Top 10 Best A Perfect Circle Songs

Favorite song of all time. The song is so energetic it should be placed at the top and let 3 Libras be second. And the song in Resident Evil 5 totally sucks. I mean, this song is not comparable. So good.
I cannot believe this is not on top. This song is so powerful and energetic, building up until the last lines of the song. The slamming guitar chords leave you breathless. This is the best APC song by far.
I love this song. It is the best song I have ever heard. The only other song that comes close is Passive. I listen to this song all the time. It is very personal for me, and I believe, for others as well.

This, along with The Outsider, is the pinnacle of musical perfection for APC. It doesn't get much better. What has always drawn me in was the raw emotion and anger from the early days of Tool. I do not care for the sappy, lovely "feelings" type of sounds they put out later on, so this strikes a chord reminding me of their early angst.
Undoubtedly their best. The sheer frustration in this song is quickly felt. It is the heavier of their songs and is a true testament to the fury that A Perfect Circle is able to deliver.

Who knew simplicity could be so complex?
This is definitely A Perfect Circle's crowning achievement. The musicianship, the vocals, the production, the emotion - everything comes together to create what is possibly the best rock ballad of all time.
It has set the bar, and the bar will never be met. If all people were to appreciate art and expressionism like this, the world would be completely different. One of the most honest and impressive songs in musical history.
This song gives me chills every time I hear it. I love how the guitar and the lyrics flow together so well. The ending is the best. The pain in Maynard's voice is definitely palpable, and it's all amplified by the guitar driving in the background, slamming that pain into all of us. Great song, lyrical masterpiece.

Over the years, I've switched back and forth between a few of their songs as my favorite. But Passive is the song of theirs that I have the deepest emotional connection to. 3 Libras is a very close second for me, though.
I saw APC live in Seattle in 2010. They were playing all three of their albums, but I only had the money to see one of them. I chose Emotive literally just because of this song. Sure, I have many other favorites in Thirteenth Step and Mer de Noms, but I needed to hear Passive live. Their performance did not disappoint. GOOSEBUMPS! Maynard's voice penetrated my soul that night. It was awesome.

The lyricism of this song connects with the listener just as deeply as any of his other work with A Perfect Circle. This song, Orestes, 3 Libras, and The Noose could be considered their greatest songs because of the captivation and mesmerization felt during them.
I can't describe this song's beauty really in words. Like Maynard would say, you should close your eyes, enter yourself in a comfortable yet vulnerable position, and go there. The drumming is tight, the guitar is perfect, and the attack, lyricism, harmonies, and singing make this the ideal song and my favorite song of all time. The Noose, Orestes, 3 Libras, and a few others are great too, but this song definitely deserves more credit.

You can exactly feel the emotion vibrating through your whole body while listening to this song. Even though not many people can relate to the true meaning of the song, the lyrics are so well written and so powerful that you can't stay indifferent after hearing it.
Well, it's not easy to pick one song, so I voted for this song because it should be at least in the top 3. However, I will be dumb if I said the others don't deserve to be in the top 3 as well. Finally, I think it's a personal choice.
The Noose is the perfect balance of sound that APC reflects. The lyrics are the best they have written, and there is so much feeling behind this song that cannot be described, only experienced.

What! How is this not up further? The Package is really my favorite, but Pet needs to be further up there. This was the first Maynard song I ever heard, and it is what got me into A Perfect Circle and Tool. I love the riff, and when it gets really loud with the haunting harmony in the middle, it kicks the butts of everything Maynard James Keenan.
I heard this song from a Warriors Cats cartoon video by Allikatnya. The video was made for Tigerstar's sons, Brambleclaw and Hawkfrost. When I heard the song, I loved it. It is my favorite song from A Perfect Circle. I think it should be number one.
This is one of my favorite songs in the world. And I mean one of my favorite songs because I like other songs from other artists too. P.S. I think the Warriors Cats video went perfectly with the song. I love the song and the video.

Definitely one of A Perfect Circle's most captivating tracks, this is on par with 3 Libras in terms of emotive and evocative lyrics. That, coupled with the swirling majesty of the instrumentation, makes this one hell of a journey. Seems like a Pink Floyd track that never was, really.
Man, what a great song. I barely found out about this song, and it's the one I jam out to all the time now. What great, beautiful lyrics. He's a very intelligent writer and singer. He's very unique, and I say this song is up there with Schism and Sober or probably even better in my eyes.

