Top 10 Most Beautiful Female Metal Musicians
The world of metal is filled with talented women who not only shred, scream, and sing, but also captivate us with their unique beauty. These are women who stand strong in a genre often dominated by men, embodying the raw power and energy that metal music is known for.This isn't just about physical beauty - it's also about the passion, the charisma, the soul of the musician. These are women who command the stage with their presence, and their performances often become etched into the hearts of their fans.
We're talking about women from across the entire spectrum of metal - symphonic, thrash, death, gothic, power, and everything in between. Some are famous for their soaring vocals, others for their ferocious guitar skills, and many for both. These women come from all over the world, adding a unique flavor to the bands they represent, enriching the genre with their diverse backgrounds and styles.

She is, without a doubt, the most gorgeous female metal band lead singer. Her voice is heavenly, and watching her on stage is mesmerizing.
She is absolutely gorgeous and extremely talented as well.
She is the most beautiful, talented, and down-to-earth woman on the planet.

You just need to see her 2017 video The World Is Yours by Arch Enemy. She is absolutely perfect - both face and body, with perfect proportions. And her voice!
Before you vote, find some more images on Google or other videos - for example, Panophobia by The Agonist. (In the War Eternal video by Arch Enemy, it's difficult to see her true beauty because of the makeup.)
Why isn't she number one?! She is so beautiful, she puts all other female metal singers to shame!
I see why she's second. I like her hair and facial expression!

Together with her partner, Robert Westerholt, den Adel is one of the founding members of Within Temptation. She has defined their work as epic and cinematic. Her vocals play a major role in the band's sound,... read more
I don't know, she is just amazingly captivating with a look.
Sharon is the most beautiful woman in the world.
Sharon is absolutely gorgeous.

You should see her in this video: Serenity - Wings Of Madness.
(She is incredibly beautiful, but the eroticism in this video is too much for metal standards, and it raises questions.)
Clémentine is a French soprano singer for the Austrian symphonic metal band Serenity, currently Visions of Atlantis, and the French opera metal band Melted Space.
Clémentine has a perfect face and body. She's sexy and as hot as hell! She is just perfect - the most beautiful singer of all time! I love her. I would marry her if I could.

Check out: Kobra and the Lotus - Welcome To My Funeral and Forever One.
She's very beautiful and sexy, and fortunately, nothing is overdone.
She's a classically trained singer, but she doesn't sing symphonic metal.
She is an awesome vocalist and composer.

Once again, I feel it is my duty as a fan of Xandria to give due credit to another of the band's frontwomen, Dianne! While she is not the first one I saw when I was getting into this truly awesome and mighty band, her performances and vocals are nonetheless astounding!
Nightfall was the first song and video I experienced with her, and to this day, it remains my favorite of their videos featuring her. There is something very intense about her that I almost immediately noticed in Nightfall - almost magical! Her eyes seem to literally twinkle like brightly lit stars. I get emotional even thinking about it.
It is sad that she left the band, but I feel that she will do just fine branching out on her own. From a true admirer and fan for life, thank you!

Amaranthe - Digital World, The Nexus.
My problem with this band is that they sound too poppy, mainstream-ish, and I don't hear much metal most of the time. But Elize is beautiful.

Exotic Brazilian thrash bassist and vocalist. Wow!
She doesn't look beautiful because she's angry all the time, but in fact, she is beautiful. Check out: Nervosa - Death.

The former soprano vocalist of the Norwegian gothic metal band Tristania is our pale enchantress...
Her face reminds me of Amy Lee for some reason.
The Newcomers

She's a goddess! And she has an amazing voice!

What! Floor deserves a top spot. She is the most beautiful woman in the history of metal.
A dark angel, to be sure. I've fallen for her voice.
For a woman of her height, she's beautiful. Just lose yourself for a few moments in those blue eyes...

She is an American singer-songwriter and vocal coach who has provided lead and backing vocals for many symphonic and power metal bands, supergroups, and side projects, including live shows. These bands include Avantasia, Epica, Kamelot, Edguy, Kiske/Somerville, Primal Fear, After Forever, Aina, Elvenking, and more. As of 2017, she has also released five solo albums.

Honestly, how does someone get those genes? I'm a girl, and I'm jealous of her. I mean, what kind of girl wouldn't want a feminine yet aggressive vibe to their looks?
Just check out the video for "What Lies Ahead." Any questions?

She is a very beautiful bassist of the Anglo-Swedish modern metal band Sonic Syndicate.