Top 10 Most Talentless Female Stars
talentless adj - someone that can't do anything - but we don't stop them and start laughing at them when they screw up. source: Urban DictionaryThis is a list of the most talentless female celebrities.

Ha! Why isn't she first? Horrible person. She can't sing, act, dance, anything! Her family is honestly a joke. They always have some sort of drama going on. I would be embarrassed to be a Kardashian.
She is a terrible role model. She got famous from one sex tape. How is that something to be proud of? She is a spoiled brat and makes money by doing absolutely nothing that contributes to society.
At first, I thought Paris Hilton was the most talentless female star ever. But here comes this girl with a sex tape, the worst reality show, an attention-seeking family, and a fake big butt. And why are Miley and Britney on this list? At least they can sing, dance, act, and sell records. Even though they did many crazy and outrageous things... Kim is the worst and most talentless ever, even more than Paris.

Famous for being famous. Yeah! Crazy! When I read about her, I thought that maybe I can find crazy things in the real world, not just in manga.
What. She is just a spoilt brat who can't decide what she wants. DJ?! Who the hell is letting her get away with this?
This woman isn't even famous in her own right! She can't sing, she can't act, she's ugly, and yet she still thinks she's the greatest thing to walk the Earth!

This wannabe actress has proven that she has no talent. Everybody knows it. But she was born filthy rich with a lot of connections. This means no matter how bad she is, she will never fade away. She should be ashamed of herself for imposing herself as an actress when many other actresses with talent have to struggle for decent roles. She has to do nothing to get roles.
No charisma, no acting skills, severe anxiety while performing, body language of a person with Parkinson's, and yet somehow she gets all these roles and has a career? Boggles the mind.

She is the most annoying person on this list, in my opinion.
Paris is a close second, and I will give third place to Gillian Anderson. That picture of her pointing her finger at me makes me homicidal.
I tried hard to find some source of respect for her, but I think that she is definitely the worst at singing, and she has a dumb and immature personality.
She's got nothing but her body.
Britney's talent used to be making near-pornographic music videos for dirty old men. Now that she's too old for that, she's talentless.

If I had to give Miley Cyrus a much-needed reality check, I would say:
1. Everything you touch turns to uncool. I don't see why parents are so concerned with your "rug issues." I bet if you started doing crack, nobody would do it anymore.
2. You need to stop trying to have a bad-ass personality.
3. The only thing you had going for you was your stick-thin frame. So, don't whine about people commenting on your weight gain. Your skinniness was all you had, and you lost it!
4. Don't badmouth Disney or the 9-year-olds that love (or loved) you. That's all you have. Yeah, Hilary Duff may be cheesy, but she at least gets respect for not badmouthing Disney and not being desperate for media attention.
5. If you are the big Nirvana fan that you say you are, I would think you would have picked another song besides "Smells Like Teen Spirit." And maybe you would have at least looked up the lyrics to the song on the internet. It's "my libido," not "I'm a beetle."
6. You need some medication because you seem to have these weird spasms on stage.

Talentless! Gives good female rappers a bad rep. What I find hilariously ironic is that one of her music videos is 99% ass shots while the pathetic lyrics go on about how she's upset that men look at her fake ass! And she slept her way to the top. Not a good position from which to be calling someone a stupid ho.
What did I expect the first time I saw her on TV? I was sitting with a couple of wannabes next to me. The next thing I know, these two women who acted like five-year-old spoiled brats had the same hairstyle as you know who, Nicki Minaj.

How did she even get roles with her chubby cheeks and talentless acting?

If I have to choose a singer that I want to leave the music industry ASAP, it'd be Selena Gomez first. Such an overrated so-called singer, no singing talent, terrible voice, no songwriting talent whatsoever. I'm so sick of all the hype and people queuing up to get her overpriced concert tickets.
She can't act nor can she sing. I really don't understand all the hype. Being with Bieber made her famous, and dressing sexily for magazine covers kept her there. But really, she is an uninteresting, untalented teen bopper with the face of a 12-year-old.

Talentless hack. Is a god-awful musician, terrible rapper, and probably not even good at stripping.
Proof that it's all meaningless.

