Worst Types of People on the Internet EP-13 The Christmas Special

SirSkeletorThe3rd Yeah I know it isn't Christmas yet but TOMORROW IS CHRISTMAS EVE THO!!!! Anyways Merry Christmas or if you don't celebrate it Merry Hannakuh. No? You don't worship neither of those? Then Merry Jihad to you too.

Anyways this is a special time of year where it's cold and dark. The Freezing Moons shines too. This is a time where 30 year olds get out of their basement and put on their furry suit and dance on the moonlight.

Yes today we'll be talking about Furries. Wut r Furis? You type and it's spelled incorrectly cause it's you (thanks adoseofbuckley) Well here are Furries!

Furries - An autistic man or woman who wears animal costumes for no reason. They usually wear costumes of wolves. They go around in cosplay all day.

Why do Furries do this? I don't know but they have Anime (Furry Weaboos) and CONVENTIONS DAMMIT!!!! Most also feel sexual pleasure about it too. The porn is disgusting. But anyways not all Furries are bad but it's still pretty weird being an adult walking around in a suit of a Wolf.

Furries also get easily butthurt like Weaboos and FNAF fans. Furries also crossover with them too. What's interesting about Furries is that they are so obsessed that they made World History morph into Furry History. You have a furry Adolf Hitler who is a German Shepard leading his little bipedal dog minions to Poland. And then there's furry Stalin, a husky being a little communist. WHO'S MY LITTLE COMMUNIST?! WHO IS?! WHO?! YES YOU JOSEPH!!! YOURE MY LITTLE COMMUNIST!!!!

I think there's a whole website like Wikipedia that talks about furry history and crap. Yeah it's scary that there's so many of them. They could just start an upsrising and start a fascist state lead by a 40 year old man in his mother's basement.

Well that was it so Merry Christmas, or Merry Hannakuh, or Merry Jihad whichever religion you worship.


Kek - bobbythebrony

Furries are creepy. And the dog Hitler made me laugh. - RiverClanRocks