Top Ten Statements About Music
That's why music is something everyone loves! From soft to loud, melodic to atonal, every lyrical topic you can think of is covered by at least one genre or another. And we all defend our favorite genres fiercely.
I don't really know music at all, but that also means I generally enjoy at least some aspect of each genre.
This one's in support of underground music, which deserves a shout-out. The tricks artists use to make more money don't ensure that their music is necessarily superior. That's why I always try to listen to new music with an open mind.
It's all about opinion. If you like popular music, then that's your thing. If not, well, that's also okay.
I've said this many times on different music lists, and many people probably didn't like it (because fans of popular bands always prevail, no matter the genre).
Honestly, this should be number 1, especially nowadays.
Because no matter how good the best of the style is, there's always someone else doing the same thing the wrong way.
So you can't hate an entire genre because of certain artists. Hate those specific artists, not the genre itself.
Yes, some genres just have more bad artists than good ones.
I'm a metalhead. Let me say this - most of us are asses, especially to each other. We argue about what's "true" and what's "poser." Then we go and pick on pop and rap. I'm getting really sick of it. It seems like that's what fans of any genre do now - being total elitists and acting like they're superior because of their music.
You like metal? Go listen to metal. You like One Direction? Go listen to One Direction. You have a weird fetish for smooth jazz? Whatever, just go listen to smooth jazz. Just don't be a jerk.
However, if you like or hate something for silly reasons, your opinion might be questionable. We grow by inquiring into other people's opinions.
Survey-tested and true. The average person prefers simple music. There's nothing wrong with that. It's just the way it is. You can either continue to positively support your favorite artist, or you can complain about them not getting big - like a total idiot.
I couldn't agree more - it's based on my own experience. This statement also sounds very logical.
For example, Madonna sold more copies than Judas Priest. But is Madonna a better singer than Rob Halford? No. Ask any vocal coach if you don't believe me.
It's a pity that people generally don't seek innovation in music. I do, and that's how I consistently find music I enjoy. Those who don't often end up stuck on that repetitive pop song, followed by another that's only slightly different.
I love classical music! I could listen to The Nutcracker all day - easily my favorite piece! Tchaikovsky's greatest masterpiece! He has to be my favorite composer as well.
Moonlight Sonata is another piece I enjoy. Although Ludwig van Beethoven himself found it quite overrated, it's still a beautiful piece that can be played throughout on a simple piano.
In the Hall of the Mountain King is my second favorite piece. The suspense it builds between each section of the short piece really makes the climax all the better. 10/10!
I was sitting next to my sister in the car one day, listening to music. She glanced at my phone quickly and saw the graphic, violent title of a Cannibal Corpse song I was listening to. She was offended, and I understand why. But I had to explain to her that music is art, and everyone interprets it differently. I don't support or condone the acts described in that song, but I enjoy the music. I can like a violent song without being a violent person. It's no different than watching a violent movie. And America sure does love its violent movies.
There are some really great artists out there today, in all genres. The average person stops listening to new music at around age 30, so it's natural for older people to look down on what younger generations are listening to. However, one isn't necessarily better than the other.
Would I rather listen to Pink Floyd than Ariana Grande? Yes, of course.
Would I rather listen to Electus than ABBA? No question.
The number 1 song in 1969 was Sugar, Sugar by The Archies - not The Rolling Stones. The Beatles didn't even crack the top 20.
I didn't put this on the list, but I gave it a vote. The best way to express distaste for an artist, band, or singer is to simply say, "I don't like them." There's no need to act like your opinion is a fact.
And that's why you should back yourself up with logical reasons when you hate something. If someone questions you about it, be ready to defend your opinion logically and validly.
The Newcomers
Nothing is wrong with Nickelback. They are more talented than those rapping/hip-hop idiots out there.
I... like the song If Today Was Your Last Day.
To be honest, I used to like them.
I kinda think it depends on the genre. Boy bands, for instance, have to be cute to be big. So when Directioners obsess over how adorable One Direction is, it's because...well, they're a boy band! They're supposed to be cute - it's the whole point.
Personally, I agree with the statement in question, as I don't even know what most of the bands on my phone look like. There is, however, a certain extent to which an artist's presentation affects their career.
Directioners always deny this.
It depends. There are genres you might like more than others, but there's no such thing as an objectively better genre. I think the difference between this and individual songs is that you can have a song everyone agrees is bad, but not an entire genre.
People say that pop and rap music can influence bad behavior. While this is true sometimes, metal can also influence that kind of behavior. Satanic black metal is an example of this.
I know this sounds ridiculous, but some Pokémon background music is really awesome. Especially the music in Black 2 on the Village Bridge. I used to go to that place solely to hear all of the musicians and experience the harmonies lighting up the area.
Mario & Luigi: Dream Team's boss soundtracks. 'Nuff said.
A lot of people think death metal is all angry, but some of it isn't meant to be. An example of this? Studies show that dogs are able to express happy feelings through growling (which is called the play growl). I know this is a weird example and it has nothing to do with death metal, but it's just my view on certain growls.
It's true. Also, not all death growls are angry. Chuck Schuldiner's growls sound rather sad to me - there's a lot of pain in them.
I also like the example from SYLFan1234. Studies on dog growls may explain certain things about death metal.
I agree with this one because listening to music (whether it's actually satanic or not) doesn't make you a satanist at all. Music doesn't play any part in religion. For example, Grand Theft Auto is a game filled with violence and sexuality. It's not a sin to play that kind of game, but it is a sin to go out and actually do that kind of stuff. If you're a Christian and you believe in God, you know that sin starts in your mind first. You would also know that Jesus searches your mind and deeds to judge. As long as you're not causing any trouble, you're fine.