Best Movies in the Scary Movie Series

The Top Ten
Scary Movie 3

My favorite scenes are when Cindy explains to Cody how he was born and the scene with the bowling balls and Jesus.

Funniest movie in the world. I love the part when the president is punching all those people.

It was so funny when Brenda started fighting the little girl. I laughed out loud.

Scary Movie

This is the perfect way to start a movie series. Brenda is so funny in this, and she kind of deserved to die in this.

Number 3 is good, but sometimes you have to stick with the original.

Scary Movie 1 and 2 are by far the best of the series.

Scary Movie 2

I can't stop laughing at the basketball part. This is Brenda's best performance out of all the Scary Movies.

I liked how the clown was under the bed and tried to scare the guy.

Scary Movie 4

It's so funny when someone says pee-pee vagina. It's also sad when a child is killed by a soul.

I couldn't stop laughing when Cindy is boxing.

The funniest parody movie.

Scary Movie 5

It's actually funny when Dan removes Ashley's punk wig and fake tattoo.

I haven't even seen this movie yet, but I know I'm going to love it.

I saw it, and it was kind of stupid but good in a way.

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