Most Famous Countries

Our culture is exported to the world. You are probably reading this using an American operating system, with an American CPU, with an American web browser, using the internet that American founded and still runs. You could be anywhere in the world (expect maybe Cuba, North Korea and Iran) and find American products quite easily, you couldn't say this about any other nation in the world. The same can be said with American fashion, music, films and television. They are popular throughout the world. When an American Presidential election happens, the whole world takes notice; this happens nowhere else in the world. How many people have drank Coke or Pepsi; or eaten at a McDonalds; or worn Nike shoes; or like an American cultural icon?
This doesn't even really get into the sheer size of the US economy or the military or our geopolitical reach or fact that we're still the world's only superpower.
There are many problems with the US but let's be honest; even then we're paid attention to like no either nation is with their problems. Why? Because we're #1.

France is an amazing country! I usually visit France once or twice a year and in the past have visited 3 times a year. I also study French language in school and have learnt so much about the country. It's even inspired me to live there one day. France truly is a country that has it all. From mountain ranges such as the Alps, pristine beaches along the coast, to large metropolises. French cuisine is also one of my favourites and I always look forward to trying one of France's many dishes whenever I visit the country. France really is an amazing country and has to be seen. It won't disappoint.

In India you have snowfall region, desert region, forest region, plain region, mountain, hill, river, sea, beach, Luxury city, very poor village, ancient culture, morden culture, billionaires, beggars, almost all religions of the world etc etc. In short India is a mini world. You need not go for world tour. Just go for India tour.
No other country is like india, it has more than thousand languages and all the religion in the world today are practiced here, in spite of many differences and disputes between us we always have "UNITY IN DIVERSITY".
You can't even imagine a traditional place like india especially southern part.

Great Britain is the country which has created the modern world with the most inventions out of all the countries in the world. Britain has also invented the most sports out of all the countries in the world from soccer, tennis, golf, rugby, boxing just to name a few. The Magna carter is considered to be the first written constitution between the people and their ruler and has been the template for most other country's constitutions including the USA's. The British parliament is considered the mother of all parliaments and is the template for many other parliaments worldwide from Australia and New Zealand to Canada and the USA. England/Britain gave birth to the USA which is now the most powerful country in the world. The British royals are without doubt the most famous royal family in the world and the whole world is always talking about them, especially their royal weddings. The English language is the worlds most widely used and universal languages. Many British music bands are considered to be the best of all time worldwide such as the Beatles, the Stones, led Zeppelin, iron maiden etc. English literature such as Shakespeare and dickens are considered worlds best.

it costs 30 to 600 dollars to permanently live in mainland China, in China I have more safety & freedom than mainland United States of America, going back & forth between the two China surpasses United States of America across every front/spectrum, as a western China is beyond safe & I don't have to worry about getting fatally shot nor murdered. China's so safe that China is the 21st century United States of America, the average Joe in China is more cultured more intellectual than mainland westerners in United States of America, I can have philosophical conversations/discussions without receiving bodily injuries, the media in China is balanced with no bias. China's so safe that I could walk the entire country & enjoy peace without encountering mentally sick dangering my existence, every time I go on a walk in mainland China I make new friends & they are more family than my biological family & my wife is billionaire, I can openly thrive in China in mainland United States of America I couldn't thrive normal & gotten into domestic violence with family & strangers in United States of America every two days with no safety or peace. The western mainstream media is a national security threat to mainland China & the government considers western media a societal danger, all western media sources on my devices are governmentally censored, the government also considers western media a economic threat against every citizen in mainland China which is why it has been censored, in China I can openly play my switch & there's less smokers in China since the government prohibited tobacco products/goods. China's the safest economic superpower & China has monumentally amazing psychiatric institutions & have of the labor force is organized & operated by artificial intelligence & machines

It's incredible that this tiny island nation- roughly the size of California- has such a prominent presence in the world. Japan is consistently up there in the "Most Popular Countries" lists, and it's easy to see why. It's a peaceful, gorgeous place with great people, amazing food, and a fascinating, beautiful culture. It's like a fusion between modern and traditional, and it's seriously awesome. Japan is fantastic.
It really is very beautiful and nice in Japan because of their rich culture and traditions that impress people around the world... People also like the sakura trees in Japan and be amazed in the Japanese names because every name contains a meaning that will amaze you more...

