Best Songs From the Band Brand New
My favourite band of all time is Brand New, so I'm compiling a list of their best songs.This song has so much depth to it. It seems like I hear something new every time I listen to it. It also shows how well the band makes all the parts fit together.
Such a powerful song, amazing poetic lyrics. It's been my favorite for over a year, and I still enjoy listening to it as much as I did the first time.
Best chorus ever. The energy is unbelievable. Listening for the last 6 months and still not bored.
"And I will die all alone. And when I arrive I won't know anyone."
"Well Jesus Christ I'm not scared to die, I'm a little bit scared of what comes after."
"I know you think that I'm someone you can trust. But I'm scared I'll get scared and I swear I'll try to nail you back up."
Best 3 a.m. song ever.
Well, I love every single song of Brand New, but if I have to choose one, I'll pick this one.
"I stole bricks from the dam almost every day. Now I'm drowning in the flood I made. Explain myself to me on the other side. I'm gonna want some answers when I die."
A hauntingly beautiful metaphor in those first two quoted lines. This song is one of the best on Daisy.
My personal favorite of Brand New's, from the lyrics to the soft guitar. And, baby if you're depressed, listen to this and feel bad for whoever this is about.
"You are the smell before rain, you are the blood in my veins." My favorite song.
The lyrics are the best Brand New has ever written, truly. Great song.
If these lyrics don't give you chills, then you should stop listening to music.
Classic. Hooked me when I was young. Made me feel young.
Incredible instrumental and very haunting lyrics. Most importantly, this is their best live performance. The last minute of Jesse Lacey screaming "You Won't Know" in complete and utter despair will leave you in tears.
I love the simple yet hauntingly melodic intro and the sudden switch from mellow to heavy that Brand New do so well! Just a class song that is one of my favorites!
This song is perfect. It captures both sadness and anger with lyrics that are so poignant. Makes me cry. Beautiful.
"I saw our sad Messiah. He was bored and tired of my laments. Said, 'I died for you one time, but never again.'"
When I heard this, I was instantly hooked. The raw emotion, the hauntingly beautiful instrumental, the horror. This song is a masterpiece.
Just... Everything about this song is incredible. The lyrics, the backstory. The horror and emotion in this song compare to no other.
The story, the emotion, the music. It's all there, and it's all heartbreakingly amazing.
Deja Entendu is among their best albums, without a doubt. The reason being mostly due to this song. This song is amazing, the lyrics are profound, and once again, Jesse shows us his brilliance.
Not sure if I've heard a bad Brand New song. But this is undoubtedly their best.
THIS song is their best! This should be on the top of the list!
"I am heaven sent, don't you dare forget." And with those words, I instantly fell in love with Brand New.
Greatest song of all time by any band!
This one must be much higher.
The Newcomers
Can't believe I had to make an account to add this song to the list because no one has voted for it yet.
A non-album single, and while not their best, this tune is definitely overlooked.
Brand New is my favorite band, so it is really hard to choose a favorite song. Luca has to be my favorite because it has about 250 plays on my iTunes. Something very brilliant about this song.
Good God, this is my favorite song by Brand New.
The ending makes me want to burst into flames.
A song with little to no music, but rather Jesse Lacey singing to a natural melody. Still one of my favorites.
How can you not love the background violin?
First song I ever heard by them a couple of years ago. Been hooked ever since.
"You've set on me, but you are not the Sun." Beautiful lyrics and sound. A great addition to any Brand New playlist.
Very addictive song. Good buildup and very unique chorus. And good finishing too. This will surely be one of the better alternative tracks you will come across.
The way he screams "Yeah!" sets me free.
That song that makes you realize you're not afraid of death.
Science Fiction is their best album and, for me, just the best album of all time.
Your Favorite Weapon was the greatest album they ever had and the greatest album of all time. Lyrics, harmonies, and just plain good music.
Wow, this is Brand New? It sounds like a different band (still amazing, though).