Top 10 Best Saw Movies

If you're a fan of horror movies with a twisted sense of justice and nerve-wracking tension, then you're familiar with the Saw franchise. This iconic series has been dishing out gruesome traps, psychological mind games, and shocking twists since 2004.

Vote for your favorite Saw movies and help rank them based on what you think are the most entertaining, horrifying, and cleverly plotted installments. Maybe you prefer the original Saw for its raw, claustrophobic atmosphere, or perhaps Saw VI grabbed your attention with its commentary on the healthcare system, or Saw II with its intense group dynamic and clever traps.
The Top Ten

Saw gives you some clues about who the real Jigsaw killer is. These clues (in my opinion) are: when it shows the picture of Gordon's family with the word "REGARDS." There's also a puzzle piece symbol beside it. Also, the voices - when it shows Jigsaw in the warehouse, the voice is completely different from Zepp's voice. And Zepp isn't wearing a pig mask or a black cape when he captures Gordon's family. Kerry says, "Looks like Jigsaw likes to book himself in his own sick games." Well, the man in the room with Gordon and Adam... I don't know, but it's still a good - no, GREAT movie!

Saw II

This movie has a great cast of characters. Donnie Wahlberg is great in this movie. This is Jigsaw's first public appearance in the series. This is the most forgotten Saw of all time, and it is so underrated. It has loads more thrilling moments and action than the first one. The ending is one you cannot miss. It is one of the best movie endings of all time. Great movie to watch. One of the best horror flicks and a must-watch.

This is a movie where you REALLY have to pay attention to what they're saying and doing. The movie gives you a lot of clues too. For example, when Jigsaw says to Detective Matthews, "You will find your son in a safe and secure state," his son is really IN a safe and IN a secure STATE! (Sorry for the spoiler.)

Saw VI

I was freaked out by the first and second, but this one made me feel even HIGHER! A breakthrough that saved this franchise. Just forget about the 3rd, 4th, and 5th. A masterpiece!

I love the Saw movies, and I thought they were starting to get bad, but this one saved the series.

Of all of them, this was the only one I didn't really like. It had lots of violence but a bland storyline and left a lot of plot holes. It was said to be the last Saw, but I was not happy with this one.


Saw III is close to Saw II for me, but I'm going with Saw III as my favorite. There are some big problems, such as undeserving victims and the fact that those victims had someone else choose if they lived instead of saving themselves. However, I just love the story, traps, ending, etc., so much that I'm choosing this as my favorite.

I also really like Lynn's character and am upset that she died because of her stupid, vengeful husband. It's also the most emotional Saw movie. While the traps got a little too focused on being gruesome (I've heard it even made some people faint in theaters), people don't really focus on the meaning behind that.

Another problem is that there should have been less gore in the traps because the traps seemed to focus more on emotion and meaning, and the gore kind of covers that up. Behind this, my second favorite is Saw II, then Saw VI, and the original. The original is great, and while a lot of people say all the sequels are trash and just stick with the original being a great movie (or say there are few great sequels), I think the sequels got more awesome, epic, and interesting. They were definitely excessively and unnecessarily gruesome and brutal at times, though. I think Saw III and VI are very epic and awesome movies that are underrated.

Saw V

I liked how this one was more story-driven than trap-driven. I agree that the traps weren't amazing, but here are the reasons it was the best to me:

1. It shows how much of a genius Hoffman is.
2. It shows how much of a genius Strahm is.
3. The trapped characters are somewhat smart and complex, and they actually DESERVE to be there.
4. I forgot the other reasons.

Saw V was not favored by most people, but I thought it wasn't half bad. It was not the best, of course, but it had a good storyline that focused more on the police than the traps. I also loved the ending.

Saw IV

This is way too low on the list. Saw V has got to be one of the most boring movies I've ever seen. The traps were lame, the characters were completely forgettable, and Mark Hoffman was a terrible replacement for John Kramer. Saw: The Final Chapter is one of the worst movies I've seen. The blood in that movie was pink, the acting was horrendous, and it had one of the worst movie endings of all time. Not even Chester Bennington's cameo appearance could save this one. But Saw IV, on the other hand, actually had some pretty cool moments, and the characters were actually not that bad.

Saw: The Final Chapter

I'd say this is my FAVORITE Saw movie because it has Chester Bennington in it! And it's also really awesome!

The idea that one person claims to have beaten a Jigsaw trap, even though he is lying, so he gets tested for real is cool. But the other plot was not really that interesting.


Honestly, I feel this should be #2 on the list. Just my opinion.

Wonderful prequel/sequel with more information about John's past.

Saw (2003 Short Film)
Saw X
The Contenders
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