Top 10 Best Alter Bridge Songs

Here is a list of the best songs by the American rock band Alter Bridge, known for their hard rock, alternative metal, and post-grunge sound.
The Top Ten

What really surprises me about this list is the fact that it has many songs from the One Day Remains album. That album, to me, was boring and garbage. The Blackbird album is where Alter Bridge changed their style, and for good reason.

This song is phenomenal, making it probably the best rock song of the decade. The lyrics are beautifully written and full of emotion, thanks to Myles Kennedy's voice. The solo and riffing are incredibly catchy and memorable to the point of being classic. This should definitely be number 1, in my opinion.


I found out about Alter Bridge when WWE Superstar Edge used Metalingus as his entry theme. I have both One Day Remains and Blackbird albums. Once I found out that Blackbird was better than Metalingus, I had to see for myself. Blackbird is a great song, don't get me wrong, but Metalingus deserves the number 1 spot in my opinion. Blackbird is just not as catchy as Metalingus.

I never really heard of Alter Bridge before I caught Myles on the Slash album and bought Mark Tremonti's solo album. I fell in love with Metalingus (and no, I never heard it on WWE. I don't watch that). It's just a damn fine, ass-kicking, riffing, put-a-huge-smile-on-my-face, sing-along song! Truly ROCKS!


Right from the beginning of the song, the guitar will rock you dead, and it keeps you going through the whole song. Definitely one of the best, with the guitar, the lyrics, and the harmony. Everything.

Blackbird is a long, boring song. But Isolation has great lyrics and is a good song. It's the greatest hit song of all time.

Isolation is better than the best.

I may be an Edge fan, but this is better than Metalingus. Don't get me wrong, I love Metalingus, but this is my favorite Alter Bridge song.

Broken Wings

Hell yeah! This epic song has one of the best intros I've ever heard. The acoustic parts mixed with the heavy distorted guitars give this track a unique feel. Myles Kennedy's vocals are so melodic, and what's shocking is that they don't even use one octillionth of Auto-Tune. This is a purely original song. The lyrics are written so well. Tremonti's a true genius.

The "On broken wings I'm falling..." parts will give you goosebumps like you've never felt before. Just amazing. Not only is this a great song, but Alter Bridge is also a great band. So if you don't know them, check them out.

Ties that Bind

The best song ever. It's so easy to get caught up in it. The guitar is everywhere, and you have no idea what's going to happen next.

I actually thought about getting "beyond the ties that bind" as a tattoo.

Beautiful song that tells us about reality and how we destroy ourselves when we are hit by experience.

The lyrics just touch my heart.

This is the best song by Alter Bridge! It is just like Blackbird! How did anyone dare to put it at number 3? It should be at the top of the list! All the people are just idiots who didn't vote for this! First, listen to it! What the heck? Number 3? It should be in the top 1 by now.

Ghost of Days Gone By

I wish more people knew about this epic song. It's their greatest song, no contest.

I agreed with the top 10 before I heard this song. Now, I'm going to have to make some adjustments!

This is an amazing song! I could listen to this all day long.

Alter Bridge is a great band and deserves to be better known for such great and overpowering music. They are my idols. That is all.

Greatest song by them. It just has a great story about it. The epic feeling you get from the song is amazing.

The song is something fierce. It's something to listen to. A must-listen for people.

Life Must Go On

Absolutely amazing! This song is one of my favorites of all time, and I have over 14,000 songs! I find it absolutely stunning. The lyrics are very unique and really make the listener feel as though it is happening to them. After Blackbird, it is their best. (Ties that Bind is tying with Life Must Go On!)

A good choice for a penultimate song. The intro isn't a million miles away from Creed's My Sacrifice and reminds us a little of One Day Remains' Down to My Last too.

Tremonti cleverly integrates the finger-picked part back into the song later.

Open Your Eyes

Great opening for the band and for One Day Remains. The opening guitar is great, along with the lyrics that follow. The last half of the song is simply melodic. It feels like people would start lighting candles in the air.

Severely underrated. Just like My Sacrifice introduced me to Creed, this song introduced me to Alter Bridge, and I couldn't skip it the first time I heard it.

I love the guitar solo in this song. Mark has many good solos, but this one is the best in my opinion.

Rise Today

I love AB and this song especially. They empathize with the listener by saying how they feel, such as being hopeless, but then they give hope by saying things like "rise today," "don't close your eyes" in Cry of Achilles, and "on this day I see clearly" in Metalingus.

Very different from Alter Bridge's other songs, but I still liked it very much.

Thumbs up for Rise Today.

I just simply love this song. I identify with it and get a great feeling just listening to it.

Addicted to Pain

This song deserves a top ten place. Great intro, great chorus, and an AMAZING solo.

Without Tremonti, would this song have made it this far? I don't think so. Thumbs up for this song!

Though their Fortress album was far from meeting expectations, this was quite a song alongside Calm the Fire.

This is a really awesome song from Fortress.

The solo is just epic in this one. It deserves a higher rank. The best band ever!

The Newcomers

? Last Rites

Awesome song. I can't believe I had to add it!

? Tear Us Apart

Oh, I love this song! It should be at least in the top five.

The Contenders
In Loving Memory

This song means so much to me. My dad passed away two months ago, and this song has helped me so much through this time of grief. It is spot on and explains exactly how I feel. It's written in such a way that anyone who has lost someone close to them can relate to it. Thanks for the awesome music, AB. Love you guys.

There is no doubt this is the best song by AB. In fact, it's one of the best in the world.

Goosebumps every single time I listen to this. Beautiful in every way imaginable.

