Best 30 Seconds to Mars Albums
Vote for your favourite/top 30 Seconds to Mars album.When I first heard that Jared Leto had a band that was actually getting some airtime, I'll admit I was skeptical. After all, most actors-turned-musicians usually only receive any level of notoriety based on their name alone. However, after hearing Capricorn for the first time, I immediately went to the record store and bought this album. Simply put, it blew me away. I mean, I never skipped a single track.
While somehow managing to find a perfect balance between a sort of progressive, celestial elegance and unpolished, garage band-colored rock, its sheer originality at a time when the mass-produced garbage of the post-nu-metal era was prevalent makes this gem one of the best rock albums of that decade and, in my opinion, still one of the best of the millennium.
Unfortunately, as I'm not really a fan of emo, screamo, etc., which seemed to, at the very least, influence their later albums, I can't say the same for any of their material produced since.
Kids, if your first impression of 30 Seconds to Mars came in 2005 or later, then do yourselves a favor and give their 2002 self-titled album a listen.
This is barely better than their first album. There is one song on this album I don't really like, and none on their first album that I don't like. But this album has more songs, so in my opinion, it's better.
There are 10 great songs in both albums and one mediocre song on A Beautiful Lie, whereas 30 Seconds to Mars doesn't have an 11th song at all.
This Is War has some really amazing songs as well, but not enough of them for me to consider it their best album. Love Lust Faith and Dreams is a very different style but still great. Oblivion, though... It's such a good song. It is almost a tie between A Beautiful Lie and 30 Seconds to Mars. But A Beautiful Lie is a bit better overall.
It doesn't compare to the strong guitar riffs that are in A Beautiful Lie, but the album has brilliant songs that stick in your head, like Hurricane with that amazing Jared's voice, plus Closer to the Edge, This Is War, Vox Populi, and Night of the Hunter.
The choir also complements 100 Suns. This album is more about the lyrics.
The first 30 Seconds to Mars song I ever heard was This Is War, and then a week later, I heard Closer to the Edge. That's what made me buy the album and what made me fall in love with the band.
So, even though I love them all, this will always be my favorite.
It's the best. Up in the Air is probably the best song they've made.
Great album, love City of Angels.
Let's go! Vote.