Best Care Bears Movies
The Care Bears movies take us on some pretty awesome adventures, with all your favorite bears like Cheer Bear, Grumpy Bear, and Tenderheart Bear coming together to help spread love and defeat any forces of gloom that threaten their world. These movies offer everything from heartfelt stories and important lessons to fun songs and humor that both kids and grown-ups can enjoy.Looks like we got a GoAnimate-styled rant below. The Care Bears movie came before the MLP movie (1985 before 1986).
For my thoughts, this is the first and best Care Bears movie, in my opinion, and a very good movie on its own. The animation isn't as good as Disney's and has errors, but it still has its own charm and is fine in its own right. The story isn't the best ever and has some writing issues, but it's still entertaining. All the characters are likable (though some of the Cousins could have been characterized better). Most of the Bears have their own simple personality traits (though the two animated series showed them better). The songs are enjoyable, though not as good as those in the second movie. Even though it can seem too saccharine and corny at times, it still has a cutesy charm that makes it enjoyable, and it has a good message that I believe even adults can appreciate: no matter how alone you may think you are, there always will be someone in the world who cares for you and will be your friend.
It's better than the 2017 MLP movie (and even handled the concept of reformation better) and better than most children's movies today. - Sailor Sedna
I loved this movie, and it really made up for how confusing the last two movies were. It was nice to see Good Luck Bear have some time to shine. However, what confuses me is the whole family dynamic between Swift Heart Rabbit and the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland.