My Two Cents On: ????

TheReviewer20 After making my list on Reasons Why I Suck, I decided to buckle down and improve my content. So today, I will be doing a MTCO on TheMysteriousMrEnter. He's a cartoon critic with series called Animated Atrocities and Admirable Animation. I really don't get the hate for him. I found him ok until Animated Atrocities #100, when he started to increase in quality. He got an editor and made higher quality equipment. He turned this into a job, so now he gets paid. What's so wrong with that? I'll be talking about the Top 10 reasons on this list and how they're wrong (mostly). And before we go on, yes, this was inspired from his most recent video.
Just a note, I am NOT a part of his fandom. I just cannot understand the hate for him.

First up, the newcomers:

He uses autism as a scapegoat

I've watched all of his videos after he said he was on the autism spectrum. He has brought it up 3 times and used it as an excuse for his actions once. That's doesn't sound like a lot to me.

He Has No Sense of Humor
Disregarding the fact that he has Asperger's, do you need to have a sense of humor to be a good reviewer? It helps, but it's not needed. And if he has no sense of humor, which people don't like apparently, then how does he have 250k subscribers? Just wondering.

With that out of the way, let's look at the actual list.

10. His insane fan base
I have the same complaint for this as I have for the fandom being on Worst Things about The Loud House. Not all of it is bad, just some of it is. Plus, you can't blame him for the fan base.

9: He blocks anyone who disagrees with his opinions
Maybe back in 2015, when this list was made, he might have done that. But he's more mature now.

8: He calls all haters trolls
See above.

7: He impersonated TRMME
Who is that? Most likely a deleted YouTube account or something. But if I don't have proof, I can't believe it.

6: He takes Cartoons way too seriously
Don't even start with the "It's just a kids show" excuses. Animation can change lives. If it wasn't for Spongebob, I would most likely be doing something I hate, playing sports. It's also changes other people's lives too, giving them hope for the future. And even "kids shows" can be thought provoking and deeper than most adult cartoons try to be.

5. He treats writers of bad episodes like they are the second coming of Hitler

This is the only one I agree with. He is still way too harsh on writers.

4: He thinks Trolls and Cyberbullies are the same thing
When you get down to it, they are basically the same thing. They both harass people for little reason to get a ride out of them. But trolls usually have different reasons than cyberbullies.

3. He harassed metal heads on TTT
You can't change the past. You can regret doing what you did and learn from that experience to strive for a better reputation, but you can't change it. If you only hate on someone for what they did in that past without taking into account what they've done after that, then you're a hypocrite.

2. He bullied metalusers on TTT
See above.

1. He's a huge hypocrite
He can, at times, be very hypocritical, but usually apologizes for it afterwards. He's not as big of a hypocrite as, say, LeafyIsHere or Stuff with Scout Fly.

So this is why many people hate him? I don't get it. Anyway, Ihope you had a good time reading this and leave your thoughts in the comments below. Have a good (insert time of day here)!

P.S This is all in bold because I like bold text.


Good job on the post. More detailed than what you've done in the past. I think that the MME on this site was just a fake though. - Skullkid755

This is your best content yet. - DCfnaf

Nice post. I don't care a lot for Mr. Enter these days, but it was interesting to see your thoughts on him. Perhaps I should make a post detailing my thoughts on various anime YouTubers. Oh, if I were ever able to make that post, one thing I'm definitely going to do is tear those overrated snark-bait and click-bait nutjobs that call themselves anime analysts Digibro and Mother's Basement a NEW ONE. - visitor

Can you do The Anime Man? - TwilightKitsune

Eh... I'm not sure. I know it's bad to judge people based on what they like and dislike, but the only thing I really know about The Anime Man based on what I've read on T.V. Tropes is that he doesn't like SAO. This does not mean I'm going to simply criticize him for having an opposite opinion from mine, but as long as he's relatively positive and isn't in the same vein as snarky YouTubers with jerk attitudes like the two I just mentioned above, I might go easy on him.

I mean, while I feel annoyed that Gigguk frequently mocks SAO in a comedic gag fashion, I did hear he doesn't actually hate the series and for me, the rest of his content is probably at the very least tolerable and at most very humorous and enjoyable for me to watch. After all, I can't forget his Fate/Zero in a nutshell moment where he used Team Fortress 2 dialogue to sum up the premise of the anime in question.

Now it may be a while since I do a post like this, but... I'll try my best to see if I can at least tolerate a YouTube channel I may not like or see if I will actually like that YouTube channel. - visitor

Thanks Kit. And yeah, you'll find him really positive - TwilightKitsune

Good post - visitor