Forrest visits Jenny's grave - Forrest Gump
Forrest Gump, a man whose life has been marked by innocence and unwavering love, pays a visit to Jenny's final resting place, tenderly laying flowers on her grave as he reminisces about their bittersweet journey together.
Bambi's mother's death - Bambi
In a heartbreaking scene that has resonated with audiences for generations, young Bambi witnesses the sudden loss of his beloved mother, forever changing his world and leaving him to navigate the wilderness alone. Let's expand that to every time a Disney parent dies, which is in like, every movie.
Mufasa's death - The Lion King
The Lion King delivers a heartbreaking blow as Simba witnesses the tragic demise of his beloved father, Mufasa, at the hands of his treacherous uncle, Scar, forever altering the course of Simba's life and challenging his journey to reclaim his rightful place as king. His brother killed him. Why would he do that? (Look at the movie for the answer. Trust me.)
If I watch this, I need to fight back the urge to sob.
John Coffey's execution - The Green Mile
In a heart-wrenching turn of events, John Coffey, a gentle soul with extraordinary abilities, meets his tragic fate as he walks towards the electric chair, leaving behind a room filled with teary-eyed witnesses. "Please don't put that thing on my head! I'm afraid of the dark!"
Probably the saddest line in movie history.
The Green Mile was by far the most powerful movie I've ever seen.
It wasn't sad, but incomprehensible. I mean, he should have tried to save the innocent.
Hachi dies - Hachi: A Dog's Tale
In the emotional climax of Hachi: A Dog's Tale, Hachi, a loyal and devoted dog, breathes his last breath, surrounded by those who loved him, leaving behind a legacy of unwavering loyalty and aching hearts. Although this isn't the saddest part, it was sad, with Hachi waiting the whole time. The whole movie was really sad - one of the few movies that made me cry. It, to me, is one of the saddest movies ever. My mom cried too. She's a big crier.
Opening scene - Up
In the poignant opening scene of Up, viewers witness the poignant love story of Carl and Ellie as their dreams of adventure and togetherness are overshadowed by the passing of time, leaving Carl alone and their dreams unfulfilled. This is such a sweet and sad scene, a great movie opening and one of Pixar's best.
Death of Billy Flynn - The Champ
In a heart-wrenching turn of events, Billy Flynn, a celebrated boxer, succumbs to his injuries in the boxing ring, leaving behind a devastated young son who desperately clings to the hope of his father's return.
"Don't let me leave, Murph!" - Interstellar
In the mind-bending climax of Interstellar, Cooper pleads with his daughter, Murph, not to let him leave, as the fabric of time and space threatens to separate them forever, their emotional bond strained by the vastness of the universe. It's so sad how his daughter is telling her father about this ghost in her bookshelf. Her dad doesn't care. But years later, he's the one talking to her in the bookshelf.
Bruno and Shmuel getting gassed - The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas takes a harrowing turn as young Bruno and his friend Shmuel unknowingly face a tragic fate, locked inside a gas chamber, their innocence and friendship extinguished in the depths of unimaginable darkness. Worst movie ending ever! Why would they kill two innocent boys? Even worse, his dad killed BOTH! Like Powerfulgirl10's review, the music is so creepy. To add insult to injury, the movie was cut when showing the outside of the gas chamber. So, that means no funeral for the boys!
Ugh. I hate that ending. The music is creepy, and there are too many deaths. That's why it's so sad.
Did you really expect a happy ending given the subject matter involving the Holocaust?
Zofia makes her choice - Sophie's Choice
In the gut-wrenching climax of Sophie's Choice, Zofia faces an impossible decision, torn between saving the life of one of her children while the other faces a horrific fate, forever haunted by the burden of her unimaginable choice.
The Newcomers
? Close Combat - All Quiet on the Western Front (2022)
All Quiet on the Western Front takes a dramatic turn when Paul is found by a French soldier who has been thrown to the ground by an explosion. With little time, Paul rushes to the soldier and repeatedly stabs him. Shortly after, Paul realizes what he has done and begins to see the dying soldier's possessions, including his name, a photo of his family and children, his occupation, and his age. Paul realizes he has killed a father, a husband, and many more. He then helps the soldier by giving him water and putting a bandage on his wound, promising to tell his wife what happened to him. However, it doesn't work, and the soldier dies. Paul mourns over the body, and this shocks the viewers, who also mourn. This scene demonstrates the horrors of war and its consequences. I watched this scene in the movie and I cried every single time I saw it. It is a dark, sad scene, and it deserves to be in the top 10.
This is a very sad scene. War is never good, and the consequences are always bad.
