Top 10 Best Movies of 2018

The year 2018 was a massive one for movies. New installments from the 'Star Wars,' 'Jurassic Park,' 'Mission: Impossible,' 'Predator,' 'Halloween,' 'Fantastic Beasts,' 'Rocky,' and 'Transformers' franchises were released. In addition, a whopping ten superhero movies hit the screens.

Given the potential for high box office returns, 2018 was set to be a blockbuster year. However, despite the success of 2017, there were also some major box office flops. This made 2018 another underachieving year for studios.

For those who weren't interested in all the blockbuster mayhem, there were plenty of smaller-budgeted, story-driven films worth watching. The list compiled and ranked the biggest cinematic crowd-pleasers of 2018. It was indeed a year of highs and lows in the film industry.
The Top Ten
Avengers: Infinity War

This movie blew me away. I was on the edge of my seat, barely paying attention to my popcorn, drink, and candy. It made me tense, and I haven't cried this hard since the last few movies.

Five minutes in, and I was already an emotional train wreck. It had everything I'd expect and things I hadn't even braced for. The emotion and the action are what really got to me in this movie.

From the depth of the characters and how drastically they've developed and changed over the MCU to the spoiler alert: THE ENDING. Ever since, I've been mourning, and I can't wait for the fourth. I had to say goodbye to my favorites though (sobs).

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

This is coming from a person who is not a fan of Spider-Man: you absolutely need to go see this movie. Like, get up and go to the movie theater to see it. This was one of the greatest animated films I've ever seen in my life. It's total eye candy from beginning to end, with a fast pace and excellent characters in a world that is completely sprawling with life.

This film is CREATIVE, and that is what I am always looking for in any modern animated feature. If you're looking for the same, go see this movie. Also, what the hell is this doing at #21? This needs to be in the top 10 immediately. Sony Animation actually pulled through with the best-looking animation since Kubo and the Two Strings.

Incredibles 2

The original Incredibles movie is probably the movie I've watched the most in my life. I'm not exaggerating when I say that I've seen it beginning-to-end close to 30 times. It's a very nostalgic film from my childhood that I hold with the utmost respect as an adult. To this day, it remains one of my all-time favorites.

Watching the second installment took me back to when I was a kid and gave me everything I wanted in an Incredibles sequel. The characters are all the same lovable, complex individuals that we've known for the past 14 years, and each actor gives an astounding vocal performance. The fluid animation and action sequences are equally breathtaking and exhilarating.

The screenplay is sharp, clever, and does not pander to a younger audience whatsoever. The characters talk like they did in the original, with well-written dialogue that will most likely fly over kids' heads. And while the plot is a tad predictable at times, I'm perfectly fine with it because Brad Bird's execution is masterful.

Everyone put their all into this movie to make sure it was as good as it possibly could be and could stand up to the classic original. And while the original is still slightly better in my opinion, this movie was well worth the wait and left me 100% satisfied. It was, in one word: incredible.

Black Panther

Here's my take on Black Panther. No, I am not talking about Huey Newton's political movement. It's another Marvel comic-based action flick. It was good, but not excellent. The plot was kind of emotional and explosive at the same time.

Even Chadwick Boseman did a great job as the title character. Although most of those gadgets and gizmos may not be realistic, the special effects looked fine to me. Anyway, I don't want to spoil it. If I spoil Black Panther for you Marvel fanboys and fangirls, you might get triggered. It's 2 thumbs up.

Deadpool 2

I really like the first Deadpool movie that came out in 2016. I thought it was a fun movie with likable characters, a lot of charm, and humor. The sequel improves upon it in every way. The story is much better, particularly because it's not just about Deadpool going on a mission to kill one person. It actually has a lot of unpredictable twists and turns, and they add much more depth to Deadpool's character.

Every new character they add is just great, and the acting in the film is great overall. The movie is a phenomenal parody of superhero movies and sequels, and it succeeds in everything it sets out to do. This might eventually become one of my favorite comedies ever.

A Quiet Place

Wow, this is only ranked eighth? A Quiet Place was a masterful horror film and the best movie of this year. It was emotional, suspenseful, and the most original film of the year, if not the decade.

The ending of the movie is shocking and emotional and will bring you to tears. The acting of each character was amazing and unforgettable.

If you haven't seen this movie, see it now, and then tell me what you think is the best movie of the year. It is unbelievable, shocking, emotional, masterful, original, suspenseful, and the best movie of this year.

Ready Player One

Not the most perfect Steven Spielberg movie with lots of pop culture references, but it's still great. It's overstuffed with stunning special effects and includes a few good laughs. So, what's the moral? Stop playing with video games and move on with the real world.

Enough of what I said, it's still great. Simply a fun film to enjoy in theaters.

