Top Ten Hardest Country Flags to Draw

The Top Ten

Now, you may be angry at the design on the left. But that design represents Turkmenistan's carpet-making industry, with the five patterns representing the five tribes. So it has a reason for being there.

There must have been a way simpler method to represent the five major tribes or houses than those difficult-to-draw carpet designs.

There are octagons with blizzard things inside, with leaves. This is crazy for an Islamic country. Stars on the flag and a moon, what can I say?


There is so much content to it. There are loads of different colors, and it would take forever just to get proportions right, as somebody said for the Bhutan flag, but this is even worse because there is so much stuff to compare it to. I know what I'm talking about anyway...

As a citizen of Belize, I gotta say, it's kind of hard to draw the coat of arms, aka everything in the white circle.

The hardest flag in the world to draw by far. It has so many colors and symbols, and it's hard and stuff.


The reason I chose Bhutan is that the Turkmenistan flag, although really hard, is a pattern. So once you get started, you get the hang of drawing it. Bhutan, on the other hand, is not a pattern. So it would take much longer to draw.

The Turkmenistan flag has a pattern, but the dragon is completely different. It's also really hard to draw the dragon with the right proportions and position.

Good luck to anyone trying to draw this. There is way too much detail on this flag. It makes it look a bit ugly. The color scheme is very unique.


Wow, those motifs are cool but so hard to draw. The green and red background isn't that hard, but those white motifs are insanely hard.

It's one of the hardest flags to draw due to the pattern on the left.


The background, black, red, and green isn't that hard. The hard parts are the mosque, the Arabic letters, and what looks like crops. The mosque itself is hard, the Arabic letters are so hard, and the intricate designs resembling crops.

Technically, this isn't their flag, and their new one is kind of like Saudi Arabia's. Still, it's very hard.

This is the hardest since the thing in the middle is hard to draw.


Growing up in a Welsh primary school, this flag was the hardest to draw in a detailed way.

It's a complex dragon. Maybe not as much as Bhutan, but it's a literal dragon! It's never going to be easy.

This is the reason why Wales is not included in the Union Jack.


It may start out easy when you draw like the Italy flag, where you just trace two lines with a ruler to make three squares, then color the left dark green and the right red. But when you get to the bird eating a worm standing on a cactus part, you're going to have a hard time drawing that.

Look at the shading of the wing! Enough said, really. Most people forget that there's a snake being eaten! Now draw that.

Because we are trying to draw it, but it's harder than the other ones.


I have no idea what the centerpiece is in the middle of Swaziland's flag.

Swaziland's flag looks like it was designed by someone high on acid.

Yes, drawing the spears and the pelts can be easy, but the curly lines inside the oval can be challenging.

Sri Lanka

This flag is slightly harder to draw due to the lion on the right side.

Very hard due to being one of the oldest designed flags in the world.

United States

Indeed, the stripes don't seem that hard, but the stars seem pretty challenging if you ask me.

It's somewhat hard on A4 since you have to fit quite a lot of stars in that blue box.

I'm not from America, so I don't actually know how many stars there are. Sorry.

The Newcomers

? Australia

Australia needs to be ranked higher. I can only draw a five-pointed star, not a seven-pointed star.

? eSwatini
The Contenders

The flag is really good until you zoom in and see the green and red patterns. Horrible. Ruins the whole flag.

Sigh, the red part in the middle isn't too hard, but that pattern...

Why did they have to have that pattern on the green and red?

Saudi Arabia

Voted for this. My handwriting is so bad people can't differentiate between my F and R...almost every letter looks the same. No joke, even I get confused sometimes. So, there's no chance I'd get these squiggly lines right. Flags with figures and humans are way too easy to draw.

Just translate: "There is no god but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of God." into Arabic and copy the text by handwriting!

Where would you even start drawing this monster?


Is it just me, or does the symbol remind you of the USSR?


The hard one is the coat of arms. It's small and very hard.

Looks like they could not find a transparent image of their coat of arms.


Since Cambodia is one of the lesser-known countries (I am from here), it does not get credit for having its prided Angkor Wat on its flag. Having the flags of the USA and Canada ahead of this beauty is blasphemy. It will not beat Turkmenistan or Belarus, but I believe it should be in the top 10.

Why does the temple have to be there? Really, it could just be a star or a circle.

I had to draw this flag for a school project, and it was really hard!


Drawing that eagle and the pattern on the left can be really tough.

I tried drawing this flag, and the bird looked nothing like the one on the flag.


The maple leaf design is nice, but if you're a schoolchild, it will be impossible to get it right. Most attempts are just squiggles in red crayon.

Canadian here. Try drawing this flag, biased foreigners...

Canadians all agree that mastering the ability to draw the maple leaf in the center is a life goal.

San Marino

The flag is pretty nice, but the emblem ruins it! At least there is another variant so you can kind of avoid having to draw the emblem.

Hard to draw. If you mess up one detail, it has an impact on the rest of the flag. However, the end result is beautiful.

Why do two of Italy's neighbors have such crazy and insanely difficult flags to draw?


Ah yes, my home country! The coat of arms is the only reason that it's hard.

The crown speaks for itself, let alone adding the bird in all its scary glory.

This should be higher than the Canadian flag.


Mastering the emblem in the center of this flag will take many hours of practice.

As a Bruneian myself, it's hard for me to draw the coat of arms. This flag is hard to draw.


I had to draw this for my class, and I am still in elementary school. I ended up printing it. When I showed my mom, she was surprised. I think it should be higher ranked. Why should three stripes be harder than this, really...even my little brother could do that!

Whew, that drawing is over there.

Vatican City

It is very complicated and hard to draw. I just drew it, and it took me over an hour to finish the sketch.

The keys ruin the whole thing. The color scheme is pretty nice, though.

It's easy for the yellow and white part, but it's too hard to draw the thing on the white part. I think it's the arms.


How is the Albanian flag in 23rd place? It should be higher. Canada's and the USA's flags are easier than the Albanian flag. A student in my class can draw the Canadian flag and the USA flag, and they don't draw the best. And how is the Canadian flag in 15th place and the USA flag in 9th place? (I am a teacher, by the way.)

How is this not number 1? Do you seriously think Ukraine's and Canada's flags are harder to draw?

I love Albania. It is my home country. They are very friendly people and very generous.


Hey, drawing 24 stripes inside a circle with an equivalent distance from each other, then draw a hexagon and bisect it into four.

I am an Indian and cannot draw that chakra. It also has little bumps.

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