Top 10 Greatest Sopranos of All Time
In your opinion, who do you think are the ten greatest sopranos of all time?
I have been listening to her magnificent voice for over forty years, and all I can say is it is uncanny. There are those who would liken her to some of the greatest singers in history, but no one has ever been able to reach the stratospheric heights that Dame Joan achieved.
She was able to perform vocal acrobatics with her voice (The Bell Song) that have never been achieved by another singer. Her bel canto mastery sets her apart from anyone else who has attempted it, except Marilyn Horne. The golden age of opera was the period when Sutherland, Horne, and Pavarotti sang as an ensemble, never to be matched or duplicated. We were so lucky to hear and see them before Joan and Luciano left us. Thank you for the most incredible music we will ever hear.

The reason I think Maria Callas is one of the greatest - if not the greatest - singers is that every time I listen to one of her recitals, I feel so many emotions that it makes me think she cast a spell on me. I know there are many good artists, but there is something about her voice that makes her special.
With her voice, she can make you understand or even feel certain things, and I strongly believe that is the real purpose of any kind of art: to understand and to feel!
I was sitting at Starbucks having an afternoon coffee, listening to Maria Callas, namely La Sonnambula and La Mamma Morta. At one point, I closed my eyes, and nothing else mattered. Her emotional languish, along with her superb vocals, transcended me into another place and time. I became overcome with emotion.
No one can ever come close to Callas and her artistic renditions of the great classics. Brava!

No one person can hear every singer throughout history, but I've listened to thousands of them over many decades of following music. Jackie is not only the best I've ever heard, she is by far the best I have ever heard. She has a soft, beautiful lower range but can hit high notes easily without getting shrill or harsh.
She is the best I have ever heard at singing anything from opera arias to pop, Broadway, movie songs, and classical. She is amazing. Check her out on YouTube, starting with 'All of the Stars,' 'May It Be,' 'The Lord's Prayer,' 'Nessun Dorma,' 'Lovers,' and 'Apocalypse.' You can't find another singer who can perform all those songs as well as she does.

Opera is a show, and she has given more spectacular moments on stage than any other singer. Without any doubt, the most beautiful voice in the recorded era. Just hearing the sound is tantalizing. Irregular interpreter, but pure magic.
Bolena, Devereux, Don Carlo, Lucrezia, Traviata, Salome, Norma, Pirata. Look for the magic there.
Caballé's voice is angelic. Her rendition of 'O Mio Babbino Caro' is absolutely flawless and is the best ever recorded. You would have to be a stone not to be moved by it! Other great arias include 'Ave Maria' (Verdi) and 'Hijo de la Luna.' There are not enough words to describe how exquisite her voice really is.

Birgit Nilsson is without any doubt the greatest soprano singer we have seen overall. Her capacity doesn't only fulfill being a true Wagnerian, but her way of mastering Verdi and Puccini speaks for itself. Let's be honest. Is there anyone else who has made the journey and delivered full satisfaction to the opera world as La Nilsson has? In my book, no!
Greatest Wagnerian of all time. Had a voice that could shatter glass and a dynamic personality. Saw her in Elektra, Salome, Isolde, and three Rings at the Bayreuth Festival. Saw Elektra and Salome at the Met, and her Elektra was electrifying.
No one was more exciting. No one was more artistic. No one had a more beautiful sound. No one was close.
Beauty from top to bottom. Clear in the high register. Smoky in the low register. Unique sound.
Her voice has an extra layer which makes it just that much richer than all others.
WHAT? I can't believe this! Ms. de Los Angeles should be at least in fourth place. Who is voting here? I guess young people who vote for famous names and not really good singers.
The best ever with a warm and powerful voice - far, far superior to the unpleasant, metallic, and tart sound of Callas. The best ever again!
Deserves to be here. One of the greats, and will never be forgotten.
Truly a great soprano and a great person. She had a way of singing to your soul in a genuine, sincere way. She portrayed her characters honestly, making them come to life. The ease with which she sang difficult passages was amazing. She could bring even the uneducated opera-goer to love opera.
Beverly Sills is my all-time favorite singer. Whether listening to her recordings, hearing her sing live, or sharing a moment in passing conversation, I admire her singing, her musicality, her characterizations, and above all, her humanity. She remains my all-time number one.