If only ALL the Mario characters (leave out Princess Peach, Luigi, Toad (kinda), Waluigi, Donkey Kong & Yoshi), Nintend's Kirby characters, the Legend of Zelda characters, F-Zero characters, Metroid characters, Pac-Man characters & Mega Man characters were in Canada very often, & especially British Columbia.P.S. I know what you mean by famous. You mean popular. Yeah, Canada has the nicest people & nicest schools, technically.
Canada is very wonderful! I just moved to Canada from Europe and all I can say is " I love Canada! I am proud to be canadian! " Canada is much better than Europe. First of all, Canadians are richer, Canada has so many beautiful nature and there is no war or disasters. We are safe in Canada. It is the third best country out of all other countries in the world.

This will always be the best country in the world Spain is known for its culture, art and architecture. The Spanish culture has introduced the world to Flamenco music and dance, Spanish guitars, bullfighting and bakalao. Spanish guitars emerged from the Andalusia region, where a sixth string was added to the Moorish lute. Thank god this is on the list more famous than Latin America and Mexico and the economy of Spain is the euro the strongest currency in Europe better than the peso. Very happy my dad is from Spain I will visit this country by the year 2018 Spaniards are very nice people very happy my dad is of Galician Spanish Descent very clean country an beautiful beaches and places better than Mexico and Venezuela.

It has changed the world in both good ways and bad. But its defiantly changed history more than once. Protestantism, the highway, the first anti smoking campaign, The first missile weapon the v2 rockets and Good space technology The world would be less interesting without Germany.
Germany has changed the world in good ways and bad ways. It was bad because they had the holocaust and it was once ruled by Hitler who is or was I think we could agree was pretty mean. I want to say change the world for good but it has a bunch of cool historical sites.

The first man in space, ingenious art, intelligent, educated people, the brilliant scientists. I know that Russia was born from the ashes in 2000 and Russia continue to develop. For 12 years, look what has become Russia, Russia is regaining the status of super power and will not stop. I admire Russia. I wish you good luck and prosperity to Russia. (from Germany with love)
I greatly admire Russia, or as I prefer to call it, the Motherland. When I think about Russia, I think of it's past as it is the prequel and sequel, to the Soviet Union. I believe that Russia is superior in terms of military, although this is most likely from it's equipment of WW2, but the modern Russian military is keeping up with America and Chinas military. Now, I know that Russia has many other qualities, but one thing is certain... Russia IS UNCONQUERABLE... why? Because, of it's harsh brutal winters, France and Germany tried to invade Russia, and what happened? They suffered in the vicious cold. You wanna invade Russia, good luck.
I just wanted to make that point, but Russia has many other qualities...
The Newcomers

An underrated African safe haven. This nation really should be more popular, but sadly it is forgotten.

South Korea is really a great country. Although it isn't all about Gangnam Style and Gentleman, it also has lots of countries. And people thinking that we make up a history about South Korea just to make it seem cool. It is not.
.. I think South Korea is the BEST! Because of their culture.. And today they have K-pop that has a good musics, k-dramas that has so many great actors and good plot of drama's too. South Korean people's are so good.. They are so beautiful and also a rich country.. :) South Korea Fighting!
I think South Korea is one of the great country above many other countries. For the main reason South Korea has developed a lot in short period, remember that there was a civil war between North Korea and this country.

Egypt is a leading country and civilization. No one in the world has not know about, heard or been to Egypt. Egypt is the first country in Africa and Middle East historically reflected. Egypt also hosts science, Technology, Engineering and literature. From political point of view, Egypt is among effective countries over the world.
Laugh out loud, Egypt is the most known country ever..
No body on earth doesn't know about Egypt
Egypt the first civilization on earth was in that beautiful land.
I'm not Egyptian, but I believe that Egypt is one of the best countries ever and I literally love it.