? Egon Spengler's goodbye - Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Seeing Egon in spirit form reunite one last time with the rest of the Ghostbusters, as well as his grandchildren, to fight off Gozer in the climax of Ghostbusters: Afterlife was very heartwarming.
The Contenders
Titanic sinks - Titanic
As the ill-fated Titanic succumbs to the icy depths of the ocean, passengers face their impending doom, with the realization that countless lives, dreams, and loves are tragically lost in the vast expanse of the sea. I think the saddest part was when Rose noticed Jack frozen.
Looks like everyone is waiting for their death.
Marley's death - Marley and Me
Marley, the mischievous yet beloved dog, takes his final breath, surrounded by his grieving family in Marley and Me, leaving an irreplaceable void in their lives and reminding us of the fleeting nature of unconditional love. This definitely deserves to be in the top 5. This was the only movie to actually make me cry, and I don't usually cry at movies.
Whenever I think of Marley, I just think of my other dog dying at the same time. This should be number 1.
I think I cried. It's sad. I liked him.
George mercy kills Lennie - Of Mice and Men (1992)
Of Mice and Men delivers an emotionally devastating blow as George, torn between love and mercy, makes the heartbreaking decision to end the life of his intellectually disabled friend, Lennie, freeing him from a world of suffering and ignorance.
Schindler's tribute - Schindler's List
Schindler's List concludes with a deeply moving tribute, as Oskar Schindler, overwhelmed by the weight of his actions, breaks down, lamenting that he could have saved even more lives, realizing the immense magnitude of the Holocaust's tragedy and the profound impact of his own actions.
Snow White's funeral - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
In the classic animated film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, mourners gather to bid a solemn farewell to the lifeless body of Snow White, as the dwarfs and woodland creatures weep for the loss of their beloved princess.
Harry says goodbye - Armageddon
In a heart-wrenching moment of sacrifice, Harry bids a tearful farewell to his daughter and the love of his life, knowing he won't return from his mission to save humanity in Armageddon.
Shirley's death - Madea's Big Happy Family
The loss of Shirley, a central character in Madea's Big Happy Family, leaves her loved ones shattered as they grapple with grief and the painful realization that life will never be the same without her infectious laughter and unconditional love.
"Baby Mine" - Dumbo
Dumbo delivers a poignant and tear-jerking moment as the lullaby "Baby Mine" plays, capturing the tender bond between Dumbo, the misunderstood elephant, and his loving mother, evoking a profound sense of empathy and compassion as their separation brings forth a flood of emotions. It's gotta be in the top ten. It's bound to make anyone cry.
Louis watches Henri attempt to escape in the finale as they embrace for the last time - Papillon
In the poignant finale of Papillon, Louis watches with a heavy heart as his dear friend Henri attempts a daring escape, their embrace serving as a bittersweet farewell, knowing that they may never see each other again.
Leslie's death - Bridge to Terabithia
Bridge to Terabithia delivers a devastating blow as Leslie, the spirited and imaginative friend of Jesse, tragically loses her life in a freak accident, leaving Jesse and viewers grappling with the harsh realities of life and the fragile nature of friendship. PLUS, Jess has to live forever with the knowledge that had he not chosen to sneak off that day, he could have saved Leslie's life. In essence, he killed her.
She was my favorite character. I slowly died inside as she died in the book and the movie. It was awful. Just why did she have to die?
Bubba dies - Forrest Gump
Forrest Gump delivers an emotional blow as Bubba, Forrest's loyal and kindhearted friend, tragically loses his life in the Vietnam War, leaving Forrest grief-stricken and forever carrying the weight of his friend's memory in his heart.
Mathilda buries the plant for Leon - Leon: The Professional
In a poignant moment of loss and closure, Mathilda, a young girl who has found solace and mentorship in the hitman Leon, buries the potted plant he cherished, symbolizing the end of their unconventional bond and the acceptance of a harsh reality.
Order 66 - Star Wars Episode III
Star Wars Episode III takes a dark turn as Order 66 is executed, leading to the tragic demise of countless Jedi, their once-proud legacy abruptly cut short, leaving audiences devastated by the weight of the betrayal and the loss of heroes in a galaxy engulfed by darkness.
Titanic sinks - A Night to Remember
A Night to Remember paints a poignant picture as the majestic Titanic sinks, engulfed in tragedy, with passengers and crew desperately grappling with the inevitable and confronting the chilling reality of their impending doom, forever etching this catastrophic event in the annals of history.
Bing Bong fades away - Inside Out
Inside Out brings forth an emotional moment as Bing Bong, Riley's beloved imaginary friend, fades away into oblivion, sacrificing himself to help Joy in her quest to restore Riley's happiness, leaving viewers with a poignant reminder of the fleeting nature of childhood innocence and the pain of letting go.