Top 10 Songs with the Best Drum Solos

Avenged Sevenfold was my life through high school. I found Beast and the Harlot and instantly fell in love with that solo. Being a novice drummer myself, I loved listening to that solo and trying to figure out the coordination it took to move so effortlessly around a kit like that. Truly awe-inspiring.
I'd give this long speech about all the things that make this song #1, but I don't have to. If you listen to every song on this list, Beast and the Harlot will be at or near the top of your list. Listen for yourself. FoREVer.

If someone asks me how to define this song, I would only say, "Just John Bonham." The complexity, power, and outstanding technique used in this song reveal the magic John Bonham could create with his body and his drum kit. It's not a coincidence this is voted the best drum solo ever by Rolling Stone magazine (and Bonham being voted the best drummer of all time by the same magazine). This drum solo is so magical, surreal, and amazingly fantastic that we can only say Bonzo left us a legacy to enjoy for ages to come.

I like Avenged Sevenfold, but the drum solo for Beast and the Harlot is not that good. I don't judge solos by who played them. I don't even think Beast and the Harlot qualifies as a drum solo. It's just a double bass accompanied by a couple of toms and a snare. Tom Sawyer, on the other hand, is a complex, creative masterpiece that blows any other drum solo, except Moby Dick, out of the water (no pun intended).
Neil Peart is a genius! I've heard "Beast and the Harlot," and it's not as epic as this. It seems like Avenged Sevenfold just decided at the last minute to shove a drum solo randomly in the middle of the song. It's got some crazy drumming in it, but "Tom Sawyer" is better. I actually had "Ted, Just Admit It..." by Jane's Addiction in mind when I looked at this page.

Greatest album opening ever. No contest.
Crazy fast drum solo at the end there!

It might not sound as cool as the other drum solos, but if you think about Alex's feet when he plays it, it's way more skilled than the other solos. And I think it does sound as cool!
Have you heard another song that sounds like a car is running? I don't think so! Well, Van Halen did it! This solo sounds the best!
Have you ever heard a song that sounds like a car running but is just a drummer? This one is the best!

Unlike Moby Dick, this sounds brilliant. Moby Dick might be technical and heavy, which heavy metal fans will like because, you know, it is heavy. But this drum solo sounds really good.
Ringo is as talented as his band members and is highly underrated. This drum solo should be in the top 5 because it sounds good, which Moby Dick obviously doesn't. And what is Rock and Roll doing there?
In addition to being the most recognized drum solo of all time, I also think this is the greatest drum solo of all time. It is fitting that it is Ringo Starr, the world's most famous drummer in the world's greatest band, and one of the most influential drummers of all time. All those who don't think Ringo was a good drummer should listen to this solo because it is a beautiful piece of art.

Number one for me because the song has a great transition that ends with an explosion of the emotional drum solo and bass duet. Awesome effect and style!
Pounds right through my heart and soul every time I hear it. Turn up the radio, stereo, or whatever I hear it on!
His drum solo after "...stranger to you and me" is one of the most oft-copied "air drum" maneuvers you'll see rock fans imitate! It's a classic.

Nobody has ever been able to replicate the complexity or the progression of change in Ginger Baker's solo. Ever. Anywhere. There are a lot of good and great drum solos on the planet. I have no bias toward Cream, and I fancy solos, especially by jazz drummers. But Ginger's stands out far and above. It's great to be alive.
There's just something about Cream that no one else has ever seemed to replicate. The three-and-a-half-minute-long solo in Toad is no different. Ginger was an insane drummer with a really unique and genuinely interesting sound, and Toad is just proof of that.

This is what a drum solo should be: a form of musical expression. It is unique, says something, and goes somewhere. Instead of just glorifying the drummer, it fits perfectly with the energy and essence of the song it is part of. Also, it was created on the spot instead of being planned or written. I have been playing drums for 20 years and still cannot duplicate it.
Who heard of drum solos before Iron Butterfly? First, best, and broke ground with guitar solo, drum solo, and organ solo. All in a 17-minute package when only 2.5-minute songs were allowed. Groundbreaking. And I'm old enough to remember it (67).
The Newcomers

No one comes close to this solo, especially since Neil hits all 43 pieces of his drum set!
YYZ from Exit Stage Left is the best I have ever heard.
Jesus, you can't get any better than this.

This should be a wee bit higher.

Okay, I like this song and love Metallica. This song should be higher. Guys, Lars is a legend and has inspired other drummers on this list. Metallica is the best band in the world, universe, heaven, and everywhere.
They deserve the number one position. All their albums are great. Lars, James, Kirk, and Rob are all the best and will live forever in our world. Guitar heroes Metallica!
November Rain has more of the best guitar solo than a drum solo. This is the most energetic drum solo I have ever heard.

A kid played this for me. I grew up with Classic Rock and had somehow missed this one. I was so into it, I share it with everyone I know who likes rock or drums.
The complexity of the patterns and sheer tasty texture of Ward's drums blow me away on this one. I personally put it even above Moby Dick. Bonham is a legend in my eyes.
Come on, guys. Bill Ward is one of the most underrated drummers of all time. Please vote for this song.

Michael Shrieve. Barely 20 years old when he played at Woodstock and 21 at Tanglewood the following year. No competition. When Avenged Sevenfold is number 1 and this is 19, there's a problem!
This kid is beating the hell out of these drums the entire song, but when he gets to his solo, he takes it to another level!
Best ever. This should be number one. Some of those ranked above this are actually boring compared to this. Listen to the Woodstock version.

The solo is only in the live version, but it is amazing nonetheless.

Oh, sorry, didn't see this one! Number 1 for me.