Please rate me!

Oliveleaf Hi, I would like you to rate me as a user. You can rate me in any way. (Percentage, Fractions, A, B, C, etc.) I won't mind what you rate me, since this is more of a survey.



You're a nice user, just don't overreact when everyone hates on BES - visitor

Sorry about that. Thanks for rating me higher than I rated you. - Oliveleaf

Change it to an 80, you have good content - visitor

Thanks. - Oliveleaf

Now 100, I haven't seen you overreacting when someone hates BES for a while - visitor

:D yay, thanks, it means a lot. - Oliveleaf

80 - ProPanda

Thanks I guess. - Oliveleaf

Since you have apologized, I have gained more respect. 90 needed - ProPanda

Okie. - Oliveleaf

96 - TwilightKitsune

Thanks - Oliveleaf

96.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 - visitor

Ok thanks - Oliveleaf

101! :3 - Brobusky

Out of 100? Thanks. X3 - Oliveleaf

89/100 - visitor

Thank you! - Oliveleaf

Eh, I'm undecided between a 5/10 and a 6/10, so I'll just go with a 5.5/10 for now. - visitor

Thanks - Oliveleaf

Is that considered good or bad? - Oliveleaf

Would you rather be rated around a 4.5 that would be considered below average and in the bad scale. - visitor

Well for grades, I get frustrated with anything under 97. - Oliveleaf

That's average. - visitor

I'll go with 6/10. You're pretty decent, if you stop overreacting with someone criticizes BES. - Elina

Thanks - Oliveleaf

Yeah, that's hetr only con - visitor

55% - cosmo

Thanks - Oliveleaf

100 <3 - visitor

Thanks - Oliveleaf

92/100. You're a decent, good user and I'm not considwrinf the overreacting part :D - visitor

*considering. The typos are getting very annoying. Very much. - visitor

*considering. Sorry for the awful looking typo. - visitor