Top 10 Best Escape the Fate Songs
I got my blood pumping when I listen to this song. The best song by Escape the Fate. Oh my God, I love when he shouts, "My ears hear only screams." Epic! Deserves to be number 1.
The best song ever.
Somehow it reminds me of Halo. The best song Escape the Fate has made. Very good album. Hopefully going to see these soon!
This song is one of the best metal songs ever. Both brutal and high vocals are great. The chorus is amazing. Such a great song.
SO GOOD! It's about how Ronnie and this girl are in love, but Ronnie has to leave. When he comes back, she has changed, but they still love each other.
Then Ronnie has to leave AGAIN, and the girl gets mad that he's always leaving. Since they love each other so much, they kill each other to be together forever.
This song is awesome!
"Sitting in this room playing Russian roulette,
Finger on the trigger to my dear Juliet,
Out from the window see her backdrop silhouette,
This blood on my hands is something I cannot forget."
Darling, what is going on? Honestly, that never happened. Lying is your favorite passion. Leave me, go where you belong! Higher heels and lipstick napkins. Dying is your latest fashion!
Just... Awesome song! This is the kind of song that never gets annoying no matter how often you listen to it.
This song proves that Ronnie is better than Craig.
This is literally one of their best songs. I love it so insanely much. All their stuff is amazing, but this is one of the best, for sure.
I personally believe it should be number one. Anyhow, I really love this song. It is so amazing. You really get into it, and as soon as I hear those opening notes, I instantly turn it up.
I love this song more than you'll ever know.
This song is the best ever from them!
Love the opening! I liked Situations too, though. And This War Is Ours is also awesome! This band just rocks!
Number 28? This song made me like Escape The Fate. I love Ronnie too, but this song is just so amazing. I bought the song yesterday and already have 87 plays on my iPod.
Also, the meaning behind the song is so good. It's sad what some people consider music these days.
Offended this isn't #1. This and This War Is Ours define Escape The Fate. This is what they're about. Ronnie is a jackass. When he left Escape The Fate, I threw a party, man. I hate Falling In Reverse. Ronnie, please don't come back.
Craig is life, and so is this song.
This song just hypes me up every time I listen to it. I actually knew Escape The Fate during their indie days. I've been to countless concerts of theirs, and I still think this song kicks ass!
This is an amazing song.
Love this song! The first Guillotine is the best in my opinion, even though I love all of them.
Best song ever written. The last part, the bridge, and the chorus rock.
Last time I was on this list, this song was #9! How did it drop so low in such a short period of time?
Surprised this isn't higher on the list. One of my favorites. I'd put it around 8 or 9 at least, definitely not 14.
My name is Ashleigh. Stupid spelling, I know. I fell in love with this song when my boyfriend dedicated it to me.
I love this song very much. I don't understand why people are still holding onto the days when Ronnie was in the band.
Craig has been in the band longer than Ronnie ever was, and his voice fits this band much better. I personally don't care for Ronnie as much, but hey, that's only my opinion.
Honestly, Ronnie's voice just didn't cut it. He's still good but isn't fit to sing in this band. Craig is.
This song is just so addicting!
This song speaks to me. I know that may be stupid, but when I was younger, I was taught to read between the lines.
That may sound cheesy to some of you, but I grew up in a home where no one showed their true feelings. This song makes me think about how everyone in life feels dumped on and left behind.
I love this song! I could listen to it on repeat all day long. I played it on repeat so many times that my little sister hates it! This song should at least make top 5!
This song is kickass! Certainly one of their best songs, easily should be in the top 10. Second best song on This War is Ours album, second of course to This War is Ours (The Guillotine Part II).
Inspirational to everyone struggling and especially those who are in the army. It empowers people to carry on and has Monte's best solo, Rob's best fills, Max's hardest-hitting bass, and Craig's best lyrics.
Nothing describes the emotions going through many of our heads more than The Aftermath. Nobody could have made a better ending to the Guillotine trilogy.
Escape The Fate never fails to impress me. Keep on rocking. ETF forever!
What? This is ETF's BEST SONG EVER! The guitar is AMAZING, and the vocals and screams blend together perfectly.
It has such a great heavy and beautiful composition at the same time. What's not to love? Needs to be higher, people!
The Newcomers
The best song on the poor album!