I am glad that I watched the movie first. After watching it, I read the book and it totally blew me away. I can't believe it's one of Spielberg's works. It didn't even follow the main quest and some important parts.

But whatever, the book is the best.

Bohemian Rhapsody

I've been waiting for this movie for five years now, and finally, when it is out (and I'm off my mind with excitement), they don't bring it to the movie theater at my place. There isn't another hall nearby. Even the faraway ones don't have English shows. Queen and Freddie have helped me through a very difficult time, and I wanted to experience their extraordinary, out-of-this-world level brilliance on the big screen. But sadly, the deep indulgence of my country's current society in cheap, degrading, and socially unaware Bollywood stuff has hindered my one big wish. Huh, even my friends at school refused to watch this movie if it came (they refuse to watch anything but Bollywood. Neither have they ever heard of Freddie or his songs). And I'm so dying to watch it.

I know I made an unusually long story here, but the point I'm trying to make is to watch it if you are getting an opportunity. If you know Queen, it will be an experience of a lifetime. If you do not, you will see a whole new world of hope and aspirations through the masterpieces of the geniuses that they are.

Ant-Man and the Wasp

I usually don't like superhero movies, but this was so incredibly funny. It was hilarious, and I enjoyed it so much.

This was really good in my opinion, but I may have to watch it again.

Not the best plot, action, and stuff. But the movie is super funny.

Mission: Impossible - Fallout

Infinity War is great and all, but this is definitely my favorite movie of the year. The sheer visceral action, good performances, and interesting story put this ahead, and the stunts and practical action make this different. The best action movie since Skyfall.

I would rather see this than Teen Titans Go to the Movies. I am a huge Mission Impossible fan. This delivered the second best teaser trailer (the first is Infinity War) and followed it up with an amazing second trailer.

Reading the early reviews got me more hyped than what I saw in the trailer.

The Newcomers

? Shrek Retold
? Liz and the Blue Bird
The Contenders
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

Retrospectively, it was okay. I liked some of the action sequences. There were intense moments, good acting here and there, and great directing. The film also deserves credit for being willing to break the franchise's status quo.

The visual effects are better than its predecessor, and the dinosaurs still look very good, providing some memorable moments. However, while throwbacks are always welcome, I feel as if they were overdone here. There are some plot inconsistencies and scenes that don't make much sense. The human antagonists are very cartoonish and pathetic.

While the epilogue's follow-up is an interesting concept, the epilogue itself could have been done way better. So yeah, it's a very mixed bag for me. It's got some really good action and concepts, but the story execution needs work. Also, I think an Editor's Cut could make the film better...


Toni Collette gave what might be the performance of her life, and the score was very disturbing, along with Charlie's death. Charlie's death is one of the most amazingly crafted scenes ever. It doesn't even show you Charlie's body or head. It just shows Peter's face, as the blood illuminated red, as he can't bring himself to look at her body.

Everyone thought that she would be clicking through the movie... but...

Why the heck is Venom, Solo, and Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom above this masterpiece? This movie doesn't use jump scares (which is a cheap way of scaring people). It has amazing performances (Toni Collette), tension, suspense, and Charlie's death is the best scene ever (not that I enjoyed her death).


Tom Hardy was a much wiser decision. I was very disappointed with who they chose to play Eddie Brock/Venom in Spiderman 3. Topher Grace was not fit for the role of Venom. For a character as tough, brawny, and totally badass as Venom, they could have done a lot better than Topher Grace. I'm so glad they didn't choose him again for this movie. That role is not for Topher Grace.

I saw this with my dad and my brother once. It's definitely one of the best movies of this year and it definitely has a lot of kick-ass fight scenes. And Tom Hardy pulls off the role of Eddie Brock/Venom quite well. We're looking forward to Carnage next.


Just saw this one, easily the best film I've seen out of 2018 so far. Absolutely blew me away.

Judging from reviews and the fact that Alfonso Cuaron directed it, it's bound to be awesome.

Solo: A Star Wars Story

I was absolutely blown away by how good this movie was. Two words - space western (now doesn't that sound kind of neat?). If you love Han Solo and the original trilogy, you have to give it a shot. Don't let the ratings fool you.

I haven't been this excited and pleased about a new release in a long time.

Star Wars: A New Hope was the first movie that I ever saw at the cinema, and I was only 3 years old. So, I have a special place in my heart for the films. If you ignore all of the flaws in the Star Wars movies, they are really enjoyable.

This one was fun.

Ralph Breaks the Internet

It looks like it's going to wreck at the movies, with over 100 cameos from Disney, even the princesses! You should watch it!

After watching the virus scene where Ralph met Double Dan, it kind of reminded me of the Colonial Pipeline cyberattack. Right, Disney? The dark web is not safe.

