Movies that Should Not Be Rated G or PG

Back then, there was no PG-13 rating system until in 1984 with the release of Red Dawn. But these films surprising didn’t receive re-ratings. Here are ten movies that should not be rated G or PG. Also, you can remix this list, and add stuff to the list if you want.
The Top Ten

This should be rated R, not PG-13. This movie has gore in it. It is not for 13-year-olds.

It should be PG-13 with all the cursing and gore.

Watership Down

Definitely very controversial as a kids' film. Oh, I know...

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

I forgot about the "heart scene." It upset me as an adult! PG does mean "parental guidance" or PG-13, hmmm. You'd need a child psychologist for that one. There are so many great movies I would have let my kids watch if not for about five seconds of "grossness, language, or sex." In VHS days, I would just scratch the tape for those five seconds so they could enjoy the movie.

To Kevinsidis: teasing you here, no criticism, but you pretty much proved it should be PG-13 when you say it "quite scared and concerned me a little bit..."

The heart scene and the villain being eaten by an alligator should have made Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom rated PG-13.


Honestly, most of these wouldn't be an issue if the PG rating actually meant something. The problem now is that movies that should be rated G are being rated PG, and all PG movies end up rated PG-13. "Poltergeist" and other PG-rated movies wouldn't be such a big issue if they weren't classified the same as modern animated kids' movies, because that classification makes the "parental guidance" rating meaningless. If only the MPAA were better at their jobs lately, but oh well.


This movie still terrifies me.

Invasion of the Body Snatchers
2001: A Space Odyssey

F-bomb, strip club scene, and creepy moments in a PG movie need to be PG-13.

The Andromeda Strain
Monty Python and the Holy Grail

(Oops, was rated PG)

This may be my favorite movie of all time - or rather, it has my favorite ten scenes in a movie ever (half of it is idiotic and stupid, but those best scenes are genius). This can't be G. I looked it up:

"Monty Python and the Holy Grail was rated PG before the advent of PG-13. The entire vestal virgin sequence is filled with sexual innuendo and proposition..." (

Yes, the vestal virgin scene is definitely questionable. I also found the cartoon angels blowing horns from their butts more than stupid - it was off-color. That's British humor for you: irreverent. Sometimes it's hilarious, sometimes just mean-spirited.

The Newcomers

? Marley & Me
? Space Jam: A New Legacy
The Contenders
The Green Berets
Gone With The Wind


Apparently, I can't paste a listing I found of various scenes that are not G-rated. Let's start with the scene that made me wonder (though Scarlett kind of deserved it and then liked it while Rhett leaves in disgust): the famous scene where Rhett drags Scarlett upstairs to bed. Supposedly, there are ten instances of sex and nudity (boobage was seen). Violence and gore are counted 14 times. How about Scarlett marrying a young soldier she doesn't love because she's in love with an engaged/married man? And she isn't so sad when he dies in battle. Then there's the cringe-worthy scene where the little girl dies falling from a horse. Plus, "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn" (I thought cuss words got a rating back then). Anyway, I don't think this should be rated G.

Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Kangaroo Jack
Ringing Bell
The Haunting (1963)
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