Best Songs From Queens of the Stone Age's ... Like Clockwork

The Top Ten
I Appear Missing
If I Had a Tail
I Sat by the Ocean

My favorite song by these guys. I don't even know why. It's like the stars aligned just right to make the perfect QOTSA song.

Smooth Sailing

Addictive from beginning to end, surrounding delightful music.

My favorite, but whatever.

That bridge is so awesome!

My God Is the Sun

2 over 3 polyrhythmic maraca melodies, anybody?


Epic yet still cool. Kalopsia rocks.

Keep Your Eyes Peeled

Depressing and beautiful.

Fairweather Friends

I Appear Missing is my favorite, but since it is number one, my second favorite gets my vote. This song has amazing drumming, three awesome guitar solos, and crazy three-part harmonies between Josh, Trent, and Elton John.

The Vampyre of Time and Memory

How is this number 10? It's not as good as I Appear Missing or My God Is the Sun, but it's my third favorite song on this album.

Exactly what every desert rock band should have on every album.

...Like Clockwork

Most underrated song on the album. Deserves to be higher on this list.

Should be number one. Such an underappreciated track.

Most epic song ever.

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