I watched the trailer. It looks okay because, hey, they go to the INTERNET! EVERYTHING is there on the Internet. I think it's going to be interesting. I liked the first Wreck-It Ralph movie anyway. And Vanellope is super cute but a bit bratty, like my little sister.

Looking forward to the movie!

Isle of Dogs

Unlike any other animation films, this one should be number one for delivering the best quality of entertainment, due to how emotional and gripping the movie is. Isle of Dogs is significant in animation because it doesn't target a specific audience. It would likely be adult and semi-kid friendly because of the surrounding nature with different sets of tones.

The adult nature of this movie is reflected in the political aspects that highlight ideas of corruption and dictatorship, which kids might hardly understand. The kid-friendly tone relates to the emotional impact of the dogs, who are immensely suffering from famine issues, and their special bond with their owners, from whom they were forced to withdraw.

This movie should be a special gem and a treasure in animation history, thanks to Wes Anderson, who made great films such as Fantastic Mr. Fox, which satisfied me and quite the audience.


Amazing! This movie saves the DCEU from collapsing. With Zack Snyder out of the way after ruining Wonder Woman's streak with the awfully mediocre Justice League, we now have a movie directed by James Wan. He's known for directing Furious 7, Saw, and The Conjuring. This movie really kept my attention with all the fight scenes.

King Orm and Black Manta were slightly better villains compared to Steppenwolf or Doomsday since they have reasonable motivations. I felt a rush in several scenes, like the rooftop parkour scene you see in the trailers. This superhero movie moved me more than a few other recent ones, like Black Panther and Ant-Man and the Wasp.

A Star is Born

I watched this movie with my mom. It was amazing. The story, acting, and characters were incredible and believable. I also almost teared up watching this. It's also one of my favorite movies of the year.

This movie should be higher than this. It has a really good soundtrack. Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper killed it. Loved the movie.

It is not out yet, but looking at the critic reviews and the trailers, it is going to look good.


I just saw this movie, and I thought it was pretty good. The actors all do a great job at portraying their characters, especially Adam Driver and Corey Hawkins in his brief cameo. The premise as a whole is perfect for satirizing the racial differences in our country. The plot also takes several interesting turns, and Spike Lee's direction is very hard-hitting and sharp. It's an entertaining ride from start to finish, and it really challenges the viewer on an intellectual level.

However, I do believe the film is uneven in terms of tone, and its plot is a little too complicated for its own good. The movie isn't really sure if it wants to be a racially-driven crime drama or a straight-up dark comedy. Because of that, I wasn't sure if it wanted me to laugh or to feel angry. I also found the editing a little sloppy, but that's probably just me. The movie also dragged a little and is way longer than it needed to be.

However, I can look past those flaws and see the movie as a great historical film that is also a relevant statement on modern-day America. It's a solid 7/10 for me.

Bad Times at the El Royale

Okay, this was a brilliant and unique movie. I laughed, I cried, I jumped in my seat, and I was thoroughly entertained from start to finish.

The performances were outstanding by really every single person in this film, but I must admit that Chris Hemsworth was hypnotic. I literally could not take my eyes off him whenever he was in a scene. His performance was outstanding, fascinating, seductive, and disturbing all at the same time. And no human should have a body that perfect.

This movie was great. Definitely worth a watch. I went into it knowing nothing and was completely blown away.

First Man

Loved it, definitely not as good as Whiplash, but I doubt anything he makes ever will be. Still, the directing is fantastic, and the way this film captures the '60s decade was incredibly well done. Props to everyone who worked on the technical aspects of this film as well as the actors, especially Claire Foy.

I don't think this will end up being among the best of the year, but it's still worth watching without a doubt.

It was definitely Oscar-worthy. I don't know if this or Infinity War is my favorite. I loved the focus on emotions. Foy could well win an Oscar. Definitely worthy of a Blu Ray purchase.


Bumblebee is the best Transformers movie to date. It's the first live-action one not directed by Michael Bay, but instead by Travis Knight, director of Kubo and the Two Strings. Bumblebee is a movie with heart, and it will bring back memories to fans of the cartoon.

You get a story about the friendship between Charlie Watson and Bumblebee that evokes emotions that were absent in the franchise. For once, it has likable characters that are relatable and which you care for. This is the first fresh Transformers movie, if not the first CERTIFIED fresh one in the series at 94%, with the first one at 57%. Not enough recognition for this movie as it came out this December.


Great movie. Visually stunning, and the soundtrack is great. It's tense and definitely needs a second viewing as the first leaves you with theories and questions.

This is what Science Fiction films are supposed to be. Films with big themes that make you ponder existence and humanity.

Great acting, visually stunning, and one of the most mysterious endings in cinema. I recommend you see it.

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