Least Scary Horror Movies

The first time I saw this, I was young, so I found it scary. Looking back on it, I say to myself, "Why did I think that was scary?"
All of the stuff is so predictable, especially the ending.
PLEASE get this movie up to #1 on this list... All of the Paranormal Activity movies are so bad. I watch them, then 2 seconds later I'll go up to bed, in the dark, unfazed.
This movie was made for people who think Charlie Brown with a sheet over his head is scary!

The first half of the movie is fantastic. I loved it. Then they get on the boat, and Quint, the least believable crazy person of all time, decides to ruin the whole ambiance of the movie.
Then we see the shark and think... that's it? We get goofy Quint and the rubber shark together at the end, Quint yells a lot and spits out ketchup, the shark looks hilarious hanging over the edge of the boat, and then the shark is defeated in one of the cheesiest ways imaginable.
By the time you're done with the second half of the movie, you'll forget the amazing first half and not be that afraid of the water.

The only thing scary about this movie is Mark Wahlberg's acting.

I agree that this made-for-TV movie did not capture the true terrifying horror of the novel. The book is phenomenal and deserves a better movie.
Thank goodness Warner Brothers is currently working on a new film version for theatrical release. They say it will be broken into two films. If done right, this could be epic.
I know some people might think differently about this, but Stephen King stories are not scary. Nothing he's ever made was scary, especially his movies. This movie was godawful, and everyone in it except the main characters were some of the biggest asses ever.
Also, TOO MANY FLASHBACKS! And why was one of the bullies so obsessed with carving his name into one of the kids' stomachs? Every time he catches him, he tries to do it. This is just a mean-spirited, stupid, non-scary movie that shouldn't exist.

The whole movie I was thinking, Is it over yet? It was boring. I am 14 years old, so that probably has something to do with it.
Good movie, but one that is more gory than scary. It has good vibes, but fear is not what you will get from this movie.
The Halloween movies just never scared me.

The most boring film I've ever seen, complete with a cringeworthy monster reveal.

Wait... this is a horror movie? I thought it was a comedy!
Seriously, though, this is one of the dumbest movies I've ever seen. The trailer for this movie tries so hard to make it seem as cool as possible, but I find the trailer to be more entertaining than this pile of crap!
This sounds weird. What's next? A movie about when baseballs attack footballs?

Unpopular opinion here: I actually got extremely bored with this movie, and scary is one of the last words I'd use to describe it.
However, you have to consider that this movie comes from another time, to be fair.
It was a horror movie? I thought it was an action movie, except for the part where that chick met a man in a dog suit kneeling in front of another man. That's it.
Waiting for the Top 10 funniest Jack Nicholson faces.

No, it's not scary, but I saw it as a five-year-old, and I think I should've actually gotten counseling. I was a very sensitive child, and now it's not scary, but little me was horrified.

More of a drama, thriller, or action movie. Not at all a scary movie.
It's not that great. It's very derivative.
The Newcomers

This was more funny than scary.

After the first death, it became cheesy. Decent plot, but just not scary.

At the time it came out, and for a few years after, this movie may have been frightening. But today, this movie is actually a little sad and a lot overrated.
I laughed through a lot of it and only got the slightest chill when she went down the stairs upside down. I was quite disappointed.
Why do people say this movie is so scary? I did not think it was scary at all. It was kind of funny, actually. It's way overrated.
This movie is funny rather than scary. It's too old to be taken seriously.

Actually, Child's Play was no longer scary when Bride of Chucky came out, so how dare you!

When the mom at the end of the movie was trying to kill the main character and also talking as Jason, I was laughing my ass off.

It may have been scary back then, but now it's just really corny and really dated. Besides, after Brad Dourif is shot in the beginning, he doesn't act like he's feeling any pain. He sounds like he's just annoyed.