This is an amazing song! I love it! It should REALLY be in the top 10.
I guess no one really likes this song though... That's kinda sad. It should honestly be higher than this. I listen to this song all the time.
This song is amazing and speaks a true and hard truth about broken girls and what they can do to us men. This song needs to be in the top 10.
This is a really amazing song. It's what got me into the band.
This song has such great lyrics. It's so energetic, and Ronnie's voice is abnormally good.
Something that makes this song number one of ETF is the greatest solo and guitar riff after him in that song. It's God's creation!
I really wished Ronnie didn't get the boot. This song and My Apocalypse should be at the top.
Whoever is voting has never listened to their first album. The second was okay, but their third, I wish it never existed.
How is this song not #1? Awesome lyrics and guitar. It gives me chills every time I listen to it.
I absolutely adore this song! So emotional and passionate! I relate to this song so much. This song is fantastic. It has a great beat and rhythm. I wish there were more songs like this.
This song really touches my heart. Whenever I listen to this song, it reminds me of my ex-girlfriend.
You guys are really cool. I love and always listen to all your songs, but among them, Something is the song that touches my heart so deeply. Rock on, guys.
This song describes my love life pretty much to the exact detail. I love it. The lyrics and chorus are beautiful. His voice is gorgeous. I'm in love.
We are searching for the truth!
Listening to this on the radio right now. It's so dang catchy! It's their #1 song in my opinion!
This should at least be in the top 10! It's got a catchy hook and an awesome flow.
Should definitely be #1. Really catchy, and this song is the reason I started listening to ETF in the first place.
What? 36?! These voters must be insane!
Dude, this song is amazing! Why is it 21?!?!
Recently got into Escape The Fate and while I get how Situations is number 2, how the hell is this not in the top 10? I was expecting this to be number 1!
Same goes for Gorgeous Nightmare. I feel that this site is normally pretty accurate, but you guys dropped the ball on this one. Seriously, what the hell...
My twin sister and I definitely think that this song should be in the top ten. This song is awesome, and we easily relate to it!
This song should be number 3 or maybe 1. This position is not right for this awesome beat-blasting song.
This song reminds me of the past relationship I was in. He never wanted to leave me and move back home, but he was forced to.
Hopefully, I can see him one last time. I would give up my eyes and my fingertips to see him again.
This song is one of those songs that means more to me than anyone could ever know. It's so meaningful, and I love it. This deserves to be in first place, just saying.
I love this song! I really don't understand why it is somewhere here. It should be within, at least, the top 10!
What!? Number 24!? This song should at least be in the top 10. This song is so damn good! Just the way Ronnie sings that line, So, keep my casket closed, your heart beats under the floor. Just so awesome.
Amazing! This is obviously top 10 in my book. Buckcherry's sound and their sound together are really great. My favorite band!
The most composed and enjoyable song by Escape the Fate. The chorus never gets boring.
One of the most emotional and well-written songs that I have ever listened to. The lyrics in this song are real and far exceed any other song that has been written by ETF.
Ronnie Radke poured his soul into this song, and this should really be number 1.
Why is this not at least in the top ten? It's so beautiful. I was so moved the first time I listened to this.
It was the first song I had heard by ETF and is my absolute favorite. I can't help but sing along when I hear it!
This is by far the best song by Escape the Fate. Not sure why it's #31.
The people voting obviously have never listened to anything Ronnie sang. That's the only conclusion I can come up with.
This song is awesome. Should be at least in the top 3, clearly.
This song should be number one.
Such a powerful song. It's a perfect album opener and deserves to be in the top 10.
This song deserves a higher place. Full of power, and I really love Ronnie's voice in this song.
Oh, the webs I weave. That's a great song full of passion and power!
How can this song not yet be in the top 10? It's got it all: amazing intro, very brutal, catchy chorus, even the electro effect in his voice. This song is Escape the Fate's best by far.
The vocal effects, the lyrics, the guitar, and the drum beat are just amazing! Every day I find myself playing the beat of the intro/verses on my lap because it's amazing!
This is by far my favorite from Escape The Fate. It's one of those songs where the tune is so good that if I'm ever going through a hard time with my depression, it brings me out a lot of times.
Music is such a great form of comfort for the mind. It can really relieve tension.
It's deeply touching! Four stars deserved.