Most Blatant Foreign Movie Ripoffs
Yeah, we all hate films that tend to be ripoffs of one another. However, I can certainly guarantee you that plagiarizing in a foreign country could turn out to be even worse. Heck, you may see that the team behind these crap claim it to have been "inspired" by something, but its pretty clear we can see through the lie. Tell us what blatant foreign ripoff is the worst in your eyes.
*Sobs in a dark corner*
No, please! You can't rip off Captain America that badly. And I'm not talking about your favorite First Avenger. I'm talking about that 1990 putrid abomination of a film! You seriously want to knock off an already terrible film, Turkey? Also, this film's iteration of Spider-Man as a sadistic villain is the complete opposite of what the source material stood for. Ugh!
What the hell is this? A Turkish rip-off of the Marvel films? It's made with a low budget. And why did you make Spidey a villain? It makes no sense.
I'll give it this: the visuals are decent for a South Korean animated film. However, Lost in the Moonlight is undeniably almost a blatant ripoff of Spirited Away. Trust me, the trailer and images of the scenes and characters in the movie almost copy those seen in Spirited Away. Right down to the promotional poster as well!
The movie has a 5.4 on IMDb, and for good reason. This easily has to be the most blatant foreign ripoff of a Japanese anime movie I've ever seen!
The English translation of this is Moonlight Palace. This Korean film is a blatant copy of 2002's Spirited Away. There's so much that is similar, you can't help but keep thinking about Spirited Away, and not in a good way!

I had a feeling this movie was going to be a ripoff. My younger brother wanted me to watch this with him, but because I was skeptical, he went on to watch it himself. Minutes later, he came back, stating I was right all along, even showing me a scene where the protagonist literally has what appears to be an ARC reactor! Yep, the protagonist is a Tony Stark wannabe.
And it doesn't stop there. The movie goes on to copy Spider-Man 2's train scene, and one of the promotional covers is similar to that of Batman Begins. To make things worse, it rips off action scenes from films like The Matrix and Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
Bollywood seriously needs a new team of writers who can actually think of something creative if they want the superhero genre in India to be unique. Also, Shah Rukh Khan has done so many better roles than this. Why he bothered taking this one, I'll never know...

Yeah, a ripoff of Memento? Christopher Nolan wouldn't be impressed at all.
And this is a film starring Aamir Khan, one of the few Bollywood actors I openly respect. He's done some really good work, especially 3 Idiots the following year. Then there's this excuse of an action film that looks suspiciously similar to the Nolan film I just mentioned. Except, probably because the production team wanted to play it safe, the hero overcomes and kills the villain for a typical ending.
Just no, no. Not only is it ripping off Star Wars, it even uses stock footage! Could it get any lower? Well, it was decades ago, and I'm pretty sure the Turkish entertainment industry has since matured and improved. But that still doesn't excuse this shameless ripoff. I mean, it's called "Turkish Star Wars" for a good reason, and it has even developed a cult following because of how bad this film is.
Known as Heads or Tails in Malayalam, this film actually turns out to be a knockoff of a 2009 Korean film called Handphone, which sadly also doesn't credit the film as an influence. Apparently, many people enjoyed it, yet when the connection is realized, the result is much less impressive.

Ugh. It's "inspired" by a Korean film called The Chaser, yet it doesn't even seem to give credit to it.

A blatant copy of Bruce Almighty. Oh, what a coincidence, they got Amitabh Bachchan to play the role Morgan Freeman did five years earlier, except the execution was horrible! Amitabh has done some pretty good roles years earlier and later, and I can say the same for Priyanka Chopra (not so much in the case of Salman Khan), but seriously, Bruce Almighty was a film that could have only worked because of Jim Carrey.

It's a Brazilian rip-off of... Well, this is too obvious. What else is there to say?
Well, time to start adding all those Brazilian Video Brinquedo mockbusters...

So, this crapfest copies TRON, and then goes on to rip off other assorted anime without ever bothering to credit them. It even uses stock footage from the anime it is meant to be based on. Never have I heard of an anime film (debatable, considering it's South Korean) being this jaw-droppingly terrible.
The Newcomers

Oh great! We have a mockbuster of Rio and Free Birds called this!
By the way:
Rio: Mario
Free Birds: Sonic
Birds of Paradise: Bubsy

The animation itself tells you how crappy this rip-off movie is.

Probably a rip-off of the Bee Movie.

How many Frozen rip-offs are there?

A Brazilian rip-off of Peppa Pig. The animation is terrible. Man, people these days, why would you rip off an already bad show?
Which, by the way, is way inferior to the original Spanish film Abre Los Ojos. Typical Hollywood - take a great film, bastardize it, and turn it into a pathetic joke.