Top Ten Films With Unnoticed Plot Holes That Need to Be Filled
Some of these really drive me insane. What about you?I know this will be the most controversial list on TheTopTens, but mixed opinions keep it going. So vote.

It's all about the Skywalker family tree here. At the end of Episode III, Anakin and Padme's children were separated, and because Anakin became Darth Vader, their ancestry was kept secret to protect them. You'd think the name "Luke Skywalker" would have been a dead giveaway. This also becomes a big mistake in the next installment. Darth Vader suddenly feels a connection through the Force to Luke only after Darth Sidious mentions "the offspring of Anakin Skywalker." How did Vader not realize this sooner? It was right in front of him!
There's also a smaller but still significant issue regarding the rebel base. The Death Star was built to destroy planets, but for some reason, it was waiting for the rebel base to come within range, as there was a planet between them. Hold on a moment!

Another Star Wars-related plot hole. The first Death Star had a poorly designed defense system - a shaft through which one could get a shot into the center of the ship and blow it up. The second Death Star had one large enough for a ship to fit through!

It's simple: Boris the Animal went back in time to kill Kay before Kay could stop and arrest him. But if Kay died before hiring Jay, how was Jay still there? When Jay returns to the present, Kay remembers their conversation on the phone at the start of the film, which wouldn't have happened if Jay and Kay became friends or acquaintances after Jay went back in time.
And if Kay wanted the ArcNet to be launched into space, with the only way to do so being via Apollo 11, surely MIB could have called NASA in advance. That would have been much easier than trying to bribe the security guard and then climbing up the supports to jump onto the rocket.
I discussed this in more detail on my list of plot holes in the MiB film franchise. Look it up.

I haven't seen it since I was very young, but I remember the plot holes.
Firstly, let's examine Mufasa's death scene. Before the stampede, we see a few hundred wildebeest, but during the stampede, we see this same number of wildebeest every half a second. So, logically, the stampede should have ended quickly, meaning Simba would have been fine as long as he held onto the tree. Neither Mufasa nor Scar would have had time to reach him before the stampede was over.
Secondly, assuming Scar's plan wasn't flawed in that way and Mufasa was trampled to death, Simba was the only eyewitness. Scar could have easily killed Simba instead of telling him to run away and leaving the task to the hyenas.
Thirdly, Mufasa's ghost appears only years after his death. So, where have you been all these years, Dad?
Finally, Timon and Pumbaa follow Simba back to confront Scar, despite having no direct role in overthrowing Scar. Without them, Simba would have managed just fine.

This episode reveals the existence of the Time Turner. Odd, that. If wizards could travel through time, they could have stopped the whole story from taking place, like stopping or killing Voldemort before he started making any Horcruxes.
Wow! Yeah, that's a good point, Positron. Hell, Hermione could have fixed the Voldemort maniac by time warping. Rowling failed to predict this loophole.
They could have gone back in time to keep Voldemort from even being born! And if someone can get their hands on one just to change classes a lot, then that means they probably aren't that rare. Explain, J.K. Rowling.

Very good point, PositronWildhawk. Another plot hole I noticed is the end fight scene between Spock and Khan. They need the regenerative abilities of Khan's blood to heal Kirk, right? Well, what about the 72 other super-humans in cryo-sleep on the Enterprise? I mean, the fight between Spock and Khan was boss, but unnecessary.
In this film, we establish that Khan was frozen for over 300 years. But considering that the year was 2260, Khan must have been frozen in 1960 at the latest, long before such technology would have been developed.

We know this: The plot to cause terrible things at Hogwarts involved Lucius Malfoy slipping Tom Riddle's diary into Ginny's cauldron, so she would be possessed and open the Chamber of Secrets to kill Muggle-borns. Given that Harry Potter played no role in this plot, why would Dobby try to stop Harry from going to school? Dobby didn't know Harry would be under attack until Harry found the diary.
Additionally, Ginny developed a crush on Harry, which she might have mentioned in the diary. For the plan to make sense, both Dobby and Lucius would need to know about Ginny's crush - Dobby, to believe Harry was in danger, and Lucius, to decide to give Ginny the diary in the first place.

This one is obvious. If monsters could portal through doors to scare children, couldn't humans do the same?

In the beginning, after the sorceress Zi Yuan curses the crazy, mass-murdering emperor without him realizing it, he says he'll kill her brother unless she marries him. She knew that he would start to melt within a matter of seconds, as would his army, so she could have just played it off.
Also, she got stabbed in the stomach, but then the yetis raced her to the pool of eternal life, which would have meant traveling in excess of two thousand miles to get her there and back, in a time when a horse was the fastest means of transport. Logically, she would never have survived.
The Newcomers

Also, why weren't people ripping doors off hinges, grabbing tables and chairs, and floating on them? Why would the band play music until they died instead of taking those instruments and floating on them?
Why wouldn't Jack get on one side of the door/table (I can't remember if it was a door or table) and Rose on the other side to balance it out so they both could survive?
Jack and the others could have survived. It isn't a plot hole, it's just stupid.

This one is pretty easy to notice. If Buzz didn't think he was a toy, then why did he act like a toy whenever Andy came into the room?
Well, Earth is a mysterious planet, and Buzz is a spaceman. He probably thinks the humans are dangerous aliens and he will die if he doesn't freeze.

Plot hole: How did Bruce Wayne/Batman get from the Pit to Gotham without a passport, travel tickets, or anything that could help him travel?

A point that was well made in The Big Bang Theory. But I still love this film and that TBBT episode.

This one really needs to be changed to just "The Lord of the Rings." Anyway, the plot hole is: Why couldn't they have used the Eagles? They would have taken less time, got the job done quickly, and Sean Bean wouldn't have died for once. Even the Nostalgia Critic can see this one.

Does E.T. need a bike in order to fly?

If you need an operator to get you in and out of the Matrix, then who got Cipher in and out when he went to make a deal with Agent Smith?

The whole movie is about the search for "Rosebud," the last word Kane uttered before he died at the beginning of the film. However, they show the scene when he dies, saying the last word alone in his room, with no one around to actually hear it.

How could the Wicked Witch go through her entire life without getting any water on her? Not even a shower? She must smell really bad!