Top 10 Most Unexpectedly Bad Movies of 2016

2016 threw us a lot of curveballs. While it ended up being a record year at the global box office, there were an unusually-high number of failures that made the summer movie season feel like a flop, because of both poor returns and poor reviews. I've already made a list about the unexpected financial failures of 2016, so here's a list compiling the most unexpected cinematic turkeys of 2016.
The Top Ten
1 Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

By most people's standards, the film was a major failure. I, personally, found my overall experience watching the film to be enjoyable (this may be because I made myself repress certain plot points from my memory). Nonetheless, it was a shaky second installment to a franchise that seems more interested in catching up with the MCU than in telling a good, self-contained story.

It's a shame because the anticipation that preceded this film's release could have sent this film into a box office paradise (and into the hearts of superhero movie fans everywhere) had it been done properly.

2 Suicide Squad

This film almost ended up at the top of my personal list with its older brother, 'BvS'. What stopped me from ranking it higher was the fact that, despite the hatred that critics and online reviewers have for this film, the general public loved this movie. The response was totally polarized. I won't go into any further detail with my comment on why the movie was awful or terrific since people are so divided on the subject. Instead, I will simply remind you that the record shows that this movie was a critical bomb and will be listed as such.

3 Passengers

A movie that seemed to check off everything on its to-do list for success (which included making it a fourth-quarter science-fiction-romance film with an original story, casting today's two biggest movie stars, and bathing the film in impressive special effects), and yet, despite all its "hard" work, it ended up being a messy film.

That "original story" that got everyone interested ended up being labeled as "creepy" and was accused of advocating "stalking." Now, not even the box office drawing power of its lead actors can save it from fading into a cinematic black hole of obscurity.

4 The Angry Birds Movie

Many people don't like this, but some people actually do like this movie.

I want this to be number one. Don't be mean.

I don't know why people hate this.

5 Assassin's Creed

We all thought this one would end the video game-to-movie adaptation curse once and for all. Well, we weren't so lucky. The Michael Fassbender-driven action fantasy film served us a hearty serving of impressive visuals and epic fight sequences but forgot to add a side of brain to the main course. Instead, it gives us the tofu-made-to-resemble-meat alternative. So much of the film is filled with plot-moving chit-chat that you won't understand or care about that you wish you could skip through it like you can with video game cut scenes.

6 Ghostbusters

In my opinion, this is one of the worst remakes ever and the worst remake made this year. Before you call me sexist, I am a female, and I think that this film is terrible. Awful, annoying comedy. It only had a 73 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes so that extreme feminists would not attack everybody.

Terrible acting - the characters were extremely annoying and unlikable. The CGI in this film was bad as well. Do not like a movie just because it stars women instead of men. Like a movie because of the quality of the film. Sadly, lots of people seem to only like this movie because it stars women, which is hypocritical. It is sexist to like a movie only because it has "a strong female lead." I am not saying I have anything against movies that do this, but Ghostbusters was a terrible case of this.

Please do everybody a favor and tell them not to watch this film.

7 Inferno

Ron Howard's name in the business is one of respect. His works are, much more often than not, hailed and celebrated as welcome additions to the cinematic community. Yet, the one franchise he seems the most set on continuing just keeps disappointing us. 2006's 'The Da Vinci Code' sure made a lot of money but was more convoluted than intelligent. Its 2009 sequel, 'Angels & Demons', seemed to slightly improve upon its predecessor but still didn't quite reach the mark it was aiming for.

We were all hoping that after seven years, Howard and his crew would be able to finally deliver the goods with 'Inferno', but, appropriately so, the title of the film more accurately described the doomed picture's eventual critical response. It's time to move on, Ron and Tom.

8 Zoolander 2

Oh dear lord, this movie was absolutely unwatchable! The first was original and witty. The second was almost the exact same plot, with all of that humor taken away.

Three of the celebrity guests (Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, and Ariana Grande, all destroyed by Disney, Nickelodeon, Viacom, and the music industry) are one major reason why.

9 Ratchet & Clank

I got the game bundled with my PS4, so I played it. The cutscenes were meh, but the gameplay was decent.

Then I watched the movie, and it was just a big, long cutscene.

Again, the video game-to-movie curse lives on.

Once again, another movie is on here twice.

10 Warcraft

The video game-to-movie curse lives on. It's a pity too, because the film's director, Duncan Jones (the son of David Bowie, and a brilliant new filmmaker), previously directed the sensational films Moon and Source Code.

