Top 10 Best Songs From Dream Theater's Distance Over Time

The Top Ten
Barstool Warrior
At Wit's End
Pale Blue Dot

Now this is the Dream Theater I enjoy.

Untethered Angel

1) At Wit's End - Now one of my favorite Dream Theater songs.

2) Barstool Warrior - A great, proggy song. It has my new favorite guitar riff.

3) Untethered Angel - Great opener to the album. I like how it showcases what the album is like - similar to the self-titled album, though more intense.

4) Out of Reach - A great ballad with a Bryan Adams feel to it.

5) S2N - I like the bass intro. It's just a fun song to listen to.

6) Paralyzed - I like the Tool vibe and the lyrics.

7) Fall Into the Light - Very Metallica-inspired.

8) Room 137 - I like the guitar riff and Mike Mangini's lyrics.

9) Pale Blue Dot - It's not bad. It's a good song, but I don't enjoy it as much as At Wit's End.

10) Viper King - It's good, but I don't like it as much as the others.

Overall, I'd rate this album 8.5/10. I would recommend it, especially as a good album to introduce someone to Dream Theater. It helps to see if they would like other albums by the band.

Fall Into the Light
Room 137
Out of Reach
Viper King
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