by it and don't care if they marry many times.
I once had a buddy, and we were really close friends. Then, once we got to high school, I learned he only became my friend because I was smart and I sat next to him. Kinda hurt. Never get too close to someone just because you sit next to them.
I've lost a lot of friends, and the worst part is that it's because I have grown uglier over the years. Trust me, this is so terrifying. Sometimes life decides that we're not meant to keep certain paths or friendships in our lives.
Kindergarten: I had a best friend. She moved to Italy at the end of the year.
1st grade: I had another best friend. She also moved at the end of the year.
2nd grade: Another best friend. This time she didn't leave me, and we still talk to each other.
3rd grade onwards: No best friend.
Bereavement is a very tough stage, and it's one of the most touching and saddest types of mourning any person can go through. Of course, I would be deeply emotional and rather angered if my brothers died. When I was very young, my mother cried because her sister died from breast cancer.
I didn't understand the depth of emotions back then. Now I do, and I am emotionally sensitive all the time.
If a sibling of mine (say, for instance, my cousin) was killed senselessly by another, then I think it's time to be vigilant and get vengeance upon them mercilessly. Nobody screws with my family!
I've experienced this many times, and it's what I consider to be the most painful process a person could go through. It is also one of the parts that makes me into a cynic, and I've grown more cynical as I experience more of this and heavily distrust some of my friends.
Besides that one time in 8th grade that I talked about earlier, I've never felt betrayed. The sad thing is that guy doesn't even understand how he hurt me.
Either your mom or dad or both, it traumatizes you because their lives have been cut short too soon, and the circumstances are unfortunate. It could be even worse if abusive stepparents or foster parents play a role in your life, prolonging your torment instead of assuaging it.
When my mom dies, I am going to lose it. I just hope everyone's parents live until they're old and gray. Sadly, that's not always the case.
Either because they died or they kicked you out of their lives, both are painful to bear and cope with. Of course, dealing with the death of a good friend is more painful than losing a friend who doesn't want you in their life.
Trust me, I've been through many losses of friends in a way that they don't want me in their lives, and it's agonizing to go through so many.
Unfortunately, I have experienced this several times. For example, I have been accused and punished for things my sister did at home. It seems I have always been vulnerable to this. I'm not getting too personal when it comes to TheTopTens or BAND experiences like this. I can't even recall being falsely accused of something I haven't done on there, but it probably happened.
The worst thing is when a good friend did this. They are no longer friends but distrustful and deceitful people.
No parent should have to bury their child. The absolute worst thing that can happen, in my opinion.
I couldn't even imagine how the parent would feel.
No parent should outlive their own child. Period.
The Newcomers
I saw my cat die. It was horrible.
After watching "9/11 as Events Unfold," witnessing a tragedy wouldn't make me feel safe at all.
A terrorist attack, particularly a bad car crash, etc.
In the summer of fifth grade, I witnessed a roller coaster accident. One person died and nine were injured. I was so shaken up. I still can't look at an amusement park without feeling sick to my stomach.