It's hard to believe that the same man made this. I'm hoping studio interference had something to do with it.

Directors hate video games. That's why video game movies are so bad.

The Contenders
11 X-Men: Apocalypse

Everyone loved 'Days of Future Past'. It was the best film the 'X-Men' franchise had given us since 'X2' and gave us reason to hope for a promising future for the then-fourteen-year-old franchise. That hope mostly faded after its direct sequel, 'Apocalypse', hit theaters with a quiet thud.

We were given a simpleton villain who wanted to take over the world and a distracting and unsuccessful subplot revolving around Magneto that I won't dive into for spoiler purposes. Ah well, at least we have 'Logan' and more 'Deadpool' sequels to look forward to.

12 Sing

I honestly didn't know what to think about this movie at first. The trailers were absolutely and utterly boring. The trailers show you exactly what the movie was about: cute little animated animals singing mediocre/awful/mildly good pop songs. Sure, it sent out nice messages, but that doesn't make up for the disappointment of this movie.

The worst part was how boring this movie is. It's so generic and cliché. The characters, while being somewhat relatable, were nothing new and just stupid stereotypes. You've got your stay-at-home mom with an overworking husband who believes she is strong (and she truly is, but that's not the point). There's the rockstar porcupine who lost her boyfriend, went into depression for, like, a minute, then forgot he existed. There's a bashful elephant who's secretly good at singing but too insecure to show it, but later shows everyone she has talent. How many fictional characters have had that same personality/problem? Too many.

Adding to the cliché part, the ending was just too predictable for my liking. There was no twist at all. Seriously, how many of these can you predict? Go ahead, try it out:
- The theater gets destroyed. Oh no! Guess what happens? It gets repaired into a beautifully modern, better-than-ever theater! Wow, I didn't see that coming!
- The gorilla (forgot his name already) is a disappointment to his dad, who is a criminal, because he wants to be an emotional, lyrical singer. In the end, his dad embraces their differences. Not to be mean, but I kind of enjoyed the family drama and would like to see how this affects the gorilla later on.
- The elephant (yes, I truly, truly hate this character's development) was shy and suffered severe stage fright. But guess what? She was an amazing singer! In the end, she actually sings in front of millions of people, and they liked it! Such a twist!

See why I hate this movie?

13 Norm of the North

Did anyone really expect this one to be good?

How does a polar bear end up in New York City?

14 Bad Santa 2
15 Trolls
16 Blair Witch

The marketing done on this film was brilliant. Originally, the film was being teased under the title of 'The Woods', which, while vague and unoriginal, still gave off the proper vibes needed for a horror film to attract an audience. And it was working, I'd say. I'll admit that I was interested. But once the film was unveiled to be a secret sequel to 'The Blair Witch Project', I was sold.

Too bad that after the great trailer was released, and after the early sky-high reviews started to pop up, the movie was quickly dismissed as another missed opportunity. But hey, I still loved it (despite the hate that circles around it like buzzards around a dying animal).

17 Independence Day: Resurgence

When I went to the cinema to see this, I went to the bathroom eight times. That's how bored I was. I hadn't seen the original at the time, but I wanted to see this one because I'm a teen who likes action movies.

The climax is... wait for it... someone peeing on an alien ship and flipping the bird. That's the level of originality this movie has. When the movie ended, none of us liked it. I'm giving this one a 2/10.

18 Bad Moms
19 The BFG (2016)
20 London Has Fallen
21 Zootopia

I don't like this movie at all. It's one of the worst Disney movies ever.

The only thing about this movie that will age well is the message.

A great movie compared to a lot of others on the list.

22 Secret Life of Pets

Not terrible, but it was marketed beyond belief and made me think it would be amazing. It's fine, but mostly a ripoff of Toy Story.

This film is so stupid, but it is so funny I almost fell off my seat in the movie theater!

23 Captain America: Civil War

This film was super overrated, in my opinion. Worst film in the trilogy. It was boring, overlong, and full of plot holes.

The story sucked and was disappointing compared to the previous one. Even TFA was better than this. I hated this movie.

Wow, why does everyone like this movie?

One of the worst movies ever made.

24 Star Trek Beyond
25 The 5th Wave

I think the worst part was when Cassie took her phone with her, and there's no power. I literally walked out of the theater after that. I know I saw the first 10 minutes, and I hated it a lot. Automatically the #1 worst movie of the year.

I didn't think this was going to be bad, but then I saw that Chloe Grace Moretz was in it, and I didn't even watch it. Don't fight me here - she can't act.

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