Best Songs from Queen's "A Night at the Opera"

The Top Ten
Bohemian Rhapsody

The greatest song of all time. It never gets old. Queen showed their creativity here. Only they could release a six-minute, three-sectioned, chorusless song. Freddie's vocals were perfect, May's guitar solo was legendary, and the whole band just nailed it. That's how you write a truly memorable song.

This is my favorite song of all time, and probably a lot of people's as well. Who would have thought that one of the best songs ever would be a six-minute song with an operatic section and words like Galileo?

The Prophet's Song

This song got me to listen to Queen more seriously. I remember clicking a video link to watch Bohemian Rhapsody live, but I accidentally clicked this instead. My computer froze, but the audio kept playing, and I fell in love. This song and Sweet Lady deserve recognition.

I love this song. To me, this is the ultimate Brian May Queen song. I actually like it more than Bohemian Rhapsody, believe it or not. No disrespect to Bohemian Rhapsody, though - it's still a classic and one of their all-time greats.

If this song were on any other album, it would've been a huge hit. If Bohemian Rhapsody didn't exist, this would be considered the greatest song of all time.

Death on Two Legs

I can understand why Freddie wrote this one. He was so right when he did it! I listen to this song almost every day and think about the kinds of people he had in mind. Every word of it is so true. Love this song and dedicate it to...

Paul Prenter is awful, but he's not the first evil manager that mistreated Queen. Norman Sheffield was the first. Norman was abusive and mistreated Queen. Freddie didn't like the way he treated him, so he had to pay back.

This is one of my favorites of all time! Dedicated to Norman Sheffield, my dears. He was their abusive manager - or something like that. I also adore Seaside Rendezvous.


Amazing song. It's about time traveling. A man goes to space, and it feels like only one year to him. But when he comes back to Earth, 100 years have passed for everyone else. Beautiful song.

I was going to vote for Bohemian Rhapsody, but I decided to give another song a chance. This is very good. Simply beautiful...

You're My Best Friend

I honestly prefer this song over Bohemian Rhapsody. It is the best love song ever made, and it was written by John Deacon, the bass player. We bass players know how to kick ass.

Even though it could be seen as being overshadowed by Bohemian Rhapsody, You're My Best Friend is a perfect pop song. John Deacon shows his talent as a songwriter.

I sang this song in my 6th-grade talent show.

Love of My Life

This song is a pure gem! It is the best love song ever written! It must be No. 2 after Bohemian Rhapsody.

This song should rank higher. My favorite love song of all time!

I'm in Love with My Car

The title may seem weird, but this song is great. Roger has a very strong voice, and I like the roughness.

Roger Taylor's best song!

Should be in the top 5.

Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon

This song is so much fun to listen to. I love it and always have it on repeat. Listen to the sample, please - you'll love it.

It's a very underrated song. It's a little too short, though. I wanted more and more.

Freddie sounds so English here. I mean, not that he isn't.

Sweet Lady

You call me sweet like I'm some kind of cheese?

Shut up, it doesn't suck.

Sick riff, sick song.

Seaside Rendezvous

I voted for The Prophet's Song, but this is too far down. It's so over the top, but amazing because of it. You've got something different going on every second! From mouth trumpets to finger tapping, and the piano is just magnificent. This song is incredible. It's hard to make a top ten on this album because everything is simply mind-blowingly amazing!

Queen is one of the only bands of the '70s that can pull off a '20s and '30s music vibe without it being corny. This is the perfect example!

This song is so underrated. It needs more love.

The Contenders
Good Company

Though this one is not as well-known as other tracks from this masterpiece, I think it deserves more attention than, for instance, '39, which was also written by May. It's one of the most underrated Queen songs, overshadowed by many others.

The melody, philosophical lyrics, and the great May singing lead while performing the whole jazz orchestra on just one guitar make it highly recommended!

God Save the Queen

Definitely not the best song on the album, but it wraps up the album well. This deserves some recognition.

This song is good, but too short.

Good instrumental.

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