Best Songs From A Day to Remember's Homesick
It's truly their best song overall, not just on this album. Such a catchy chorus, heavy guitar and drums, and awesome scream parts. For me, it's THE earworm!
This one or possibly Mr. Highway's Thinking About the End. I love them both.
So underrated, but still a cult classic for hardcore ADTR fans.
Criminal to put this so low. This is the best song on the album purely because of its storytelling, beautiful beat, two-part harmonies, and the brilliant conclusion. It's the best ending song on any ADTR album ever.
This is an amazing song! Although most of them are amazing, like Have Faith in Me, The Downfall of Us All, and I'm Made of Wax, Larry, What Are You Made Of? - they're all fantastic!
This was the first song I ever heard from A Day to Remember. Besides that, it's my favorite from Homesick.
Really, that low!? For me, it's the second best, right after "I'm Made of Wax, Larry, What Are You Made Of?" It's very catchy, very heavy - love it.