Top 10 Best Skid Row Songs
Has anyone here heard of Skid Row? If you were rocking out to '80s hard rock and metal, then chances are you have! But if you're new to Skid Row or want to rediscover their music, then get ready, because this list highlights some of the band's best tracks that are absolute must-listens for any rock fan. From the anthems that took the charts by storm to their deeper cuts, Skid Row gave us songs that mix hard-hitting guitars with lyrics that hit home - and still make you want to throw up your horns.
In my opinion, this song is the greatest song of all time. Yes, I said it, and here's why: it has the best combination of meaning and a great tune to listen to, even if you don't pay attention to the lyrics. Most songs either have one or the other.
Now, I know there are other songs that have both, but to me, this song just touches you in a way that no other song does. This is because of the huge life lesson involved that so many kids fall for. A young person could actually change after listening to or watching the video.
Plus, like I said, it's just a great song to listen to, tune-wise, to put you in a good mood as well.

I have to say, 18 and Life is a serious competitor for Skid Row's best song. However, as much as I love it, I would truthfully choose Youth Gone Wild over it. It simply seems to have a power to it that 18 and Life also has but seems to be a bit lacking in.
I would choose both if I could, but I can't, so I'd have to say Youth Gone Wild takes the cake. Rock on!
This one's the anthem of an entire generation growing up in the '80s. Not only is it Skid Row's best song, but it's also one of the best rock anthems ever.
I just like it more than the others! Reason unknown. Hard riff and an absolutely great chorus. More words are useless for this masterpiece.

I'm not a big fan of heavy metal, yet this song is one of my top 10 favorite songs of all time. Sebastian's voice is absolutely extraordinary, even heavenly. I listen to the song and it just takes me to a totally different place.
This is the greatest song Skid Row ever made. It should be at the top. 18 and Life is great, but this is 10 times better. The lyrics are great, and it has an awesome solo. I'm sure you'll agree that Youth Gone Wild and 18 and Life should step aside.
Excellent song on their very first album, Skid Row. This brilliant song reminds me of the time when I'd listen to it on my Walkman. Out of all the songs that I remember, I Remember You is the song I remember the most.

There's one thing that isn't present in other Skid Row songs: touching vocals. Sebastian really did a great job with this song, along with the simple but great solo and the fantastic 12-string guitar chords. This song was played and sung with great energy, and Sebastian and Dave put their best into this song.
Somehow, the song itself isn't what makes it the best. What makes it the best is the band's energy and emotion while playing this song.
Although I think Psycho Love and Youth Gone Wild are absolutely amazing songs, I have to go with Wasted Time. It's unbelievably powerful. It's so good that there are Metallica and Iron Maiden songs that can't keep up with it.
Skid Row rocks! Oh, and by the way, I don't see Creepshow, Mudkicker, or Riot Act anywhere on this list. They're unbelievable songs as well.

Food choices. Wasted Time and Quicksand Jesus must be some of Bach's best vocal performances of his career.
One of my favorite Skid Row songs. Great vocals and a blast to play!
Their performance on SNL with this song and Piece of Me is outstanding!

Amazing, heavy Snake riffage, and Sebastian's brutal vocals on this song are unmatched.
I won't be the one left behind. I'm going to vote for Slave to the Grind!
Such a heavy song. The guitar alone will blow the roof off! Crank it up, and you'll see what I mean.

Sebastian shows off his full range in this song. The mid-section scream that goes into the chorus in one breath is awesome! Whoever calls this song boring has no appreciation for great tuneage. And that opening lead guitar is beautiful! It sets the tone for what's about to follow.
Perfect song from the stellar second album. The vocals and guitar work are in perfect synchronicity.
The guitar is a rare pleasure. Definitely my favorite sound of Skid Row.

I believe this song is Skid Row's best song. It's one of the most epic songs I've ever heard. Everything about this song is just perfect. The lyrics, the vocals, the solo.
I think that Sebastian's vocals are amazing in this song and maybe even better than his vocals in other songs. This song is so underrated and definitely one of my favorite five songs of all time.
One of the most epic songs to come out of the '90s. The power of the guitars combined with Sebastian's howling vocals makes this a rare gem. I almost feel like I'm in a trance when I listen to this one. It's just got so much raw power to it.
Sebastian also holds one of the most unbelievable high notes for what feels like an eternity. Skid Row forever!

The Newcomers

The octave jump in vocals at the end is epic!

Fun, addictive rock song. It reminded me very much of Poison for some reason.

Criminally overlooked song of the mid-'90s. A more mature-sounding Skid Row. Sebastian is still roaring, just more restrained. Best song off a terribly underrated album.
A song that made the Subhuman Race album brilliant (although the rest of the album was still great too).
Maybe the peak of Skid Row. Great vocals, and the part with the solo is genuinely touching.

I don't know how this song is not on this list. It definitely deserves to be in the top three. Guitars and solo are amazing.
In my opinion, top five Skid Row song! "Born a Beggar" is also a great song!