Okay Australia is not the driest country. Australia is not like a bush there is other fun and fascinating things in Australia that you need to see. Australia is like an adventure full of fun and amazing places. Australia also has very unique animals with a range of multicultural. Australia is a fair and equal country. people from other countries when they first think of Australia they think of kangaroo and the bush! really its not like that there is amazing food and places in Australia. when I look at Australia there is more places and buildings then bush and dessert. in fact I have visited Australia and I have never seen dessert!

England can trace its history as far back as the 10th century, but modern England didn't start till the Norman Invasion of 1066. In 1535, England annexed... read more
The maker of this list did an injustice to England by not putting England in the top 5, let alone top 10. We are all speaking English and as earlier commentators have stated, we all use British inventions mostly in the modern world and England hasn't even been put in the top 10? No this list needs to be restructured with England at LEAST in the top 5.
England is great! It has amazing sites including Big Ben and London eye, The football/Soccer is amazing here! Games going on every day and the education is Super! Great place for tourists and if it wasn't for England, America wouldn't have been discovered for a couple hundred years. Also we wouldn't have T.V. or cuddly teddy bears if it wasn't for England! I <3 my country and I'm proud to be British!

Amazing country, amazing people! Although it has been marred by violence and terrorism in some of its areas lately, there is no doubt that Pakistanis are beautiful, loving and caring people.
And oh, the food is awesome too! It is Pakistan's bad luck that it's food is thrown under the umbrella of Indian food which is really bland and to be honest, tasteless compared to authentic Pakistani food!
I'm from Germany, have been to Pak once on a hiking trip, will go again!
Pakistan is a place of pure hearted peoples. They are very hospitable and friendly. It is also known as "Land Of Pure Peoples" because their hearts are pure. This Country has got the beauty, beautiful places are there to visit. The 2nd highest peak of the world K2 is fabulous and the places of Khyber PakhtoonKhawa are like paradise. Please do visit Pakistan if you want to see beauty and also the friendly hearts of the people. Thumbs up for this country.

Worldwide known for the philosophers, mathematicians, thinkers etc born in this country. Home to democracy and other values. Cornerstone to medicine. Cradle of civilization but also known and respected for its long and ancient history. Additionally it is situated in a very strategic point joining Europe, Asia and Africa commonly referred to as the "three continents' crossroads" - a reason for strong controversy among countries as USA, Russia and China over their internal influence and deriving/respective rights.

Italy covers an area of 301,338 km². With almost 62 million inhabitants, it is the third most populous EU member state. Located in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, Italy shares... read more
I go there every year and the landscapes are always amazing. Personally I have family living there. There is always new food to try and it's almost always good. It is the home of pizza, pasta and makes in my opinion the best ice cream you will ever find. The heat in the summer is just amazing. All the houses in old villages, towns or cities are always kept the same and traditional. In my opinion there is no other reason why I can't wait for the summer holidays every year.
Italy has the most Unesco world heritage sites, three thousand years of history and had an enormous impact on art, architecture, law, language (the romance languages), cuisine (one of the top three internationally), fashion, science, literature, and dramatic scenery from the amalfi coast, the beaches of Sardinia, the dolomites and the Italian lakes. it is the fifth most visited country in the world and has a major industrial economy from the Roman empire to the Renaissance few can compare.

Singapore is almost the safest country to live in. It has the second lowest crime rate in the world. Also, it has high standards of living, and has good alliance to other countries. Singapore may be small, but much efforts are made to beautify the country. Finally, Singapore is a multi racial country with lots of tourist. Therefore the tourists can easily get help, as I guess there are people that speaks different languages. Singapore feels like a mixed country of British, America, China, Taiwan, Malaysia, India, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan and many different countries.

