Top 10 Movies that Have Least Stood the Test of Time
Some movies shine brightly in their time, celebrated by audiences and critics alike, only to dim with the passage of years. Maybe it's the outdated special effects, cringe-worthy dialogue, or societal changes that highlight problematic themes or stereotypes. Sometimes what felt groundbreaking or hilarious back then just feels awkward or tedious now. These films may have once been hailed as must-sees, but watching them today can leave you scratching your head, wondering what all the fuss was about.
The reason it was a hit when it was released was because it was marketed very well. They made people believe it was all true. The reason it sucks now is because it just looks like crap, with over the top acting, and looks like it was filmed in someone's backyard.
While it may have been a hit when it was released, it hasn't held up in recent years.
Yeah, I agree. It seemed scary at first, but now it's just really cheesy and dumb.

Special effects were revolutionary. Were. When you really break down the story and characters, Tron is a pretty average flick.
Not that great of a movie. It's no wonder so many people have forgotten about it.

This movie is just so violent. Lots of people get shot and blown up, there's blood everywhere, and it's all just not fun. Like, there's this one scene where Alex (before he became RoboCop) gets gunned down a lot and it's really grim, it's really nasty. I mean, how's that entertaining? How can I watch a man being shot multiple times? But if you people love this movie, then power to you. I don't mind if you do. Enjoy what you enjoy.
While it was good at its time, now it's just cheesy and corny. Especially the effects on ED-209 (you can tell they're stop-motion effects).

Disney's weakest movie. The film relies too much on one joke after the other, and Merlin comes off as a complete bumbler.

It seemed visually interesting when it came out. Now everyone hates it because it's so slow-paced.

I don't think anyone remembers this movie.

How did anyone like this film when it first came out? I thought it was a disaster of a movie. Right down from bare naked duck breasts and an almost sex scene with a woman and a duck, to it being marketed for kids. What kind of method was George Lucas smoking during the production of this turkey?!
Can you believe it took six actors to play Howard? Howard still looks unconvincing to this day.
The Newcomers

An FBI agent sees an untanned backside, so he knows the bad guys are surfers and must learn to surf. Then he goes to Australia and catches the Humunga Kowabunga from Down Under while letting the baddie go.
Probably out of FBI jurisdiction anyway.

If it didn't center around a same-sex couple, it wouldn't have been as popular as it was. Really, the LGBT aspect was all that separated this from any other cookie-cutter romance drama.

I used to think it was funny back then. Now I'm like, "Wow, what the holy did I see in this movie back then? This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my whole entire life!" I literally feel dumber from watching it. I mean, how can you like this?!
This movie was never even good to start with!
It's over-the-top, lame, and stupid.

A huge hit that seems weak in retrospect.

This is still great. Just extremely underrated.

Aged really badly. Boring with no gore.

Wow, how did this beat "Citizen Kane" for Best Picture? No words... no words.

When they tried that in real life, the poor whale couldn't reintegrate into the wild and couldn't survive.