Best Neoclassical Metal Guitarists
What makes Yngwie known as the inventor of neoclassical metal is that he does neoclassical stuff in all of his songs. People who say Ritchie and Uli were the pioneers are wrong. They only did a few neoclassical things, not as their main musical part like Yngwie does. In fact, he was severely criticized for doing the same music throughout his career, to the point that I would become annoyed because it gets boring if it's always the same.
But I respect his opinion for doing what he wants to do like we know him now. Other neoclassical artists only do it at the beginning, and after a few albums, they start leaving it. It's proven that all his catalogs are full of neoclassical stuff, and there's no doubt that not only as a guitarist but the entire catalog defines neoclassical metal.
He took guitar playing to a new level a few years after Eddie Van Halen. Any modern shredder guitarist today knows him as a pioneer of this genre. Sadly, only his '80s work was great. The rest was average, and his post-2000s work has creepy home production quality. Mostly, I listen to his '80s stuff. Of course, I have listened to many main bands in almost every known metal subgenre.
At his prime, he was untouchable live when he felt like it. Creative, innovative, and always interesting.
He was already very good when he used to perform and created great songs in his teenage years. He beats most sweep pickers with what he did at 18 or 19. He could've been even better if he hadn't developed ALS. The sad thing is that he doesn't even have an image on this site. Not even saved in the database.
I really don't care what the list says. Jason will always be my guitar hero. He's simply the best. Richie and Yngwie won't stand a chance against him, to be honest.
This is simple: No one at age 18 can compose an album like Perpetual Burn. Oh wait, Jason Becker did it. Unmatched talent.
Randy Rhoads, a name synonymous with shredding, is one of the greatest metal guitarists of all time. He should unseat Ritchie, as Ritchie was more blues. He is the main influence on my guitar playing (besides Dave Mustaine and Yngwie), and he should be viewed as the best.
There are other guitar players that should be here like Mendel Bij, but from this list, the amazing Marty Friedman is the best one!
Because of Tornado of Souls, Poison Was the Cure, Lucretia, Hangar 18, and Cacophony.
Uli Roth flat out blows everyone away, including Eddie Van Halen. With albums like In Trance, Virgin Killer, and Fly to the Rainbow, nobody was playing this technically and furiously. Period!
The Newcomers
If Malmsteen knew how to write riffs.
He mostly plays technical death metal, but some of his licks sound like neoclassical metal licks.
Even faster than Yngwie. He's an epic shredder, way too low on this list. The only one here that might be better is Vinnie Moore.
Coroner guitarist Tommy Baron basically plays technical and progressive thrash metal, but his style is neoclassical, especially in solos and instrumentals.
His instrumentals: Arc-Lite, Nosferatu
If everyone on Earth listened to his entire discography with every band he's been in, they wouldn't think twice before immediately putting him in the Top 10.
He created his own genre of music and universe. He has his own online guitar course with worldwide subscriptions.
When people from all walks of life listen, the bare minimum response is appreciation. When I put Rhapsody's first album on at maximum volume in a warehouse, the whole staff stopped working, was in awe, and asked me what it was they were hearing.
A man who studied all forms of music and only loves the best said, "He's a genius of his style." Another musician I know, who has been practicing music his whole life from the rock, country, jazz, and classical greats with extreme ease, and is now part of the official Led Zeppelin tribute band of North America, felt timid upon first listen.
The music is the epitome of epic music. It's considered a given that many audience members of both sexes will weep during performances. Many experience an incredible natural, sober, whole-body buzz. One time, someone even 'climaxed' near the end of the show just due to the sounds.
This music ennobles people to have better characters.