Philippines is by far, one of the best countries you can ever visit. With hall the enchanting tourist destinations and deliciously and professionally cooked food, you can never turn that down, right? Also the Filipinos there are very friendly and respectful. You will also be amuse on how they treasure their religious beliefs. Be ready also to be amaze on how hard they work. With their full- energy and happiness, you will never get tired. Magnificent hand works. Beautiful and ancient churches. Amazing tourist destinations. Delicious food. Tropical weather. Friendly Filipinos. You should really respect the Philippines. You can't always find such an amazing country like it. It may have rocky roads, dirty walls and small and smelly kind of transportation... It's still a country made by God. Respect it. Love it. IT'S MORE FUN IN THE Philippines!

I LOVE South Africa <3
People focus on the bad things about this economic, beautiful and culturaly rich country. Yes we were the most racist country during apartheid and yes we do have crime but the US, UK, and Mexico have more racism now, more crime now but they don't get discriminated much about it. Focus on what makes South Africa a good place, think about Nelson Mandela; if it wasn't for him the world would've been a worse place, there would've been more racism. South Africa deserves more popularity than biased countries like America and England.

I am half brazilian and have lived in Brazil 2 years long during the World Cup. Every time people find out about my origins, the first word that comes out of their mouth is Violence. But Brazil is much more than just violence!. You should not be afraid to visit this country, you will miss out a lot. It has beautiful beaches, the best food in the world ( Feijoada, Churrasco, Guarana), a lovely sounding language (portuguese), amazing atmosphere and way of living, great landscapes ( Iguacu falls, Amazon rainforest, Corcovado), very good music (Samba, Funk, Forro) and good partys (Carneval, anyone?!? )
It is undoubtely the most beautiful country in the whole world! ( and I am not saying this just because I am brazilian)

Steeped in history and with a strong cultural heritage of literature and music, Ireland truly is the "land of saints and scholars" and the home of "a hundred thousand welcomes". The scenery is breathtaking and the people warm and friendly and most hospitable. Also, the people are so cute and that accent.
Ireland is a real wonderful country.
All this region including Wales, Scotland and all Islands must be more discovered and appreciated.
The beauty is part here and not only in Mediterranean part as too many people think.
A French guy who'd like to thank Ireland and Irish people.

It is situated 1,500 kilometres (900 mi) east of Australia across the Tasman Sea and roughly 1,000 kilometres (600 mi) south of the Pacific island areas of New Caledonia, Fiji, and Tonga. New Zealand's capital city is Wellington,... read more
(Just up there to America, a lot of countries have iPods, tablets and stuff)It's beautiful. It also have tons of species of things, like birds and actually insects. It also has a nice community, with one of the lowest crime rates. It is also the best country at rugby (Or Australia, I don't know) and, to top it off, it is very safe :D (With a beautiful national anthem)
New Zealand is very nice and neutral and beautiful. It remains untouched and safe. Not my favorite country, US is, but New Zealand is still a awesome place to live.

French Polynesia with about 120 among the most beautiful Islands (Pacific Ocean).
Spread amidst the Pacific Ocean, halfway between Tokyo and Chile's Santiago, the French Polynesian archipelagos are found, 5 in total.
After visiting French Polynesia, and having seen its mixture of spectacular mountain peaks, wild and lush vegetation, and the clearest waters ever, any tripper will be able to understand why Tahiti is often called the "Isle of Love" or "Paradise on Earth".
This part of France is a real Paradise on earth, lots of splendid coral atolls and volcanic islands with among the most beautiful beaches of the whole world.
Bora Bora alone is the paradise with the largest atoll in the world and surely the most famous.

Mexico is rich in culture food and in history. It has some of the most well know beaches and cities. It is one of the countries with the most amazing food and has one of the most beautiful flags worldwide. Although its government isn't that good and there has been a lot of violence for more of a decade, it is an amazing and beautiful countries.
It's a very well known country. I'm biased, of course, as I'm Mexican, but many people are voting for a country because they like it rather than pertaining to the topic. I don't know how people think Malaysia, Tunisia, etc. are more famous than Mexico and other countries.