No one had the seamless voice she possessed. From bottom to top, there were no distinct registral changes. She absolutely had the greatest vocal line in history. The other singers on this list should take notice. She caressed every note, never a harsh sound. A voice lesson for us all.
The best Wagnerian soprano of the 20th century. She could shatter glass with her voice. Ring of the Nibelung along with Tristan und Isolde are must-haves in any opera music library.
Greatest soprano of the 20th century without a doubt. The supreme singer of Wagner, which is the toughest test for any singer.
How ridiculous. This lady has to be in the top three. The other two might be Sutherland and Janowitz. Kiri and Ileana are up there also. Popp is special though - and a real beauty.
If the main thing is beauty of sound and purity of voice, this is THE goddess of singing. She possessed the most beautiful voice ever.
I cannot see past Lucia Popp as the very best ever. Mozart would have loved her.
The Newcomers

Her voice was made for singing high notes. I love her voice.

The most ravishingly beautiful voice ever. Perfect legato, perfect blending of registers, and full-bodied. Strong lower register, rich middle, and dramatic, full top. She also possessed beautiful pianissimo high notes in her early career.
Although the high C became strained later in her career, she reworked her voice into a more dramatic one, with a very strong, mezzo-sounding lower register and Wagnerian weight. If only she had sung more Wagner and continued her career in the '70s as a mezzo (the Met offered her the chance, but she declined). Still, the single most beautiful voice I have ever heard.
Her renditions of the bel canto repertoire are amazing. Her coloratura is very precise and clear. Her renditions of Offenbach and Lakmé are superb, putting her own emotions and colors into every phrase she sings. She is probably one of the best sopranos today.
Her voice is very talented and well-trained, so hers can be regarded as the masterpiece instrument of voice: one of the most qualified coloraturas in the world now!
She has a very clear and delicate voice yet with lots of volume. Her singing technique is superb and engages listeners with the song's emotions.
A singer with a wonderful and powerful voice. Its flexibility is impressive in terms of singing.
In my opinion, she is number one. Simply the most wonderful voice in my humble opinion.
Rich, resonant voice. Distinctive sound.
Renee Fleming is like Mario Lanza and Placido Domingo. She can sing anything, and her voice gives me shivers up my spine. Fantastic control and so much feeling in her singing, and what a range. I am Australian and feel that Joan Sutherland is not even close to Renee. She should be right at the top of this list.
Renee Fleming is, in my opinion, the best ever. Her control is fantastic, and you can feel what she is singing. I have had four years of classical training myself and have never heard a soprano like her. Forget Joan Sutherland. You can't even tell what language she is singing in.
Mrs. Angela Gheorghiu has both a divine voice and a charming presence. Simple as that! God bless her mother and father for raising her and all the professors and teachers who made her shine even more!
Mrs. Gheorghiu and Mrs. Netrebko should have been way higher on this list!
Seeing her in concert was the musical experience of my life!

Purest voice I've heard, along with Dame Joan Sutherland (definitely No. 1) and Leontyne Price! She never appears to be in trouble pulling any note and velocity! I love her acting ability also!
I would love her to come to New Zealand, along with Rolando Villazon. However, I don't know whether we would have a venue large enough to accommodate all those wishing to attend such a concert. One can only wish for a miracle. Has Anna ever sung 'Tosca'? She seems to interpret Puccini very easily. If so, I would love to know how to get my hands on a copy!
As you can probably tell, I, along with a multitude of others, love listening to Anna! Absolutely a delight and a privilege.
John Bary

Amira has a naturally gifted voice which, together with careful training, is developing into a fine operatic facility. She produces a lovely quality of tone throughout her range, with just sufficient vibrato to color her notes. So many sopranos use far too much vibrato, in my opinion.
Amira is still only 13, but if her voice continues to mature as she grows into adulthood, she could become one of the finest sopranos of all time. I am following her progress with keen interest.
Such a beautiful voice, I never get tired of listening to her. She has an engaging personality too. Her first love is still opera music, and she is a hard worker at learning. With a love of putting drama and emotion into her singing, she has great potential (now just 13) for performing in full operas eventually, as well as singing in concerts - which she already does with great success.
She is probably the best of the four here, but there are so many other great sopranos like Gundula Janowitz, Lucia Popp, Maria Stader, and Erna Berger. There are many others as well. Just because I haven't mentioned them doesn't mean they are not great or even the best.
I think in terms of vibrato and training, she had the best voice. She also had superb acting skills, but she lacked variety in repertoire, and her voice got lighter as she got older and more frail. But in her heyday, she was amazing.
Coloratura incredibly accurate. A shame modern recording techniques were not around when she was.

The best lyric soprano. The way she gives different lives to every word that she sings.