Top 10 Best Static-X Songs
The core song that puts the ice on the cake that is Shadow Zone - a cake that you can eat over and over again without getting full.
Good song to have if you are driving on a race track or playing a race game!
It is a great song for all the Static-X fans out there to listen to!
Awesome! The guitars and Tony Campos' scream are my favorite parts!
This is basically Firestarter by The Prodigy with guitars.
Can't believe this isn't number 1!
Wayne's vocals are just brutal on this one! I can feel the chorus cutting through me like a knife every time I hear it! It's one of those songs that makes you think and rock out at the same time.
It's sort of like Push It, only better. I really like the weird voices and the guitars on this song!
This song should be in the top five positions.
Only recently found this song and my only regret is not finding it sooner. Great song!
Should be #2. Get to the Gone should be #1.
Need For Speed Most Wanted. First song I heard by them. Hard and heavy. It's a good driving around song.
This song is awesome. Much better than The Enemy.
This song brings back those NFS Most Wanted aka childhood days... Best piece of work by Static-X.
Great song! My favorites are up above, but my vote goes for this one - too underrated.
The Newcomers
I love the deep sound of the song! That bassline!
The song reminds me of Perfect Mask by Paradise Lost.
Absolutely melodic song from Static-X. Wayne sounds absolutely fantastic in this video.
Not quite my favorite, but it's way too low. Top 5 for sure.
Superepic riff throughout the whole song! This song is truly amazing, and out of all my years of listening to Static-X, it has stayed my favorite!
Wow, this was a hard choice... But it has to be this one. It encompasses everything I love about industrial metal.
Fast, hard, and awesome. The best song that calms me down when I am in a really bad mood. Better than punching a brick wall, I guarantee it.
Kind of in between their heavier stuff and lighter stuff, but one of my favorites. I notice something new every time I listen to the song.
How the hell is this so low?! Their best, by far!
Complete with numerous Dio pauses for effect. Love it!
Jay says best live song, period!
Get upon this Wisconsin Death Trip! Title track of their best album. Awesome to just headbang and go nuts on.
This song is just too hard for some fans to understand. That's why it is so low on the list!