A really good song for anyone needing to cope with a recent loss of a loved one. It really hits home and is good for comfort.

Deserves to be higher on the list.

Watch Over You

I love most of the ones above this one, but it's no doubt that this song is way better than the others. One of my favorite rock songs of all time, to be honest. A girl I'm getting close to right now heard this song from Alter Bridge, and she said it almost made her cry. It's that good.

This song has all the great aspects of the perfect song. It's slow and powerful but also rocking at the same time.

It has a sort of epicness to it. Not to mention the catchy guitar riff and awesome harmonies.

I absolutely love this song. It makes the hairs stand up on the back of my neck listening to it. Great vocals from Myles Kennedy and such an emotional song.


Come to Life

I think this is one of the underrated songs. It is one of Alter Bridge's masterpieces and must be in the top 5.

It has so much guitar work in it, especially the bass, which is awesome. Listening with earphones or headphones is recommended.

This song has been truly disgraced on this list.

Hello! This song is the best Alter Bridge song ever. Just listen to it.

The intro is totally cool, and the chorus is very thrilling. It's a must-listen!

A perfect title for an awesome song. This song makes you want to COME TO LIFE!

Mark's solo, Myles' vocals, Mark's backing. Classic AB!

I Know It Hurts

This song really helped. I have an unrequited crush on this girl at school. I couldn't bring myself to tell her and sank into depression.

Thank God for Alter Bridge.

One of the best from ABIII.

Love its melody and lyrics! Vocals and instruments are superb as always. It's one of the best from Alter Bridge.

Hail Alter Bridge!

Absolutely brilliant lyrics and riff, and everything! Myles Kennedy rules.

Slip to the Void

The greatest way to start an AB concert. It's just amazing how it's built. First, Myles starts with a quiet sing, and after about 30 seconds, Mark Tremonti introduces himself with a powerful riff. It's just what AB is about. Tremonti is the leader. Myles just helps him to be visible.

Good soft singing from Myles within the first two minutes. Great chorus, and great guitar work from Mark.

What else could you ask for in a song?

This should be at least in the top 5. Isolation sucks compared to this. This is almost better than Afterlife by A7X and What I've Done by Linkin Park.

Cry of Achilles

The guitar in this song is amazing. It's probably the best rival to Blackbird. The lyrics and chorus can really rival Blackbird too.

My personal favorite parts are the chorus and Myles's guitar solo.

My personal favorite AB song. Although I do think Blackbird is better as the best song for AB, this comes second.

I am just amazed that I haven't heard of this song until recently. Amazing chorus.

Brand New Start

Fantastic refrain, perfect melody, gives me the creeps. My favorite song from AB.

Definitely provides atmosphere and imagery, one of my favorites.

Laugh out loud. This song is amazing and a little bit funny. Give it a try. You won't regret it.

Words Darker Than Their Wings

The opening is good, and the first couple of verses are good. What really makes the song special is the last half.

Just everything about the last half is amazing, and every Alter Bridge fan should know about it.

Not only is this one of my favorite songs by Alter Bridge, but it's also one of my favorite songs, period. How is it so far down the list?

I absolutely love Tremonti's backing vocals. While not as good as Myles, his vocals really add a lot to the song.

Blackbird is their best song, but Words Darker Than Their Wings is a close second.

The way they harmonize together and split vocal duties is just short of magical.

Wonderful Life

Slightly underrated but certainly not overrated. This song is so awesome, but so are the other ones.

But still, you should listen to this song.

I believe this is one of the most emotional songs by AB. You must definitely listen to it, and I'm sure you'll be addicted.

This song is the saddest song I've ever heard so far. It's awesome and will make you cry if you listen to the lyrics with your heart.

Still Remains

Probably 90% of my music play is Alter Bridge, and I understand everyone has differing opinions, but how this is not in the top 5 Alter Bridge songs I will never know.

Best guitar work on the album. Killer opening riff sucks you in!

It's an awesome song to hear, especially when you're in a rocking mood. I think it's one of Alter Bridge's best songs of the year.

Cradle to the Grave

In my opinion, it's one of the best guitar solos of all time. Very powerful song.


I'd say Blackbird is the best song, but AB III and Fortress are the best albums. I think the closers are the best songs on both albums, although every second of them is perfect. The bonus tracks on those albums would've easily been lead singles if it were another band.

This song would probably be my #3, with Blackbird at #1 and Words Darker Than Their Wings at #2.

Definitely rivals Blackbird for the best Alter Bridge "epic" piece. Seven-plus minutes of riffing, brilliant soft/loud lyrics by Myles, an amazing four-in-one guitar solo. Just an amazing all-around track that deserves to be voted into at least the top 5.

Make It Right

Never understood why this song got so little fame under the Alter Bridge songs.

It's so awesome.

Good song lyrics by Alter Bridge. Definitely deserves to be at the top of the list.

This is such a great song. I love it so much.

Only you can make it right on top!

All Hope is Gone

Why isn't it in the top 10? Such a great composition. I rejoice in the tune whenever I listen to it. Alter Bridge is so awesome.

Best song from Alter Bridge. You must listen to it.

Buried Alive

All of Alter Bridge's songs are totally awesome, but if I had to choose, it'd be Buried Alive. It's got a good meaning for those who need cheering up when they're down. It tells them that they're not the only one going through rough times in life. Anyone who likes this song will agree!

Unbelievably awesome riffs and rhythm!

I love this song as much as I love Blackbird!

The beginning and end of the song are PERFECT, and the whole song is just a mind-blower!

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