This song is just amazing. Great guitar riff, stunning vocals, catchy melody, but still has that creepiness that all APC songs have. Such an amazing song off of such a good album.
Great song. Very simple and emotional while being ambiguous at the same time.
How can this song not be in the top 10? One of my absolute favorites from APC, along with The Noose.

Such a dark, dark version of what, lyrically, is actually a dark song. Touches nerves that I'm sure John Lennon wished he did with his original masterpiece. Epic.
Better than the Beatles. Have you seen the video? It's awesome. They truly express what Paul and John wanted to say. It's a great and catchy song.
The Newcomers

Very beautiful introduction song. It's like as you are starting the album, you are given a package to see the insight of the band. I love the soft build in the song to it getting loud, deep, and sounding personal for Maynard.
This is probably the best ever progressive rock song that I have heard in my life. It's frankly mind-blowing.
I can't believe it! Why is this song last? That bass intro and the solo are the definition of perfection.

Such a beautiful song about the struggles of addiction, specifically heroin addiction. There is just so much raw emotion put into this song, and you can hear it in Maynard's voice.
"Little angel, go away. Come again some other day. The devil has my ear today. I will not hear a word you say. He promised I will find a little solace and some peace of mind. Whatever, just as long as I don't feel so desperate and ravenous, so weak and powerless over you." Some of the most chilling lyricism I've ever heard. This one easily takes the cake, although others such as The Outsider, 3 Libras, and Pet are amazing as well.

Why on earth are this and Weak and Powerless in the honorable mentions?! These songs need to be higher. Top 5 along with Judith, The Outsider, and Passive.
A more heavy, intense, and industrial version of Pet. Comparatively direct with their message here. It's genius.
Also known as "Pet." This is my favorite. I also like The Noose, and 3 Libras is one of the most beautiful songs.

Such a great song that never fails to get me to sing along.
Maybe not the best, but it must be in the top ten.

3 Libras is probably the very best, but man, Rose is a close, close second. Beautiful and spiteful all at once.
Why is this last? This is my favorite by far. It's about that intense spiritual struggle.

Such an amazing song. So deep and so real on so many levels.

This song is a beautiful recount of the struggle and emotion an addict feels when trying to let go of their addiction while following a "12 Step" program. The most difficult steps to get through are steps 1-3, which involve completely surrendering to a higher power.
Relapse is very common after step 3 as the addict feels confident in their sobriety, leading them to believe they have control again. The second verse, "I fell again, like a baby unable to stand on my own," describes this common occurrence. From step 3 back to step 1, this is a very difficult cycle that an addict has to break in order to remain sober for good.
Maynard's portrayal of the addict's emotion, along with the waves of light and dark instrumental phases during "the struggle," make this my favorite APC song.

Their best song so far!
You can really hear the sadness in Maynard's voice, but also strength and power. True masterpiece!
Such a powerful song. Best in years.

How could anyone not love this song? This song reminds me so much of my past when I first started listening to A Perfect Circle! How could anyone not fall in love with it?
THAT SOLO throughout the bridge and outro is what got me hooked to APC back in the day and still counts as one of rock's most exciting moments.
This song should be number 1!
Classic MJK vocals and great lyrics. "I'd sell my soul one dollar at a time..." Fantastic song and my fave.

Incredibly strong song. Love the lyrics to The Doomed along with its building riff culminating in that vintage Maynard scream at the end. Cathartic!

Is it similar to By and Down the River from their new album?
This is for sure one of the best songs ever made by APC. It's so full of emotions.

Did I really have to go all the way down to 21 to find Brena?
Such a powerful song emotionally.

Not sure why. The lyrics could seem meaningless, maybe the song might strike some as pretentious and/or just a filler track, but I find this really beautifully composed. I have a lot of vivid memories whenever this song plays.
Despite being a cover, as well as far preferring this version, I love the lyrical content of the song and the seemingly happy melody hiding the dark tone of the song.
The melody rings happiness, and the lyrics make me think he's delusional and make me sad for him.