Best Jethro Tull Songs
The best of the many Jethro Tull songs that Ian Anderson has written.
I find it hard not to absolutely love songs like this. Being that I'm only 13 and I like bands like this, The Beatles, The Doors, and The Who instead of all the garbage being played today.
Not only the best song by Tull, the best song by anybody. Musical tapestry. This was the soundtrack of my formative years, and I still never tire of hearing it.
Such a beautiful song! The acoustic guitar at the beginning and end is just so simple yet effective and perfect, and everything in between is amazing as well. I love watching live versions of this song!

I will never get tired of hearing this song. Years after its release, they toured, did this album in its entirety, and gave away free CDs of it after the show.
Brilliant! So many variations in one song!
Fantastic song. The beginning, the wonderful guitar solo - it's a great song.
Jens from Berlin

By far one of the best of Jethro Tull. Perfectly arranged to combine both jazz and rock. Personally, I got shivers down my spine when I heard it for the first time. I advise anyone who reads this to listen to the song ASAP.
The piano intro and transition into the more intense part are perfect. The song has a very jazzy feel and is wonderfully arranged.
Definitely the best. Jazz and rock mixed together remind me of Alice Cooper's Welcome to My Nightmare! Easily their best song!

The most powerful and dynamic Tull song. Heavy Horses combines many elements of music and of Tull. Best song from the best album, next to Stormwatch.
One of the best Tull songs written.
A great composition. Heavy Horses and Stormwatch are underappreciated LPs.

Should be much higher on the list.

Admittedly, they've got so many longer, more epic, progressive, technical, and nuanced songs (on the very same album, at that), BUT this one is just too damn catchy, beautiful, and dance-inducing to not get the top spot for me.
Talk about Tull going metal. This song is heavy metal at its best. It's one of my all-time favorite Jethro Tull songs.
Great song. Love its rhythm, lyrics, and energy. Plus, you have a lot of flute! Maybe my favorite song on Aqualung.

Fantastic lyrics with an infectious groove. Showcasing Tull's heavier side, this one rocks from start to finish. I thank you for dinner!
Awesome song! It's perfect if you're new to Jethro Tull and aren't totally convinced.
This one is personally my favorite Jethro Tull song of all time. I could listen to it all day.

The only time in history when a flute has been unquestionably badass. Bouree is simply one of the coolest translations of classical music ever recorded.
The flute here obviously isn't as hard-driving or technical as the bridge to "Locomotive Breath," but it's seductively sexy and perfect for this song.
I love earlier Jethro Tull, like Stand Up and Benefit. They still affect me the most.

The first song I ever heard by Jethro Tull. A weird 5/4 beat with the flute transitions. Possibly the best progressive song I've heard. Anderson manages to put you to sleep with his calming flute, then as soon as the bridge hits, you're in another world.
The first Jethro Tull song I heard was Aqualung, like most people. But Aqualung doesn't have any of the signature flute. This song is great. What can I say?
One of those in the zone tracks. Headphones on, bit of herbal burning.
The Newcomers

The Aqualung album is full of forceful imagery. Ian Anderson gets it completely right about organized religion on this one.
This might only be in 23rd place, but this is the best Jethro Tull song because of that awesome flute part with the singing.
In your prime and all your glory, you're a poorer man than me as you lick the boots of death born out of fear. Ian could write rock very well. I really dig My God. It said a lot, and in 1971 the timing was perfect. Thanks, Ian.

This is a top 5 song in my opinion. It really grabs you, gets stuck in your head, and won't let go. Love Ian's voice on this one.
I love this song. So many memories for me as a little kid with the Tull.
Most true song to the "Tull" technique.

The most underrated LP of the '70s, just an amazing album. I never get tired of Benefit. Remember Benefit, Aqualung, and Thick as a Brick. Not bad, Ian, you did well. RIP Glenn Cornick.

The perfect Tull song! Mostly when you listen to a splendid song, it goes by really quickly. As it's a 5-minute song, it's the perfect length. It has a great hook to it. This was the song that turned Jethro Tull from a band I had heard of to my all-time favorite band. This is the song that made me a prog rock fan!
Hunting Girl somehow captures the sheer essence of a hunt. You have to enjoy listening to it. It's just marvelous. I'd give it at least third place.
It truly represents the unique qualities of Tull at their best!

A difficult but rewarding listen. The songs get better as they go along. Critique Oblique is the highlight on side one. Top of Our Stairs, Overseer, and Flight from Lucifer are all good songs in their own right. Go on and give it another try.
Underrated. It's as good as Thick as a Brick.

Melodic, romantic, utterly beautiful, and one of the best crescendos I've ever heard in any rock song. I'm a Genesis fan, so it's saying a lot.

How can this song not make the list? Even with the heavier riffs, this song is so soothing. Besides, it's unlike what Jethro Tull had ever done before.
Ian's favorite song, as he has stated in interviews! I think it's one of their best.
Among the many masterpieces of Ian, this one I can never stop listening to.

It's insane that it's not among the first ten songs.
No. 14? Really? Oh my God, this song is so beautiful!
I think this is one of the better songs. It should be at least top 10.

The perfect Tull album: very folky, very proggy! Hunting Girl has got to be their best underrated song. Songs from the Wood is weird but great to listen to. Then there's The Whistler, the biggest hit from this album, and when you listen to it, you can see why. All the other songs are fantastic in their own right.

It's pretty much the best thing they ever did after TAAB. I have to admit it is not as good as Brick, but good enough with its long length and great collection of melodies (melodies are sometimes a struggle for Tull) to be my second favorite song by them. The vocals by Ian are especially great.
Arguably one of the greatest songs on record. Such a shame that people are put off by its 16+ minute runtime. If you've got a tea break at work, just pop in your earphones and listen to this musical titan!
Only this low down because most Tull "fans" haven't heard it.

Are you kidding? This should be in the top 3!