Top 10 Best Movies of 2010

They should've stopped here. Toy Story 4 was terrible. Toy Story 3 will always be the best in the series.
One of the last years when the best movies list wasn't flooded with superhero movies.
Toy Story needs to be number one! I also hate Alice in Wonderland. (Way too many advertisements.)

This is not only the best movie of 2010 but the best movie of all time.
It has everything I could want in a movie: action, character building, an extremely interesting plot, a great soundtrack (Time is one of my favorite songs), and it makes you think. Everyone can have their own opinion about how it ended and even about what happened in general. Someone could think the ending was a dream, or the whole movie was a dream, or certain parts were, or that the movie wasn't an inception of Fisher but of Cobb himself. Words cannot express how much I love it.

What grabs me about this film is that even though it's technically a fantasy, I can't help but get the feeling that everything I'm seeing really happened at some point in history. And not in a dull, preachy way.
On the contrary, there's never a dull moment in the film. The relationship between man and beast has never been told in a more beautiful, yet surprisingly realistic way. My favorite movie of all time. Bottom line, it deserves to be higher than number 16.
Why is this so low? This movie had an amazing soundtrack, really awesome graphics, and great voice actors. The list could go on forever.
This movie does not deserve to be so low. It should be at least in the top ten. This movie deserves to be number one.

Watching this one today, it's still a satisfying experience. It's a good movie. I mean, it's no masterpiece, but it's entertaining and leaves you with a happy feeling after watching it.
This is one of the funniest movies I have seen in a while!
What? This is number 18? This should be in the top ten!

I love this movie. The writing is so fantastic. Almost every word spoken by the characters is brilliantly thought out.
Inception is an amazing movie, but come on, The Social Network is better.
Seriously, this needs to be higher. It's definitely better than The Expendables.

In my mind, Harry Potter was the only film series that pulled off the "split the last book into two parts" concept close to perfectly.
How is Percy Jackson, a forgettable, seen-it-all film, ranked above this film, which was dark and haunting?
I wasn't too sure about splitting the book into two movies. However, it actually works.

Wow, Iron Man is the coolest superhero in the history of Marvel. The same hero, but with a better superhero suit.

This should be higher on the list! Accurate actors, ingenious writing, and following the source material accurately.
The best Michael Cera has, honestly, ever been.

This film was a bit of a Red Shoes rip-off, but it was still the best film of the year. Darren Aronofsky is a fantastic director. This is not his best work, but this movie and Inception were the best of the year, with Shutter Island coming in third. It really should be ranked a lot higher.
Truly the best film I have ever seen. I related to Nina on a level that I never have with a movie character. A masterpiece in every way.
Best movie ever? Why is this not ranked higher? It's a fantastic use of the medium of film to provide insight into someone with a slowly distorted sense of reality.
The Newcomers

It's like crack. It's addicting and makes you want more! Awesome movie with awesome violence, funny jokes, suspense, and anything else you would want in a movie.

Come on, people. This is ridiculous. James Franco was so good in this incredibly directed film. I can't believe it isn't number one.
This movie has a great soundtrack. It should get an Oscar. James Franco also gave a good performance. Too bad he didn't win for Best Actor.

Why the hell is this not in first place? Isn't Adam Sandler's amazing comedy, hilarious plot, and all-around laughs not enough for you? Greedy people.

What? This was much better than Shrek Forever After or Alice in Wonderland. In fact, it's better than any of the movies on this list!