I can't believe that she received $2 million actual American dollars from Oprah to do some stupid docuseries about her behavior. This actress had millions and went almost broke because of her decadent lifestyle, and now we have to give her $2 million to do some shows about her no-talent?
There are so many poor people in this world who struggle with all kinds of problems, and we give money away to "help" a talentless person? She should be ashamed of herself for accepting that money because she doesn't deserve it. Only she is to blame, and paying the price for her decadent lifestyle by giving her money to help her is way too easy. Give money to people who actually deserve to be helped and not to some has-been that nobody cares about.
The Newcomers

Kylie Jenner must have very low self-esteem to get involved with no-talent street thug rappers. But of course, anyone with a brain wouldn't have anything to do with the Kardashians and the Jenners.
She has had too many plastic surgeries. I kind of feel sorry for her children.
No intelligence, no talent whatsoever.

This woman is a joke! She has no talent whatsoever, and she has some real mental issues. Who puts a 2-year-old, healthy child on a diet? Get help, girl!
She is so ordinary looking, like the girl next door, and people only say she's hot because the media tells them so. I see so many real hot girls walking down the street every day.
This twit couldn't hold a candle to them because they deal with real life. She is one of those people who wouldn't accomplish anything if it wasn't for the fame. Her husband must also be bored of her. Otherwise, he wouldn't go cheating on her with LiLo, right? She's just like Megan Fox - a talentless woman who got famous for taking her clothes off.

It's one thing to not be intelligent. No one will hate you if you are not a genius. But it's another thing to reject intelligence and insult other stars for using "big words" in interviews. This woman does that and should be punished for it.
Plastic surgery freak trying to look like Angelina Jolie. Has zero talent. Face is a scarred-up mess in close-up photos. Says stupid things for attention.
Dumb and talentless, nasty person as well with a personality to match that.

Get this girl off the stage! This girl should be number 2 most talentless!
This is like low-hanging fruit. We shouldn't even know her name.
I hate her voice. It sounds like she sucked on some helium then recorded her song Friday.

Here comes a diabetic obese girl who gets fed gross, extremely fatty foods by her mom.

I don't even know why this stupid girl became famous. She isn't even pretty, she's overweight, and has a horrible personality.
It looks like she has air instead of a brain.
It was funny when she got arrested and kept saying, I'm a good person.
She looks like Jabba the Hut was in a makeup factory when it exploded.

I don't like them anymore. They were okay when they were little, but in their works after 1997 (maybe), I stopped liking them for various reasons.
However, their sister Elizabeth seems pretty cool.
They used to be so, so good when they were little. Now, they are awful.

Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of really bad songs being released nowadays, but the thing that is so remarkable about that Umbrella song is how such a mediocre, lazy piece of songwriting sung by such a talentless artist became so popular.
I get that she is the sexual fantasy of many teenage boys, but she has about as much talent as my neurotic cat when he starts wailing incessantly at four o'clock in the morning.
She wasn't a ho, but now she shows her nips and sings songs that require zero effort about absolutely nothing.

For me, a 50-year-old white guy, there is nothing appealing about her. She seems more like a business than an actual artist, catering to a specific niche, e.g., music for teenage girls or something. I would be embarrassed to actually play her music if I had company over. It would reflect badly on me.
Why is this woman famous? Horrible, horrible singer. Utterly untalented. Music is terrible. Can we bring Ethel Merman back from the dead to do a duet and blast her off the stage? Heck, a duet with anyone talented would be like shooting fish in a barrel.

Her first name reminds me of paint, and her second name reminds me of genocide.

One of the few artists that I can safely say has zero talent. Her financial success shows how the masses can be manipulated into buying anything if it is properly marketed. Those who are unacquainted with real music succumb to the propaganda and hype. Nice-looking package with zero substance. Judging from her following, brainwashing is real.
Can't sing. No vocal range and sounds like a Smurf! Likes to act like she's some kind of pop royalty. Extremely high maintenance with no substance.
She also can't sing. It is such a joke that she is a judge on The Voice!