Top 10 Most Gruesome Saw Deaths

These are deaths from the saw movies that made you cringe the most. This is not how cool the trap was its who died in the worst possible way.
The Top Ten
The Rack - Saw 3, Timothy's Death

You know when you feel as if that's happening to you and you get goosebumps or a sudden shiver? Yeah, that's how I felt watching this. It's the most gruesome death and the image stayed with me for weeks.

Really? A slow death where your arms are slowly torn off using twisting? This at least deserves the number two spot.

He was twisted until every bone in his body broke. The trap kept turning until all of his bones were backward. Absolutely horrifying. I can never watch that scene again.

The Glass Coffin - Saw 5, Strahm's Death

Wow! I think this is the worst death EVER! Some traps in Saw 5 are so cool and cruel.

Crushed between two walls.

The Pendulum Trap - Saw 5, Seth's Death

As soon as the blade slit the skin of your midsection, you'd be done for. Goodbye, viscera. This is also a great reference to Edgar Allan Poe.

Did I mention he had to crush his hands?

Sliced in half by a pendulum blade.

Quadruple Shotgun Hallway Trap - Saw - Sing’s Death
The Ice Block Trap - Saw 4, Eric's Death

Hard ice blocks smashing someone's head? Heck no, that's going to hurt.

Head crushed between two ice blocks.

The Venus Fly Trap - Saw 2, Michael's Death

Stabbed several times in the face and head while stabbing his eye out for the key.

Damn, I don't think I know anybody who could escape it.

Well, you have got to admit digging through your eye is just horrible.

The Lawn Mowers - Saw 7, Alex's Death

OMG! That's the most gruesome Saw trap ever! I watched Saw 7, and when I saw that trap, I was shocked. I haven't been able to unsee it. My brother even pulled a prank on me with that trap, and I ended up punching him. He was knocked out. I don't recommend messing with that trap. Really.

Getting torn apart is so brutal. He suffered one of the most painful deaths, in my opinion.

Blended and shredded to bits.

The Angel Trap - Saw 3, Kerry's Death

The most painful part is definitely having the ribs ripped open. It might not have looked so bad if it had been a finger or something, but the ribcage, which seems like one of the stiffest bones in the body, getting torn apart just sounds horrible.

Ribs ripped open and a hand burned to a crisp! That is an insanely horrible way to go! Imagine how terrified she felt when she realized the trap was inescapable.

It gets even worse when I think about it. Not only would her ribcage be pulled from her body, but it would crack in half as the hooks pulled in different directions.

The Magnum Eyehole - Saw II, Gus’ Death
The Bedroom Trap - Saw 4, Ivan's Death

Limbs ripped off while gouging his eyes out.

Well, at least he was a pedophile, so the viewer doesn't feel that bad.

The Newcomers

? The Scale Trap - Saw 6, Eddie's Death
? The Furnace Trap - Saw 2, Obi's Death

He got burnt alive in a furnace!

The Contenders
The Jars - Saw 5, Charles's Death

Blown to bits by several bombs.

The Pound of Flesh - Saw 6, Eddie's Death

Imagine cutting off your own arm to survive like Simone did. You have only sixty seconds to do so, or else you die. It's scary, painful, and disturbing if you imagine yourself as the character experiencing that fear during the scene.

Eddie was cutting open his stomach and dropping chunks of fat onto a scale, but Simone severed her arm, tipping the scale in her favor. The result was Eddie's skull being pierced.

Skull pierced by two gears while cutting off pieces of flesh.

The Reverse Bear Trap - Saw 7, Jill's Death

This scene was intense. It was interesting to finally see what the reverse bear trap looked like in action on a real person, as weird as that sounds.

I really find this trap disturbing and hard to watch. But I still don't get how that kills her.

Jaw permanently ripped open and face destroyed.

The Body Chains - Saw 3, Troy's Death

I cringed so hard when they showed the chains hooked into his skin, jaw, and Achilles tendons. I couldn't watch anymore after that.

Blown to bits by a bomb while ripping chains out of his skin.

The Acid Trap - Saw 6, William's Death

This is the most unfair trap in the franchise. William went through all the tests, followed the rules, and risked his life to save others. It's such a shame that he had to die in such an unfair way. He didn't deserve this.

The Silence Circle - Saw 7, Nina's Death

Throat impaled by four spikes while having a key pulled from her stomach on a fish hook, tearing up her esophagus.

I saw this and couldn't go to sleep! The moral of the story: don't watch Saw at night!

The Public Execution Trap - Saw 7, Dina's Death

Sliced in half by a buzz saw.

The Brazen Bull Oven - Saw 7, Joyce's Death

This trap dates back to the Dark Ages, if I remember correctly. Plus, the elaborate process of setting it up looked amazing. Definitely worth researching.

I've heard the brazen bull is one of the most painful deaths in history.

Cooked and burnt in a giant brazen bull oven.

The Knife Chair - Saw 4, Cecil Adam's Death

A man sits on a chair with blades piercing his arms and legs. To escape, he has to push his face through a bunch of knives to press a button. The chair breaks, he tries to stab Jigsaw, but falls into razor wire... Game over.

The Garage Trap - Saw 7, Kara's Death

Head crushed and body ripped to shreds by a moving car.

The Impalement Wheel - Saw 7, Suzanne's Death

Jesus, this needs to be higher! Having your eyes and mouth impaled slowly by three metal rods is just nasty!

The brutal anticipation of your eyeballs slowly getting pierced is just horrifically moving.

The Hair Trap - Saw 4, Brenda's Death

Brenda is tied to a chair with her hair caught in gears. A man beside her has to figure out the mechanism to release her hair before it's ripped out, scalping her in the process.

The Shotgun Collar - Saw 3, Lynn's Death

Face and head blown off by several shotgun shells.

The trap is great, especially when it goes off. Enough to make you vomit.

Getting shot in the face is the worst way to go.

The Steam Room - Saw 6, Debbie's Death

Brain pierced by a spear while being steamed in a maze.

The Breathing Room - Saw 6, Hank's Death

Chest crushed by two vices while holding his breath.

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