Best Bad Meets Evil Songs

The Top Ten
Fast Lane

What a song! The speed and the complexity of it are amazing! Royce is good, but Eminem owns! Rock on, man!

This song is truly underrated and awesome!

Awesome speed. Just the best.

1. Fast Lane
2. Lighters
3. Bad Meets Evil


This is their best song ever. It has meaningful rap verses from Eminem and Royce, and it features an awesome hook from Bruno Mars. What more can you ask for?! Fast Lane is nothing more than speed and clever rhymes, but it is not as meaningful as Lighters. This song is so beautiful. It doesn't deserve second. It deserves first, for God's sake!

Always the best among all their songs, even though this song is pretty old.

How is Lighters not #1? This is like the greatest song in history!

Above the Law

Definitely better than "Bad Meets Evil." Deserves to be in the top 3.

Welcome 2 Hell

This is one (no, TWO) of the rawest lyrical performances ever. The crazy flows, rhymes, metaphors, and the back-and-forth toward the end... this is a perfect track. Probably their best.

No way. This is way more than Fast Lane. I mean the speed, the flow, the style of rapping. This is excellent and deserves to be on the top. Just listen to it one time, and you'll vote for it.

Perfect display of how the two bounce off each other perfectly! The synergy here is unbeatable. Amazing display of raw skill.


Dude, Em tears it up! And Royce - that's all I gotta say. He is a stallion.

Bad Meets Evil

OG flow, son. Thought it was the coolest thing when I first heard Eminem and Royce.

This is just the classic from 1999 that started it all.

The Reunion

I think this is better than Echo. Amazing hook! The verses are not that bad either.

Living Proof

This is the best song on the whole Hell: The Sequel album. Just listen to it. Royce da 5'9 does the chorus, and Eminem and Royce deliver some of the best verses ever. It's the second-best Shady album, I think, under the MMLP series. So really, just please listen to this song. It's way better than the singles. Lighters only gets up on this list because Bruno Mars is in it.

This song is hella good. It should be in the top 3.

Loud Noises
Scary Movies

There are quite a few amazing BME songs, but Scary Movies will always be my favorite because of Em's verse. Easily one of his best verses of all time. Royce's is pretty good too.

Don't know how this isn't higher... awesome beat, and Em still has his pre-MMLP flow... ridiculous.

The Newcomers

? Not Alike

One of Royce's best verses, and Eminem killed his verse too, especially with the beat switch.

? Caterpillar

This is basically Eminem and Royce da 5'9's comeback against mumble rap. They slaughtered it.

Amazing song with incredible lyrics.

The Contenders
A Kiss
All I Think About

The first time I listened to this song, my jaw was hanging wide open, and my eyes bulged for all six minutes. It's a seemingly never-ending onslaught of skill.

Can we get this up to at least number five, please? Come on, this is way better than Fast Lane, probably their best song. It sucks not many people have heard it.

By far the best lyrical song the duo has. Eminem slaughters the track, and Royce kills it.


Y'all sleep on this track. Both Royce and Em spit incredible bars. Although both BME songs on this soundtrack are straight fire, the caliber of Em's verse on this one is second to none, and it seems he knows it, comparing his ferocity to that of an entire team of MCs. The Danny McBride sample is interwoven into the fierce beat and really adds to the feel of the track.

Just like with the Mike Epps sample on "I'm on Everything," it seems an effective yet light touch was applied with the sample to ensure it wasn't overpowering the track in a way that matched the energy of the verses. If "I'm on Everything" was a testament to the duo's zaniness, then this song is a testament to their cutthroat ferociousness, encapsulating the epitome of Bad Meets Evil.

Royce's badassery carries from the chorus to the end of his suave verse, where Em receives the bar baton and proceeds to shove it up the listener's ass, lubed up with one of the most corrosive flows he's crafted in a while. If Kendrick's "King Kunta" forces the listener to feel "the funk," the way these rappers ride the beat would make any wannabe rapper rethink his career choice. 9/10

I'm hard-bodied, everything I do be raw... Catchy.

Nuttin' to Do

Fast Lane deserves number one, and Vegas deserves a higher rank!

Take from Me

This is so underrated and slept on. The beat and energy are so sick. One of my favorites off the album the moment I heard it. Should be way higher.

Great song, dope lyrics, deep meaning - what more do you want?

Great song that all you moochers should listen to.

I'm on Everything
She's the One
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