Top 10 Worst Dinosaur Movies

The prehistoric era is an awesome place for movie ideas. Ever since dinosaurs have been discovered over 100 years ago, there have been no shortages of dino flicks. Some of them are awesome like Steven Spielberg's Jurassic Park and Don Bluth's The Land Before Time. However, there have been some that came out that should've stayed extinct.
The Top Ten
Theodore Rex

It's acting legend Whoopi Goldberg starring in a sci-fi film where humans and dinosaurs coexist. It's no wonder she tried to back out. It was originally designed for a theatrical release but went direct-to-video instead. Seriously, the box art alone is enough to warn people to stay away from this!

The worst thing about it is Whoopi Goldberg was pretty much forced to do this movie.


Released only four weeks before the smash-hit Jurassic Park, Carnosaur showed the world how not to do dino-horror films. The story revolved around a scientist who's able to create dinosaurs through weird experiments that involve human women giving birth to dinosaurs. The special effects are terrible, and the plot is just stupid.

The film rating states that this isn't appropriate for viewers under 18, but even they will be more scared of the dinos found in Steven Spielberg's breakout hit. This actually birthed two sequels that were even worse. Don't believe the quotes on the box! This movie's awful!

Barney's Great Adventure's a movie starring everyone's favorite purple T-Rex in a candy-coated world of imagination and adventure. Just how did he get his own theatrical movie, anyway?

Watch Dinosaur King instead. Barney is annoying.

Dinosaur King teaches about culture, but Barney teaches kids nothing.

Well, creators of THIS...

Made from a Cretaceous killing machine into a purple "cutie" living in a candy world. This is trash.

Tammy and the T-Rex

This has got to be the most ridiculous dino movie story ever. The film is about Tammy, whose boyfriend Michael is fatally beaten and has his brain used in a mechanical dinosaur. This is all that needs to be said.

On an interesting note, this was one of the movies the late Paul Walker had a role in before The Fast and the Furious franchise came along and made him a household name.

Jurassic Attack /
Dinosaur Island

An idea about an island populated by dinosaurs and sexy women sounds like a winning combination. But when you have only $190,000 to work with, that really limits your options. The story revolves around a bunch of army men who crash-land on an uncharted island where the entire human population is female. The women have to offer sacrifices to The Great One, and they think that the army men are the chosen ones sent to help them.

The special effects are horrible, and the acting is subpar. I don't know what it was trying to be, but it failed at whatever it was.

Dinocroc vs. Supergator

They don't even fight until the end of the movie.

The Eden Formula
Super Mario Bros.

This movie cannot be ridiculed enough! You know the story's terrible when the opening narration is about how a meteorite crashes into Earth, and instead of killing all the dinosaurs, it splits the world into two dimensions where the surviving dinosaurs migrate into one and evolve into humans.

You have to wonder if the CEOs who forced this new script had ever even held an NES controller in their hands. The quote on the box, "It's a blast!" might be accurate, but not in any good way.

100 Million BC

The Newcomers

? Barney's Night Before Christmas
? The Dinosaur Project

It looks like a shameless ripoff of Jurassic Park.

The Contenders
Walking with Dinosaurs

People, people, can we stop the hate for this movie? I overall thought it was great, so can we just bash something else like Foodfight!, the worst movie ever, or The Room or Twilight?

This would've been a better movie if it didn't have such terrible dialogue.

Aztec Rex
The Land Before Time XIII: The Wisdom of Friends
Land Before Time II: The Great Valley Adventure

Don Bluth is an animation legend. He's the mastermind behind legendary animated films of the 1980s: An American Tail, All Dogs Go to Heaven, The Secret of NIMH, and, of course, The Land Before Time. The original journey of Littlefoot and his friends to The Great Valley is a tale for the ages.

The direct-to-video sequels? Not so much. It's easy to tell that Bluth had no involvement in these projects, from the light-heartedness to the cheesy sing-along songs. The franchise already has 13 direct-to-video sequels under its belt and shows no signs of stopping.

We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story

The premise is simple. A captain goes back in time to capture four dinosaurs and feeds them brain grain to make them intelligent and friendly. They must then journey to a museum to fulfill the wishes of children while avoiding the captain's evil brother.

When the crew is allowed to use Steven Spielberg's Amblimation animation studio and have John Goodman lending his voice, you'd think you'd be in for a treat. But you'd be wrong. Rudimentary animation, a no-frills story, and that god-awful song "Roll Back the Rock (to the Dawn of Time)" ruin any potential that this movie had.

Adventures in Dinosaur City

Featuring horrible puppeteering that would make Jim Henson turn over and over in his grave, Adventures in Dinosaur City is as bad as you can imagine just by watching the trailer. A trio of kids tries to watch their favorite TV show about dinosaurs and gets zapped into its world. They then need to help a group of rebels. Enough said.

Jurassic Park III

You can tell that this movie screams cash-in when you realize that it's not based on any of Michael Crichton's works. It also didn't help that it was directed by Joe Johnston instead of Steven Spielberg. Johnston isn't a bad director, but the movie certainly had some script issues, so he was in a tight bind.

Throw in a sequence where Alan Grant dreams of talking raptors and the Spinosaurus kills off the T-Rex early on, and you have a lot of wasted potential for what could've been an awesome movie. It's not terrible, but as an entry into the Jurassic Park franchise, it's an embarrassment.

The Good Dinosaur

It's so unrealistic and will rot your brain. Other than the lessons, it's a dumb movie that takes away the reason why dinosaurs went extinct.

Awful, brain-rotting movie that takes away the reason why dinosaurs went extinct.

It's an insult to science. The meteor was supposed to hit Earth, not miss it. Dumb movie.

Cowboys vs. Dinosaurs
Raptor Island
Jurassic World

Too many inaccuracies. I don't care if it makes dinosaurs cooler. Dinosaurs are amazing the way they are.

Raptors are not trainable dogs, okay? Also, why does 1993 look better than 2015?

Raptors have feathers. I get it, it's hard to animate them, but it has been proven by fossil evidence that they had feathers. Not a bad movie, just saying it isn't hard to animate feathers on a dinosaur since they've been doing CGI birds for years that looked realistic.

Dinosaur Adventure
Dinocroc (2004)
The Lost World: Jurassic Park
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