Top Ten Worst Metal Stereotypes

The Top Ten
It's Satanic

For crying out loud, most commercial metal is NOT satanic. Just because it is not what some listeners are used to doesn't mean it is evil. That's like saying reggae is evil because the songs are too slow!

Some metal bands talk about the devil and God and include evil lyrical content in their songs. However, most of the time it is just for topical emphasis or shock factor. Metal is often akin to shock factor, and it isn't frequently used for brainwashing by the band. Even the bands that are, as far as I know, aren't causing any more public damage than normal bands.

Also, screaming and growling are forms of singing. For the most part, they are not evil rituals or dark summonings.

It's Talentless

Random kid: Oh, Metallica takes no talent.
Me: Oh really? When we get home, pick up my guitar and try to play one of their songs.
*Gets home and plays one by Metallica*
Random kid: 0_0

I hate it when people say metal is talentless. Try to play one, and you'll be thinking, Oh. Kids are so dumb these days (except the metalheads and people who understand).

Try playing the solo from "Painkiller" by Judas Priest when you've never picked up a guitar or try growling to an Ingested song. Hard, isn't it?

I'm not a metalhead, but I ask anyone who says this and has never learned any instrument to play one metal song. In my opinion, they're the most talented musicians.

It's All Senseless Screaming

Personally, this is the WORST because it's so annoying.

1. Half of metal isn't even screaming.
2. Half the people who say this haven't even really listened to metal.

Not all metal songs are like this. I've never heard any screaming in a Within Temptation song before.

People who think this have only listened to Death Metal or Black Metal or some other form of "extreme metal." -DarkBoi-X

It's Bad for Children

It's actually good for children when they are angry. It helps them calm down in a healthy way that doesn't hurt anyone or anything.

So Sabaton teaching history is bad, but Lil Wayne and Meghan Trainor singing about weed and asses isn't?

Many people don't know this, but there's a Finnish children's metal band called Hevisaurus. I'm not kidding. Look it up.

It's Unpopular
It Promotes Crime

No, if a crime was committed, it's completely the person's fault, not the music. They just use that as an excuse for people to sympathize with them in court.

If it promotes crime, explain why I've never committed a single one.

It Encourages Bad Behavior

Any act of terror in this world will somehow get blamed on metal. For example, murders being blamed on Slayer, suicide being encouraged by Judas Priest and Ozzy Osbourne, and Columbine being blamed on Marilyn Manson.

No, it doesn't. People have other things that might influence them, like their family or something they do that becomes a habit.

Again, if it does, why don't I support bullying?

It's Too Loud

But... that's one of the reasons why I love rock and metal so much.

It's Violent

Clearly, people haven't paid attention to the lyrics in most of today's mainstream songs.

Pop and rap stereotype butts and sex.

It's All Death Metal

The assumption that everything is death metal is downright absurd. Metalcore, in particular, gets confused with death metal very often. I had to tell so many people the differences between certain metal genres, and metalcore and death metal always get confused by the people I talk to.

I guess this stereotype is placed because the vocalists are always screaming without clean vocals, and that's all the listeners hear? (See the above "It's All Senseless Screaming.")

Death metal is great, yes, but it's just one of 1,000 subgenres.

The Newcomers

? It All Sounds the Same
? It's Only White Males
The Contenders
Everyone Who Listens to It is an Emo
All Metal Artists Are Devil Worshipers

Do I REALLY need to explain why this argument makes no sense?

It is Bad for Your Ears

You know you can choose whether or not you want to lower the volume, put on headphones, or both. As long as you keep these things in mind, you'll be fine.

Scandinavians Invented Metal
The Drums Are Too Loud
All Metal Stars Wear Weird Panda Makeup and Over the Top Expressive Clothes
All Metalheads are Angry and Depressed
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