Best Flyleaf Songs

The Top Ten
All Around Me

I absolutely love this song, and it makes me cry every single time that I hear it. It's just so beautiful. Not only will it help you get through bad times, but it also makes an inspirational song to listen to all the time.

God bless Flyleaf.

This song is amazing. You can feel her pain as she sings while she heals, and the lyrics are very powerful. For me, it's like a double sense of nostalgia and a lover and God and Jesus. Mostly God and Jesus.

It's just so beautiful.

Chills every time. This song has helped me through so many rough times in my life. It somehow touches me in a spot inside my heart that I can never explain. It makes me so happy to listen to it.


A great song, and its meaning is just great. And it was good enough to get on Guitar Hero, so ha! Everything about it makes it deserve at least the number 3 slot. Cassie is the only thing standing in its way because of the story it talks about. They are both amazing songs. All of their songs are.

I love this song and how everyone can interpret it however they want. To me, it has great meaning and is really uplifting. You can apply it to people or God. Whichever way you want to go, it still makes sense.

Absolutely my favorite.

I'm So Sick

Why is a cover at number 2? If a cover gets to number 1, then that is like saying that Flyleaf can't write decent songs, which they obviously can. I'm So Sick proves that.

One of the sickest songs I've ever heard, the best, man. I have no idea why it isn't first on the list. The best song that I've ever heard by them, ever. Vote for this to get it to where it truly belongs, number one.

Yes. This song should be number one. With a screaming voice like that, Flyleaf should be the number one band with a female singer in the world. This song is amazing.

Fully Alive

The best, man. Just the best. Has to be number one. Dunno why it isn't. Vote for it. Bring it to the top.

So much energy, and the vocals are amazing. Should definitely be top 3.


Sing to me about the end of the world
(meaning: there is no such thing as the end of the world)

End of these hammers and needles for you
(meaning: you can always start over. "Hammers and needles" mean repairing, mending, and redoing things)

Hold on to the world we all remember fighting for.
There's still strength left in us yet.
(meaning: don't give up easily after all these fights!)

Hold on to the world we all remember dying for.
There's some hope left in it yet.
(meaning: there is always hope)

And the last line took my breath away:
"Arise and be all that you dreamed, all that you dreamed."

This is my all-time favorite inspiring song! Flyleaf are incredible!


This song is AWESOME! It's my favorite and should definitely be at least in the top five, if not the number one spot. I know good music, and this song is great. If you're looking for great Flyleaf songs, I recommend Sorrow.

This song is amazing! It's so beautiful!

Great music, check

Great lyrics, check

Great meaning, check

Great song, check+

New Horizons
Fire Fire

I am always bewildered as to the meaning of the lyrics, but I know it relates to the band's journey somewhat, being 11 years together. Awesome.

I can't believe that this is only number 10. It's got great lyrics, a great guitar melody, and tons of dynamics. Overall, it's just amazing.

Lacey's beautiful voice makes the whole song so enjoyable to hear. Amazing song concept, and it's my favorite!

Broken Wings

I love it so much. The lyrics are just so... so... wow!

I like this song so much! It's cool, amazing, and it has great lyrics.

This Close

I love this song so much. There's so much emotion in her voice, and the lyrics truly speak to me. Flyleaf has so many incredible songs that it's difficult to pick just one. "This Close" is definitely my favorite from Memento Mori.

That chorus just hits you like a wall of bricks. Truly impressive. This was my first taste of Flyleaf and certainly the best.

This is my personal favorite. The lyrics are so meaningful, and Lacey's voice is angel-like here.

The Newcomers

? Dear My Closest Friend

Not hard or heavy, really, but it fits so well that way. I almost wish it were longer.

? Ocean Waves

So much emotion. The band sounds so raw - a great early effort.

The Contenders

Cassie was the younger sister of the lead singer in Flyleaf. This song is a true story about how she got shot because she said yes when some evil men asked if she believed in God.

Any song about a girl who gets shot for refusing to say something against her beliefs, and it's a true story, deserves the number one slot!

Such an inspiring story that the song is about, and it is really catchy! Rock on, Flyleaf!

Call You Out

This song deserves to be on top! Or at least in the top ten! Although it is short, this song makes me want to dance the life out of me more than any other.

One of the shortest but most epic Flyleaf songs yet.

This is my favorite Flyleaf song.

Set Me On Fire

There is so much awesomeness in this. Chasm is my go-to song if I want to headbang.

There for You

Absolutely beautiful. It leaves me speechless every time.

This song is way too pretty. Why isn't this in the top ten?

Beautiful Bride

I love this song! Personally, it's my favorite, and even though it isn't number one on the top tens, it will always be number one in my eyes. I love this song so much!

It's very upbeat, and sometimes you'll just need something upbeat to listen to. Well, here you go.

This song is always in my head! I love it!

Swept Away

I love the unique style of this song, with both Lacey's vocals and the instrumentation. The lyrics and mood of this song really capture the theme "from darkness into light," which is prevalent throughout the entire album, Memento Mori.

Can't stop singing it. Should at least be in the top 10. It's totally intense and really awesome!

Maybe even number 1... Vote it up!

So I Thought

This was close to perfection. The first time I listened to this song, I felt like I was floating. Then I searched the lyrics, and it was so meaningful. Maybe God uses this band as an instrument to tell all people that He loves us so much.

How the hell is this so far down on the list? This is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard.

Head Underwater
Bury Your Heart
Tiny Heart

I love this song because it reminds me of people today and how they don't love like they should. This song could be about people, or it could be about God. Sometimes I just want to blare it on my radio so that others can listen to what it says.

Although this song is amazing, my personal favorite is This Close because a lot of times people are really close and just fall back.

City Kids

Such an encouraging song! People should listen to this song if they hate Kristen.

The Kind

Love these lyrics about the internal destruction of a lustful relationship (which could be your relationship with yourself), the (holy) pain of cutting it out of your life, and forming a new relationship with Him. So poetic and relatable!

The Kind is one of my many favorite songs by Flyleaf. The Kind means a lot. It has a really special meaning behind it.

This song deserves a top 10 place, at least! There is just so much emotion, and the lyrics speak to me in such a deep way.

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